June 4, 2020
Worship With Us Online
Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Pastor Laura
Preaching This Sunday
Holy Trinity Sunday
Passing of the Peace From...
The Saulsbury Family
The Taylor Family
Pastor Laura and
Pastor Tom
Thank you to all who took part in our Peace Vigil!
Thankful Thursdays!
Log onto our YouTube channel at 12:05 p.m. today for a brief prerecorded devotional by Pastor Laura! We will be offering this devotional every Thursday during this time of social distancing. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Reggie or Pastor Laura !
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and Turn on Notifications
If you would like to be notified of when we are “live” or when we post a new video on our YouTube page, make sure you click on the “Subscribe” button on the Crown of Glory Chaska MN YouTube homepage, as well as clicking on the “bell” icon and select “All” to receive notifications whenever we publish a new video! If you have any questions, contact Pastor Laura !
Offering and Electronic Giving
Please consider continuing your weekly offering during these times when we are not gathering, as our congregation will still have our regular financial obligations. Thank you for considering one of the following ways:
  • Mailing your offering to our address at 1141 Cardinal Street Chaska, MN 55318.
  • Getting signed up for Simply Giving, an automated giving option, by filling out this form and sending it to our Director of Finance, Ashley Pederson.
  • Trying “Text to Give” by sending a text to our secure account at 833-497-3991.

Please scan our QR code to be taken to our giving page or click here to learn more. Thank you.
Children's Ministry
Growing in Faith Together
Welcome to the season of Pentecost! This is the time in the church year we focus on growing in faith, following the way of Jesus, living as citizens in the kingdom of heaven.

On Holy Trinity Sunday we learn about our ruler who is a beloved community of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As citizens and subjects of the Beloved Community, our lives reflect the nature and character of this God we worship and serve. In this week’s gospel, Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus said, “Go…and remember, I am with you always”. In your prayer and reflection this week, let the presence of God as Beloved Community dwell in you, be with you - energizing you like hanging out with your favorite people, and extending from you like the pleasant aroma of home cooking.

From this place, ponder two things. Knowing that God, the Beloved Community, is with you, What do you have courage and conviction to do? And knowing that God, the Beloved Community is with you, What do you have courage and conviction to stop doing? Go. And the peace that passes all understanding will keep you in the company of Friends. 
SPARK Lesson is on creation! Genesis 1:1-2:4. God created all things and people in the divine image to care for creation and one another! God gave people work to do and sabbath rest! 
VBS Update: Register by June 14
We are delighted to share that Green Lake Lutheran Ministries is working with their staff to develop VBS materials for use at home for ages pre-K through 5 th  grade, which we will be able to share with you at no cost! Please fill out  this form by June 14  if you are interested in receiving VBS materials when they become available. For those who can and want to support Green Lake Lutheran Ministries and Crown of Glory Children’s Ministries, we will split your donation 50/50. For more information please visit our  website .
How Does Your Garden Grow?
The Creation Care Team encourages gardeners to plant a little extra if you have the space. Original plans were for our ministry to coordinate a harvest-themed event with various activities. We don’t know if we’ll be able to do that this year, but we believe it would still be wonderful to share God’s garden abundance with the congregation in some fashion. We will try to make that happen this fall. Hope your garden is off to a great start!  
Get Your Green Thumb Ready
Spring has sprung and it’s time to plan CoG’s landscaping projects to help keep the grounds looking good. This year the goal will be to keep projects easy-to-tackle while aligning with social distancing guidelines. Our Adopt-A-Garden program was a great success last year and we are happy to bring that back this year. This allows you and your family to help CoG by maintaining a small planting area or potted plants throughout the growing season. Other project work will focus on weed maintenance and perennial additions around the property—watch for more details soon. If you would like to join this ministry, please email  Kellie  at the church office. 
What's for Dinner?
Try this recipe for Kicked-Up Tuna Melts!
Crown of Glory Updates
Building Use: 
  • In response to the Governor’s most recent extension of the “Safe at Home” order, Crown of Glory is extending the closure of our church building, and all in-person worship and ministries until July 6 or until further notice. Thank you for your support during these times. 
  • DS West Driving School instructors and students have resumed using the church parking lot for behind the wheel instruction.

Sustaining Fund Summary - Year through May 31, 2020:
  • Expenses: $309,863
  • Revenue: $294,527  

Carver County Resources:
  1. COVID-19 Website: www.co.carver.mn.us/covid-19
  2. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@CarverCounty) for daily updates 
  3. Need Help Coping? Call First Street Center at (952) 442-4437
  4. County’s Community Resource Response - Link to resources such as employment, business support, child care, transportation, food access, domestic violence, housing, mental health and more:

  • Pastors will be available by phone in case of an emergency or for any other pastoral care needs. To reach one of our pastors directly please call the church office at 952-448-3230 and select the appropriate extension. The office phone system will forward the call directly to the pastor’s personal cell phone every time you call.
Live Streamed Worship
In Our Prayers
May 31, 2020
9:30 a.m.: 80 Live Views
Next Day: 116 Total Views

June 3, 2020
6:30 p.m.: 25 Live Views

Peace Vigil: 86 Attendees
Prayer Requests
Please E-mail

"Where Family and Friends
Grow Together in Faith"