Dear DAAD Friends and Alumni!🎓

Spring is in the air, and we can't wait to be out and about again. The end of a long period of lockdowns across Australia brings along that we can finally reach out further and refresh our connections.😃

With the October edition of our DAAD Australia newsletter we would like to share with you information about our recent und upcoming events, news in regard to our services at DAAD Australia, and exciting announcements of scholarships and funding programmes, starting in 2022.

As many Covid restrictions have recently been eased we are delighted to return to our office soon for offering our services in person and to reconnect with you.🍀

The IC Sydney office will open again on Wednesday, 01 December 2021.

Meanwhile, stay also in touch with us on social media and our website 📲
We look forward to seeing you soon again.

With best regards from Sydney,
Silke Schoppe & Michael Rieke
Information Centre Sydney - Contact Details
Our DAAD Information Centre in Sydney re-opens on:
Wednesday, 01 December 2021

You can also contact us by
Teleconferencing: please contact us via e-mail, and our friendly staff will arrange an appointment and provide you with an access link.
DAAD IC Team Australia
At the beginning of October 2021, Michael Rieke joined the IC Team Sydney as a Communications & Marketing Advisor and Study & Exchange Consultant. Michael has a professional background in education and communications, having worked internationally for business enterprises and institutions in vocational training and cultural exchange.
Michael follows in his position Stefanie Herta who has worked in Social Media/Digital Marketing and Communications at the DAAD Australia. Stefanie has moved to Berlin to take up a master’s degree programme in psychology. We would like to thank Stefanie for her dedicated work at the DAAD IC Sydney and wish her all the best for her future.
Australian DAAD Alumni Association News
Newly elected Executive Committee
of the Australian DAAD Alumni Association

The newly elected Executive Committee held its first Executive Committee meeting in early October and the Executive Committee members’ primary goal is to re-activate and broaden the DAAD network and connect the DAAD alumni and scholars with other German and Australian corporations and organisations across all sectors. Many Executive Committee members have been active DAAD members for many years and the President Claudia Nelson has been an active DAAD alumna and a key member of the DAAD network since the inception of the DAAD Information Centre office in Sydney.

The Executive Committee will launch a program and event series on Innovation, Technology and Leadership in early 2022 and will cooperate closely with industry, academia, and government partners.
Further information and details will follow with the next DAAD newsletter in December.

The Australian DAAD Alumni Executive Committee is looking forward to re-connecting with its cooperation partners and actively broadening its network and connections. The Australian DAAD Alumni Association has elected its new Executive Committee for the next two years.

The seven Executive Committee members are:
·     Claudia Nelson - President
·     Mamoon Haque - Vice President
·     Srinivas Nammi - Secretary
·     Catharina Vendl – Treasurer
·     Bobby Mathan - Public Officer
·     Michiko Weinmann
·     Ulrike Garde
DAAD Australia - Research Ambassador Program 2022/23
Positions Available for 2022/23

Call for applications
For new DAAD Research Ambassadors to join the program 2022/23
We would like to encourage researchers to apply from specific areas/universities such as from Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory or regional universities in particular. If you are interested or know of any suitable candidate, please follow the link to the information about the Research Ambassador Program that includes what is expected in these roles together with the application procedure.
For further information, please contact the DAAD Information Centre here.
Bioeconomy and Circular Economy Symposium
Virtual Event held in September 2021
German-Australian Bio Economy and Circular Economy - Tackling Global Challenges on a Global Scale

As part of the Australia-Germany Research Network (AGRN) branding and DAAD Research Marketing Program, the DAAD IC Sydney and the Germany Embassy Canberra hosted the virtual symposium ‘German-Australian Bioeconomy and Circular Economy – Tackling Global Challenges on a Global Scale’.

The symposium, held on 20 and 21 September 2021, was officially opened by the new Consul General of the federal republic of Germany, Axel Zeidler from Sydney and brought together researchers, policy makers and peak bodies from Australia and Germany in the field of Bioeconomy.

The two-day program offered keynote speeches and panel discussions by high-ranking experts from Australia and Germany. Topics such as Germany’s Bioeconomy Strategy, research-industry partnerships as well as
government initiatives in Australia and Germany were discussed by outstanding and leading scholars in their fields.

