Available from CFVI

In case you’ve missed any of our recent funding announcements, please see below for a summary of current opportunities:

CARES Act Emergency Relief Grants for Humanities
Grants ranging between $2,500 and $20,000 are available to nonprofit entities across the U.S. Virgin Islands that provide humanities programming as a significant part of their mission and that are facing financial hardship due to COVID-19. (Organizations that have not been affected by COVID-19 may apply for CFVI’s NEH-funded Humanities Project Grants, listed below). Grants are offered for humanities programming and activities and related general operating support. In this second round of funding, a total of $64,112 is available. Details on the 11 grants made in the first round, totaling $186,555, will be announced shortly.

Learn more and apply:

Deadline: Rolling 

USVI Humanities Projects 
Up to $180,000 is available to fund eligible entities. Grants ranging between $1,000 and $7,500 (for individuals) or between $1,000 and $20,000 (for organizations) are available to fund humanities programs, projects, and initiatives such as book festivals, literacy campaigns, speaker’s bureaus, teacher development, cultural tourism, humanities publications, films, exhibitions, and projects that preserve and provide access to cultural and educational resources in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Learn more and apply:

Deadline: September 30, 2020

CFVI Friends and Family Fund for USVI Renewal
The CFVI Friends and Family Fund for USVI Renewal (FNF) was established in September 2017 with donations from CFVI’s family, friends, existing Fund donors, Angels, and other partners. This fund is directed by CFVI’s Board of Directors to focus on immediate grassroots needs in the community and support long-term solutions in some of the Foundation’s main areas of focus: early childhood, youth development, the environment, vulnerable individuals and families, and health/wellbeing. CFVI welcomes proposals for up to $100,000 for projects/programs that will support ongoing recovery, revitalization and building forward efforts to enhance the wellbeing of residents and ecosystems across the U.S. Virgin Islands. 

Learn more and apply:

Deadline: September 30, 2020

Judith A. Towle Environmental Studies Fund
Funding is available to support studies and activities that address environmental concerns that transcend the boundaries of a single island or island state in the insular Caribbean. Funded through the Judith A. Towle Environmental Studies Fund at CFVI, up to $4,500 is available to support activities that include internships, research studies, workshops, seminars and lectureships, or publications.

Deadline: September 30, 2020

Rapid Response Mini Grants for Youth Programs
Mini grants of up to $1,000 are available to support youth programs. Funding is intended to address critical one-time needs associated with programs, projects, and initiatives serving children and youth (ages birth through 24) in the Territory. Priority will be given to programs serving children from homes with financial challenges.

Learn more and apply:

Deadline: August 15, 2020
If you have a need/idea that does not fit into any of the above categories, you may complete our Grant Interest Form to provide us with a brief summary. Information submitted via the Grant Interest Form is kept on file and reviewed periodically. 

If you have questions about any of the above, please contact Director of Grants and Programs, Anna Wheatley Scarbriel, at

If you have technical questions about your application or the grant portal, contact Executive Manager, Beth Nuttall at
About the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands
Since 1990, the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI) has been a catalyst for positive change in the Territory through initiatives committed to youth, learning, family support and the environment. With a professional staff and a volunteer Board of Directors composed of community leaders, CFVI is a trusted advocate and supporter of programs that ensure opportunity and sustainability for current and future generations. CFVI is a registered non-profit organization entirely supported by individual donors, grants, trusts, corporate donations and estate planning. For more information, visit