October 15, 2020
Worship With Us Online
Sunday, October 18
9:30 a.m.
Pastor Reggie
Preaching This Sunday
"In the Name of Jesus"
Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost
October Sermon Series: In the Light of Your Promise
This month, we will be diving into the new hymn, In the Light of Your Promise, written by Tom Paulson and Pastor Laura. Each Sunday, Pastor Reggie or Pastor Laura will preach on one verse of the hymn, combining the focus of the poetry with a passage from scripture.

Tune in to discover more about this timely hymn and all of the ways God is alive and moving through word and song.
Faith, Fire, Fellowship, and Marshmallows!
We give thanks for the beautiful weather during our campfire worship last Saturday! 37 attendees heard a message from Pastor Reggie and enjoyed camp songs sung by Kate Peterson, Pastor Laura and Tom Paulson. The evening was made complete with toasting marshmallows and fellowship following worship. A wonderful time had by all!
Women's Bible Study
Our Women of the Word will be gathering virtually this Saturday, October 17, at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom! We will be diving into Session Three of our journey through the Book of Ruth. Interested in joining? All are welcome at ANY time! Contact Pastor Laura for details.
Parking Lot Construction Starting Soon
The West entrances and drive lanes at the preschool entrance will soon be under construction! Crown of Glory has contracted with Kusske Construction Company to begin Phase #1 of our parking lot remodel.  Bob Chinnock, our volunteer building and grounds coordinator, will be the lead manager on the parking lot project. Our goal is to complete this first phase of the project before winter. Phase #1 of the parking lot project has been fully funded by the Pulte Land Swap Fund. We look forward to our new addition to the entrances and curbs along Cardinal Street on the West side of the parking lot!
Music Notes
I have been in a unique position these last two Sundays, to listen to Pastor Reggie and Pastor Laura preach on our new hymn In the Light of Your Promise.  Pastor Laura wrote the first verse as a prayer response; I wrote the melody and harmony. Then Laura wrote the rest of the verses. It is a song obviously near and dear to my heart not only because of my partnership in it’s creation, but because it reminds us (and me!) in difficult times, who God is, and why God matters in our lives.
The first verse (also the last, God as beginning and ending), preached Oct. 4, is essentially a prayer – In the light of your promise, give us your peace, send us your Spirit, etc. The second verse preached last Sunday, October 11, reminds us of God’s role in our lives. So, our music took shape around our perceptions of God – Creator, gave me birth, source of every breath, mothering, my wind, water of life, you’re reigning still - and our response - shape us to be yours.
This coming Sunday Pastor Reggie is preaching on the third verse, “In the gentle arms of Mary, Word became flesh.” It’s about Jesus, God becoming human, Word becoming flesh, living among us, grace and truth, a gift undeserved, a peace for the world. Listen for our music to reflect that message – Longing for light we wait in darkness, longing for peace our world is troubled, Christ be our light, shine through the darkness – and our response - I want to walk as a child of the light, I want to follow Jesus, in him there is no darkness.
If verse two is about God, and verse three is about Jesus, it’ll come as no surprise that verse 4, preached next Sunday, October 25, is about the Holy Spirit. October 25 is also Reformation Sunday, and in normal times would have been Confirmation Sunday. What a great confluence between the Spirit of God, and the ongoing re-formation of God’s people. Even though we cannot formally hold a confirmation service due to pandemic restrictions, God’s spirit is still teaching us all how to “become one in your love.”

Tom Paulson
Director of Music & Worship
Senior High Ministry Zoom Check In: 9th–12th Grade
Join us for a monthly zoom check in for all senior high youth on Tuesday, October 20 from 8:00 p.m.– 8:45 p.m. Our topic for the evening: How difficult is it being a teenager during a pandemic? What’s your biggest obstacle right now? What do you miss right now? How are you adapting to life during a pandemic?

The Zoom Link for this class session is: https://zoom.us/j/94512018223, no password required.
Confirmation News: 6th–8th Grade 
Confirmation Ministry resumes its regular schedule on Wednesday, October 21 starting at 6:45 p.m. Our class session #4 topic for the evening will be “Martin Luther and the Reformation”; we learn about Martin Luther’s 95 Theses and the meaning of the Reformation. 

The Zoom Link for this class session is: https://zoom.us/j/93109378139, no password required.
Connect News: 4th & 5th Grade
Connect Ministry resumes its regular schedule on Wednesday, October 21 starting at 6:00 p.m. Our class session #4 topic for the evening will be “Covenant”; we learn about God’s promises in the Old Testament. 

