Our Mission
To find a cure and better treatments for Juvenile Myositis and improve the lives of families affected by JM.

In This Issue

🎈 We're Thankful For YOU, Our Hope Heroes

🎈 "Story of Hope" - Hear Sturgill's Inspiring Tale and Hopes For A Brighter Future

🎈 Our 20th Year Opens With Four Promising Research Grants

🎈 Help Us Carry Momentum Into 2023 - Announcing Our Founders' Challenge!

🎈2023 Cure JM Family Conference • Save the Date


Thank You For Your Support During The Holiday Season...

Thank you all for your support and participation in our 2022 Holiday Challenge! Your generosity made Giving Tuesday a banner day for Cure JM. Your support ensures that no stone is unturned as we pursue the best treatments and best care for our kids.

As we've opened a historic 20th year, we are excited to carry this momentum through December 31st to ensure no promising research is left behind. For all the progress, our work isn't done!

We're excited to announce our Founders' Over The Top Challenge with gifts being matched up to the first $25,000 given, now through December 31st.

Your participation means a lot to our success. Contact shannon.malloy@curejm.org.

View Progress

Sturgill, all smiles even on infusion day.

Story of Hope - A Young JM Warrior's Journey

Meet Sturgill, a young JM warrior that was diagnosed just before his 3rd birthday.

This short film sheds light on the trials and tribulations of a child overcoming challenges in hope of a brighter future.

Get to know Sturgill and hear what a future free of JM means to him and his family.

Watch Now

Cure JM's 20th Year Opens With Promise Of Four New Research Grants

This year saw a strong field of grant applications across a variety of JDM research projects. Again, we saw applications spanning the globe, recognition of the Cure JM Foundation’s preeminence in JM research, and global reach.

Thank you for making new research possible. Your support powers our mission to find better treatments and a cure, improving the lives of families battling juvenile myositis.

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Announcing Our Founders' Over The Top Challenge!

Thanks to your outpouring of support on Giving Tuesday, we are so close to meeting our stretch goal of $1 million dollars for juvenile myositis research by December 31.  

To meet this goal, Cure JM Co-Founders Tom and Shari Hume have stepped forward with a Founders' Over the Top Challenge:

  Our founders will match the next $25,000 given.

With your support, we can reach this goal and start our 20th year stronger than ever!

You can give hope this holiday season.

Give Now

Announcing the 2023 Cure JM Family Conference

Thursday, June 29–Sunday, July 2, 2023

Washington, DC

The Cure JM Family Conference is back! 

Join families from around the country to learn about the latest treatment and research advances to share in our hope and progress.

🎈Receive the latest updates from world-renowned researchers and physicians, including Cure JM’s Medical Advisory Board.

🎈Connect with other families that understand what you and your family are experiencing. 

🎈Engage in activities for JM kids and siblings of all ages.

🎈 Attend our 20th Anniversary Awards Banquet.

🎈Attend the National Walk Strong Across America fundraising event.

More information about Early Bird Registration discounts to follow.


Do you have a story you would like to share?

Please contact familynews@curejm.org

Cure JM Foundation

19309 Winmeade Drive, Suite 204

Leesburg, VA 20176




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