Newsletter #57 - DAAD Australia
2020 Wrap-Up
Dear Alumni and friends of the DAAD,

We would like to take the opportunity to thank you all kindly for your support throughout this rather different and challenging year 2020.

For 2021, we are looking forward to be able to network with you in person and/or virtually at one of our many events, which will be advertised in due time through our event calendar and other communication channels.

This is the final newsletter by DAAD Australia for 2020 - the next one will follow in February 2021.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from all of us at the DAAD Information Centre in Sydney! We wish you a peaceful and relaxing New Year and look forward to being in touch in 2021!

Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch!

Warm regards from Sydney,

Katharina McGrath, Silke Schoppe & Stefanie Herta

The DAAD Information Centre (IC) in Sydney & How to Get in Touch

Please note: the Information Centre will be closed from Mon 21 December until 02 January 2021. We will be open again from 04 January 2021. We are available for you by e-mail, phone and teleconferencing during business hours, Mondays to Fridays.

New Phone number:+61 272088119

Teleconferencing: please contact us via e-mail,
our staff will provide you with an access link.

By E-mail:

We would love to hear from you and help achieve your academic goals with the DAAD!

Australia-Germany Research Network Conference 2020 - Platform still online until May 2021!
The Australia-Germany Research Network Conference 2020 brought together more than 260 registered German and Australian researchers and stakeholders from universities, research organisations, funding agencies, industry, and government to discuss current challenges and opportunities for German-Australian research cooperation.

The event platform will continue to stay online and available for networking until mid 2021. Recordings of all panels and keynotes are accessible via the platform (after registration):
Australia-Germany Research Network
on LinkedIn
We would like to invite you to join the Australia-Germany Research Network (AGRN), a joint initiative by the German Embassy in Canberra and the Australian Embassy in Berlin.

The interactive network is hosted on the social media platform for professionals, LinkedIn. Please register here.
Did you know? The DAAD Australia also has a Group on LinkedIn!

Why Should I Join?
Created by the Sydney DAAD IC Centre, this group aims to reach our valuable connections and:
  • Share related content on university education in Germany including scholarships, events and job offers
  • Provide a networking space between like-minded individuals

Who Can Join?
Our group is open to anyone from Australia who are interested in the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or have pre-existing connections to the DAAD including alumni, researchers, administrators, members of faculty, and students.

Please feel free to also share this with others who may be interested.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Dr. Kai Sicks becomes new Secretary-General
Dr. Kai Sicks, former Head of the Department of International Affairs at the University of Bonn will be appointed as the new DAAD Secretary-General. He will take over from Dr. Dorothea Rüland in February 2021.

'In Kai Sicks, the DAAD is gaining the services of an extremely experienced science manager with extensive experience in the internationalisation of the higher education system,' said DAAD President Prof Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee at the Executive Committee meeting on 10 November 2020.

Aged 43 and with a doctorate in German studies, Sicks studied at the University of Vienna, the University of Cologne, and Goethe University Frankfurt. Scholarships took him to such institutions as the German Historical Institute in Washington DC and Cornell University (both in the USA). More information here.
My Guide - The Gateway to your German University

German study programmes are vast and full of options, but how can you navigate these and choose what is right for you?

My Guide (available in English & German) is a new and easy to use DAAD platform that helps you find the right Bachelor or Master program in Germany. It also allows you to contact the university directly, streamlining your journey!

Follow three simple steps to your study in Germany with My Guide

  1. Choose your subject
  2. Check your eligibility
  3. Contact the university

“Germany, what goes?”

The end of the year special:
Our Alumniportal-Podcasts!

In 18 episodes Dana Newman travels through six German cities and visits exciting places and great projects. In conversations with local reporters, she also explores typical city features.

Every Monday and Wednesday, new episodes are published in a mixture of German and English. There is something for everyone – The podcasts are also a great opportunity to refresh your German!

University Advertisements
Preparatory programmes for higher and professional education. You want to work or study in Germany, but don´t meet the requirements?

Fulda University´s Pre-College and Pre-Study programmes prepare you to study Bachelor´s and Master´s programmes or to pursue a vocational training.

They include subject-related, practical and German language courses as well as introductions to living, studying and working in Germany.
On-Site + Online: FUBiS Berlin International Summer and Winter University

FUBiS is an intensive academic (on-site and online) program of Freie Universität Berlin through which students can earn credits. FUBiS sessions run for 3 to 6 weeks - both in summer and winter.

Students can choose between subject classes (mostly taught in English) and German language courses and participate in a rich cultural program. FU Berlin (FUBiS)
FU Berlin (FU-BEST) -Freie Universität Berlin European Studies Program offers an 8-week full-time internship placement with companies and organizations in Berlin that awards 10 ECTS credits upon successful completion.
Please visit our website or contact us by email for more information!
At the NIT in Hamburg, Germany you learn how to tackle management tasks responsibly.

Our program in Technology Management (MBA with Double Master option) prepares you for the requirements of an increasingly digitalized working environment. The modular course content enables you to study in part-time.

Apply at the NIT and be part of our international community!
Study in Berlin: MBA & International Master’s Programmes at HWR Berlin (Professional School).
Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Study management in English. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation and coaching. Discover Berlin - Germany’s startup hub, low cost of living, culturally rich and colourful.
Join Us!
For further information or comments, please email us at
You can also download previous newsletters from our website.
This newsletter has been prepared by:
DAAD Regional Office Australia, 90 Ocean Street, Sydney NSW 2025, 
legally represented by Dr. Dorothea Rüland, 
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V., 
Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn
Tel.: (+61) 041 3592-504
Head office: 
Bonn (Germany), registered with the Bonn District Court, Commercial Register Court VR 2105

Editorial staff:
Katharina McGrath, Silke Schoppe, Stefanie Herta
Liability Notice:
We are not liable for the content of any websites run by third parties. This remains solely the responsibility of the third parties.

Copyright © by DAAD e.V. Copyright by DAAD e.V. The content of this newsletter is copyright-protected. All rights reserved. The full or partial reproduction of a text or images without prior permission by the DAAD is prohibited.
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