Dear DAAD Friends and Alumni!🎓

Welcome to our winter edition of the DAAD Australia Newsletter in 2024.

As the darker winter season approaches, we may look forward to observing highlights such as the colourful art installations and bright projections at this year's Sydney Vivid Festival.

In this winter newsletter, we invite you to discover various highlights of the work and offers by the DAAD in Germany, in Australia and around the world.

● Main topics including information and updates on:

  • The State of Academic Freedom Worldwide
  • DAAD Web Service - My GUIDE Campus
  • Report: "Wissenschaft Weltoffen Kompakt"
  • DAAD Australia at the German Cultural Day 2024
  • DAAD Aktuell: "Engagement in the Middle East"
  • Research in Germany - Spotlight stories: "PhD in Germany" & "Welcome to Germany"
  • Research in Germany - Success stories of international researchers in Germany
  • Podcast: Language on the Move
  • DAAD Alumni Australia News

● Announcements

  • Scholarships, Grants & Funding Programmes
  • University Advertisements

We hope you will enjoy reading this edition.

Stay in touch with the DAAD Information Centre in Sydney,

with kind regards, 

Silke Schoppe and Michael Rieke

DAAD Australia - Information Centre Sydney Contact Details

For enquiries and information, please contact the DAAD Information Centre in Sydney:



Teleconferencing: please contact us via email, and our friendly staff will arrange an appointment and provide you with an access link.

The State of Academic Freedom Worldwide

Academic Freedom Index

The Academic Freedom Index (AFI) assesses de facto levels of academic freedom across the world based on five indicators:

  • Freedom to research and teach
  • Freedom of academic exchange and dissemination
  • Institutional autonomy
  • Campus integrity
  • Freedom of academic and cultural expression

Is there academic freedom and freedom of cultural expression related to political issues?

The AFI currently covers 179 countries and territories, and provides the most comprehensive dataset on the subject of academic freedom. This year's data demonstrates that academic freedom is under threat globally.

Read the complete Academic Freedom Index update here.

Read the interview with Dr. Lars Lott, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, expert and contributor of compilation of the Academic Freedom Index (in German) here.

DAAD Further Develops Digital Services

With “My GUIDE Campus”, the DAAD is developing a new web service to accompany international prospective and current students on their way to Germany and to support German universities in attracting international talent. “The digitalisation of academic exchange is an important future topic for the DAAD.[...] A central platform that links existing digital offers from different universities and education providers with easy navigation holds great potential for attracting international talent and thus also for securing skilled workers in the long term,” said DAAD President Prof Dr Joybrato Mukherjee. The project is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with around three million euros over the next three years.

Read more about the new web service here.

DAAD Newsletter Aktuell - May 2024

Engagement in the Middle East

Since the beginning of the war in Gaza, the security situation for the civilian population in the region has come to a head. How can the DAAD act in this difficult situation? In an interview with the DAAD, Dr Christian Hülshörster, Head of Scholarship Programmes South, points out the most important options for action.

The 50th anniversary of the Jerusalem Theological Study Year at the beginning of April also provided an opportunity to address the complex problems in the Middle East. To this end, DAAD President Prof Joybrato Mukherjee and Ambassador Steffen met to discuss the important role of academic cooperation in German-Israeli relations. The DAAD's contribution to the Higher Education Dialogue with the Islamic World programme also shows how active it is in the Middle East.

Read the DAAD Newsletter in German here.

DAAD Australia at

German Cultural Day 2024 in Sydney

DAAD Australia and the Goethe-Institut in Sydney celebrated the German Culture Day 2024 with other partner organisations at the beginning of May. The event, which was attended by a large number of people, included a variety of activities and attracted considerable interest. It was encouraging to observe the high level of interest in German culture, including the opportunities for study in Germany.

Research in Germany:

May and June 2024 Newsletter

May: Spotlight Story - PhD in Germany

The DAAD is not only the main provider for PhD scholarships in Germany, but also offers information and support for researchers interested in boosting their career by coming to Germany. Research in Germany is your first contact point for all questions related to doing a PhD in Germany. From finding funding to writing an application – in this newsletter, you will find the most important resources to get you started.

Find the spotlight story and more information on Research in Germany here.

June: Spotlight Story - Welcome to Germany

Planning to live and work in a different country is never without its complications: from visa and residency questions to language skills, from recognition of documents to insurance, childcare and finding a flat – many things need to be considered. – the German government’s portal for qualified professionals from around the world – is there to make this process as easy as possible for you.

Find the spotlight story and more information on Research in Germany here.

Research in Germany: Success Stories

First-hand experiences from international researchers

What is the reality of doing a PhD in Germany or working as an international researcher like?

Many international researchers come to Germany for a research visit, to get a degree or even to continue their career at a renowned German research institute. Here are the stories of some of these successful scientists.

Take a look at some testimonials and listen to their success stories here.

DAAD Almuni Association Australia

DAAD Alumni Seminar Series

After a successful and stimulating past year our association is continuing its journey of broadening our membership base and consolidating our alumni engagement in collaboration with our network of alumni and partners.

We commenced the 2024 DAAD Alumni program with a talk by DAAD Alumnus and University of Sydney Professor Anthony (Tony) Welch on: The Rise of China: Implications for EU and Australian Higher Education.