The Zoom Link for this class session is: https://zoom.us/j/92186048510, no password required.
Pick up your October SPARK bags... it's not too late!
If you haven’t done so already, please stop by the church next week to pick your SPARK bag(s) up! Once you arrive at the North doors (off of the parking lot), give the office a call and tell us how many bags you need (one bag for each SPARK student) and a staff member will bring them out to you. Feel free to let Pastor Laura know if you have any questions.

SPARK Lesson: Paying Taxes
This Sunday, during the Children’s Message, we will hear from Pastor Reggie about a story from the Gospel of Matthew where religious leaders tried to trick Jesus! Jesus didn’t fall for their tricks and instead, he taught the leaders how to do an important math lesson: God made you + Jesus says “Give to God the things that are God’s” = Give yourself to God. We can live our lives for God at home, at school, and everywhere in-between!
Nursery Nuggets
Hi Nursery Buddies and Parents!

This week we are looking at the last day of the Creation Story. Do you know what God created on the last day? Adam and Eve! He created humans to be in His image. So, today we are going to celebrate humanity. We are capable of so very much, good and bad. But one thing that we all need to do as Christ followers that makes our humanity special is pray! We’ve spent some time learning different ways we can see God by being in His beautiful creation. So now, we’ll explore His continuing creation in us.

Read: Genesis 1:1-31

Bible Memory: Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

Art: Here is a Prayer Board! You can print or draw it out and color it any way you like. If your parents can help with post-it notes, you can stick your answers on what to pray about in each box. Then make time to talk to God about each one. Bedtime could be a good time, or even after breakfast can be a great way to start the day. After a while you won't need to write out a post-it, you’ll be a natural!

Song: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. Get your wiggle on and celebrate the human you are!

Adventure: Look around at all the humans you see today. Take in the things you spot that make us all different part of God’s image. Can you spot someone with longer or shorter hair then you? Maybe a different shade? How about someone with hair on their face? After that, look at things that make you the same. Have the same eye color? Even some freckles that are similar? Sometimes it’s as simple as having elbows like everyone else!

Have Fun,
Jenni Payne
Nursery Coordinator
What's for Dinner?
Offering and Electronic Giving
Please consider continuing your weekly offering during these times when we are not gathering, as our congregation will still have our regular financial obligations. Thank you for considering one of the following ways:
  • Mailing your offering to our address at 1141 Cardinal Street Chaska, MN 55318.
  • Getting signed up for Simply Giving, an automated giving option, by filling out this form and sending it to our Director of Finance, Ashley Pederson.
  • Trying “Text to Give” by sending a text to our secure account at 833-497-3991.

Please scan our QR code to be taken to our giving page or click here to learn more. Thank you.
Crown of Glory Updates
  • Pastors will be available by phone or email in case of an emergency or for any other pastoral care needs. To reach one of our pastors directly please call the church office at 952-448-3230 and select the appropriate extension. The office phone system will forward the call directly to the pastor’s personal cell phone every time you call.
  • If you or a loved one is considering baptism, please contact Pastor Reggie or Pastor Laura.

Communications Update:
  • For security purposes all staff emails have been removed from the church website, as there have been an increased volume of scam emails. All staff can be reached by calling the church office. Emails will continued to be shared in all written and e-communications.

Sustaining Fund Summary - Year through September 30, 2020:
  • Expenses: $563,173
  • Revenue: $532,275
  • Balance: (-$30,898)

Church Council Update:
  • The August Church Council minutes are now available. Please contact Pastor Reggie if you would like a copy emailed to you.
  • The next Church Council Meeting is on November 9, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Building Use: 
  • Click here to read our COVID-19 Building Use Update
  • In response to the Governor’s “Stay Safe MN” order, Crown of Glory is extending the closure of our church building, and all in-person indoor worship and ministries until further notice. Our reopening plan can be found here. Thank you for your support during these times. 
  • DS West Driving School instructors and students are using the church parking lot for behind the wheel instruction.

COVID-19 Update: Mask Mandate
  • Please click here to read our response to Executive Order 20-81.

Carver County Resources:
  1. COVID-19 Website: www.co.carver.mn.us/covid-19
  2. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@CarverCounty) for daily updates 
  3. Need Help Coping? Call First Street Center at (952) 442-4437
  4. County’s Community Resource Response - Link to resources such as employment, business support, child care, transportation, food access, domestic violence, housing, mental health and more:
Worship Attendance
In Our Prayers
October 11, 2020
9:30 a.m.: 56 Live Views
Next Day: 96 Total Views
Prayer Requests
Please E-mail

"Where Family and Friends
Grow Together in Faith"