After all this cleansing and life giving California rain, we are hoping that March brings weather we can get back to walking and exercising outdoors. I
f you are an avid hiker, walker or simply find yourself on your feet a lot for work and life, our doctors and those on the popular syndicated television
The Doctors
, recommend
custom orthotics as part of your health and wellness regime.
According to
The Doctors
, custom orthotics are a “BUZZ!”
In a segment on products that ease back pain, their message was clear, if you’re looking to address the cause of back pain, don’t waste your time and money on off-the-shelf shoe inserts – custom orthotics are far superior.
Foot Levelers custom orthotics are heavily featured during the segment. Dr. Fab Mancini, America’s #1 Healthy Living Media Expert, shows
The Doctors
how Foot Levelers Orthotics
not only add comfort to every shoe, but also support each foot individually while supporting dropped arches and evenly distributing weight across both feet allowing the body to remain balanced all the way up the biomechanical chain.
Dr. Mancini references a study that proves custom orthotics help reduce back pain by “over 30 percent.” In 2017, a randomized control trial was published in the
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
that proves
custom-made orthotics reduce low back pain by 34.5 percent.
Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missing work and is the #1 cause of work-related disability in people under 45 in the U.S.
At InnerMovement we have helped patients with back pain for over 15 years using Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Massage care. We love helping alleviate our patients pain and
we hope you will trust us when we say that adding Foot Scans and Custom Orthotics to our patient protocol has been one of the Best Additions we have ever made.
Patients LOVE their orthotics because they hold their adjustments longer and have less foot, back and knee pain. They also report being able to walk for long distances while on vacation or otherwise without getting fatigued like before.
If you have not had your feet scanned, make sure to do so on your next visit. It only takes 30 seconds and will give you & our doctors valuable information about the health of your FEET.
Until your next visit,
Dr Heidi & the staff at InnerMovement