A group of DAAD alumni across Australia gathered recently online to hear about China’s scientific rise, and the implications for EU and Australian higher education.

Prof Welch, whose extensive research has focused on global education reforms, the internationalisation of higher education in the Asia-Pacific, and the Chinese knowledge diaspora, provided his audience with a comprehensive overview of current trends and contentions in a context of enhanced security concerns, geopolitics, and US-China relations. A lively discussion followed about collaborative research, cybersecurity, Australia-China business and trade, diplomacy, tourism and travel, and intercultural communication.

The next seminar in our series, will have a focus on diversity in leadership in business, industry, education, and the arts.

More information will be forthcoming soon – stay connected via the DAAD Alumni Association Australia LinkedIn group for future updates.

The seminar series is delivered in various formats, including located (Sydney and Melbourne), hybrid, or online to allow for flexible participation across the year.

Claudia Nelson and Michiko Weinmann

DAAD Alumni Australia Executive Team

Podcast - Language on the Move

Exciting News

Language on the Move, a platform devoted to multilingualism, language learning, and intercultural communication in the contexts of globalisation and migration, co-founded and currently edited by Prof Ingrid Piller, Macquarie University, Sydney, has partnered in February this year with the New Books Network to launch the Language on the Move Podcast. The podcast is hosting conversations about linguistic diversity in social life with key thinkers in the field.

You can listen and subscribe to the Language on the Move Podcast here.

Scholarships, Grants & Programs

Call for Applications

Become an Expert in Reliable AI

With its MSc program, the DAAD Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in relAI offers outstanding students who plan to study a master’s course in AI-related disciplines at Technical University of Munich or Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München an excellent addition to their regular master programme, providing funding and cross-sectional training in challenging fields related to reliable AI.

Application deadline: 17 June 2024

Further information is available here.

Calling for Applications

Green Hydrogen Research Tour 2024

The DAAD invites advanced PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from the European Research Area (ERA) and further partner countries including Australia to join an exclusive Research Tour on green hydrogen research and technology in Germany. From 15 to 20 September 2024, successful applicants can visit renowned German research institutions, gain first-hand insights into the latest advancements in the field, and connect with experts actively contributing to green hydrogen research.

Application deadline: 17 June 2024

Further information is available here.

Calling for Applications

Funding Program: Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme

The initiative of the DAAD and Universities Australia fosters research collaboration of the highest quality and supports exchanges of researchers from member universities to spend time at partner institutions in Germany, and for collaborating German researchers to spend time at Australian universities. The inclusion of early career researchers (ECRs) is a significant focus of this scheme.

Application deadline: 19 June 2024

Find further information here.

Call for Applications

DAAD University Winter Courses

The next University Winter Courses will start in 2025 and run for six weeks during the northern hemisphere winter. The program is open to Bachelor, Master and Doctoral students. It is aimed at students with a sound knowledge of German who are interested in improving their language skills and understanding of contemporary issues.

Application deadline: 15 August 2024.

Further information will be available from 1 July 2024 here.

Read statements by four scholarship holders of the courses in 2024 here.

Call for Applications

Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

This scholarship offers funding for projects in the area of design and planning. Lasting 10-24 months, the scholarship is suitable for foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the areas of Architecture, Interior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban Planning/Urban Development, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture & Landscape Planning.

Application deadline: 25 September 2024 - TBC (Start of funding from October 2025)

Find further information is available here.

Call for Applications

Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music

This scholarship programme offers students with a first degree the opportunity to continue their academic education in Germany with a postgraduate or continuing course of study in the field of music. The scholarships also promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Application deadline: 28 September 2024 - TBC (Start of funding from October 2025)

Further information is available here.

Call for Applications

DAAD RISE Worldwide

Researchers from accredited universities and non-profit research institutions can submit an internship offer for which German students from the fields of engineering, natural and earth sciences, medicine, computer science or related disciplines may apply. A successful applicant will receive a DAAD scholarship to carry out a research stay in your working group for up to 3 months, between Juni and October 2025.

The next application round for internship providers  starts on 15 August 2024

If you wish to submit a project offer, please register at the RISE Worldwide Internship database by 30 September 2024.

Further information is available here

Call for Applications

AGA and Goethe-Institut Fellowship 2024

The fellowship is made available jointly by the Australian German Association (AGA) and the Goethe-Institut Australia. It offers young researchers in Australia the opportunity to spend up to 12 weeks in Germany. The fellowship will support successful applicants to join a language and cultural course and/or to undertake a project of value to the Australian-German community. Applicants from all disciplines are welcome to apply.

Application deadline: 5 August 2024

Further information is available here

University Advertisements

Saarland University - Europa-Institut

Master’s program in European and International Law at the Europa-Institut at Saarland

Boost your career now! Study EU and international law together with students from more than 30 countries and learn from internationally renowned lecturers. Soft skills, moots, excursions to Brussels, Strasbourg & Luxembourg plus an international network of alumni - apply now and meet the world at the Europa-Institut!

Q&A sessions and all info here.

ESB Business School at Reutlingen University

Study truly international in Germany

ESB Business School offers top-ranked undergraduate, graduate and executive programmes in business administration and business engineering (German and/or English), providing a strong network of partner companies and international partner universities all over the world.

Further information is available here.

For further information or comments, please email us at
You can also download previous newsletters from our website.
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