The aim of this event was to showcase an overview of current initiatives, funding programs and R&D projects as well as bringing together key players and stakeholders to initiate future collaborations in the bioeconomy and circular economy sector in Germany and Australia.
More than 200 participants from research, industry and government from Australia, Germany and other parts of the world such as Asia, Middle East, Africa, and South America joined the event, took part in discussions, and indicated interest in project partnerships with Germany and Australia.
If you have missed the event, please feel free to watch the recordings of the event sessions here. 
Live Event: 'Real is not Real Enough'
Project Launch: An audio experience based on the work of Günther Anders

This event will launch an audio adaptation of the remarkable diary Washing the Corpses of History, written at the time by German philosopher and poet Günther Anders, now performed by Swiss actor, Edgar Eckert. The audio presentation will be followed by a discussion about the German philosopher's work while he was exiled in Los Angeles.

Read the original translation of the diary in Modernism/Modernity and find out more about Günther Anders.

Event Details:
Date: Thursday, 09 December 2021, 6.00pm-8.00pm
Venue: Goethe-Institut in Sydney
Address: 90 Ocean Street, Woollahra, NSW 2025, Australia

Entry: Free with registration, limited capacity
For registration with the Goethe-Institut, click here
International and National Awards and Prizes
Nobel Prize for Chemistry 🧪
Congratulations to Benjamin List!

Researchers Benjamin List from Germany and US-based David MacMillan received this year the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their development of a catalyst which makes molecular construction easier, cheaper and greener. Their innovation is called ‘organocatalysis’ and is powered by a catalyst built on small organic molecules. The new catalyst is both environmentally friendly and inexpensive to produce. They are essential tools to create other molecules for all kind of materials we need in our daily lives.

Nobel Prize for Physics🌡
Congratulations to Klaus Hasselmann!

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 was awarded to three scientists, amongst them German meteorologist Klaus Hasselmann, whose field of research is climate change. Hasselmann developed methods for analysing which factors shape our global climate, respectively natural phenomena and human activities. His research outcomes and methods are used to show that the increased temperature in the atmosphere is caused by human emissions of carbon dioxide.

Reminder Scholarships, Grants & Programmes
Call for Applications

Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts

This programme funds projects in the artistic field of the Performing Arts (Drama, Theatre Directing/Theatre Dramaturgy, Musicals, Performance Studies, Dance, Choreography). It offers graduates the opportunity to continue their education in Germany with a postgraduate or continuing course of study.

Application Deadline: 2 November 2021 (for stays starting 01 October 2022, or earlier if a German language course is taken prior to the study programme)
Further information is available here
Call for Applications

Research Grants – Short-Term Grants

This programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes.
Fundings are granted for a maximum of six months to carry out a research project or course of continuing scientific education in coordination with an academic adviser in Germany.

Application deadline: 16 November 2021 (for funding from April 2022).
Further information is available here
Call for Applications

Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

Graduates in the fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film receive fundings to continue their education in Germany with a postgraduate or continuing course of study. This programme funds projects in the artistic and creative area between 10 and 24 months.

Application deadline: 30 November 2021 (for stays starting 01 October 2022, or earlier if a German language course is taken prior to the study programme).
Further information is available here
Call for Applications
The DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Programme

The DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Programme is one of the world's most respected artist-in-residence programmes for established artists working in the fine arts, film, literature and music. Fundings are provided for a one-year stay in Berlin.

Application deadline: 1 December 2021 (for 2023 fellowships).
Further information is available here
Research in Germany October Newsletter
The new "Research in Germany" spotlight on the topic of global health has just been launched! Apart from this, learn more about the new WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence recently inaugurated in Berlin, discover the interactive Excellence Strategy map, and meet a computer scientist from Saudi Arabia doing his PhD at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics in Bonn. And finally, of course, don't miss out on our current calls and upcoming events! Read on here
University Advertisements

Join Freie Universität Berlin’s new Continuing Education Program online to further key competencies, like Intercultural Communication or Diversity Management. Young professionals and life-long learners will gain practical skills to set their CVs apart.
Further information is available here
Boost your career. Get a German Master‘s Degree in Data Science & PM – Online

Become a Data Analyst with the option to work and live in Germany. Acquire a German Master’s Degree fully in English, part-time, online. In a mix of live video lectures with your professors and on-demand eLearning material. In classes with max. 40 students.
Join us at HTW Berlin!
Further information is available here
Internship Programme 2022, German Summer

Leaders for Future is an international internship program in Berlin for ambitious people from all over the world. The program is designed to strengthen your professional skills, to familiarise you with the international job market and provide you with networking opportunities.

Application deadline: 30 November 2021 
Further information is available here
Join Us!
For further information or comments, please email us at
You can also download previous newsletters from our website.