July 2, 2020
Worship With Us Online
Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Minneapolis Area Synod Worship
Sunday, July 5th

Pastor Kelly Chatman,
Advisor to the Bishop, Preaching

Musicians from Redeemer Lutheran in North Minneapolis will be providing music and spoken word.

The worship service will be available to view on our CoG YouTube page starting at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday morning. Please go to our website and click on the YouTube icon.

Worship Bulletin
Passing of the Peace From...
Nick and Chuck
Gretchen and John
Thankful Thursdays!
Log onto our YouTube channel at 12:05 p.m. for a brief devotional by Pastor Reggie! We will be offering this devotional every Thursday during this time of social distancing. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Reggie or Pastor Laura !
It is Time for an Outdoor Worship!
Mark your calendars for our first outdoor worship on July 12th at 9:30 a.m.! We are excited to see many of you in person! If you prefer, we will also be livestreaming the service. More details to come in a special Tuesday e-newsletter.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and Turn on Notifications
If you would like to be notified of when we are “live” or when we post a new video on our YouTube page, make sure you click on the “Subscribe” button on the Crown of Glory Chaska MN YouTube homepage, as well as clicking on the “bell” icon and select “All” to receive notifications whenever we publish a new video! If you have any questions, contact Pastor Laura !
Offering and Electronic Giving
Please consider continuing your weekly offering during these times when we are not gathering, as our congregation will still have our regular financial obligations. Thank you for considering one of the following ways:
  • Mailing your offering to our address at 1141 Cardinal Street Chaska, MN 55318.
  • Getting signed up for Simply Giving, an automated giving option, by filling out this form and sending it to our Director of Finance, Ashley Pederson.
  • Trying “Text to Give” by sending a text to our secure account at 833-497-3991.

Please scan our QR code to be taken to our giving page or click here to learn more. Thank you.
Children's Ministry
Growing in Faith Together
The gospel this week helps us discover wisdom to take wise action in the midst of our clumsiness. In Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30, Jesus begins to describe his hearers as missing cultural cues, of not knowing how to play well together, and of not recognizing God’s agents and messengers because they don’t appear and act in expected ways! (v.16-19) In the skipped verses are “woes” Jesus proclaimed to unrepentant cities of their systemic and communal sin.

Even so, Jesus rejoices that wisdom is revealed to “infants”, to those without cultural power or authority. I have heard “the younger generation will save us from our troubles”. What do our children and young adults see and know about our world that the adults and elders do not see and know? In our prayer and practice this week, ask a child or younger person how they see the world; what is wrong and what is their hope for fixing it? It is a “come to Jesus” moment. Can we see Jesus in the faces and lives of young people? There is time to learn from Jesus, to take on his yolk, and learn gentle and humble ways, and find rest for our weary souls. The peace that surpasses all understanding will keep you in Christ Jesus our Lord.  
SPARK Lesson
“Come to Me” is Jesus’ invitation to all who are weary in Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30. Most kids don’t literally carry heavy things all day, but can feel the weight of busy schedules, worries about achievement or grades or managing relationships and the expectations of others. Jesus offers rest and a different way to live! 
Music Notes
Last week I told you about Shirley, my voice teacher and high school church choir director. Imagine 50 high school kids singing for worship every Sunday. That’s the program she led, and I grew up in. Before we sang each Sunday, she would ask us, “What is this song about?” Then she’d answer her own question, “It’s about how much Jesus loves you and everyone, and expects you to love everyone he loves. When you see that lonely kid at school, Jesus expects you to go make friends with him. Jesus loves him just as much as he loves you.” It didn’t matter if we were singing the Hallelujah Chorus, the Battle Hymn of the Republic or How Great Thou Art – all of which we sang. It was about how much Jesus loves you and how you should love others. Shirley talked the talk, and walked the walk. She helped every kid to sing to their best potential, and demonstrated how to treat others with love and respect.

On Sunday June 28, I picked our Offertory song, For Everyone Born, in response to Matthew 10:40-42, “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me…whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these my little ones…” I hear so many parallels from Jesus, “love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” “When you did it to the least of these my children, you did it to me.” It begs the question, who is excluded from the love of God?

For everyone born, a place at the table. For everyone born, clean water and bread,
A shelter, a space, a safe place for growing, for everyone born, a star overhead.
And God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy, compassion, and peace.

The song is challenging. Subsequent verses talk about women and men revising the roles and sharing the power, young and old being of equal value, just and unjust, abuser and abused, and all people finding a new way to live. It talks about walking the walk. Perhaps that’s what Jesus meant when he talked about abundant life. Thank you, Shirley!

Tom Paulson
Director of Music & Worship
What's for Dinner?
Try this recipe for Fourth of July Baked Beans!
Looking for ways to love God and your neighbor?
Please check out the Twin Cities Mutual Aid Project . We are in a position to see the scope of need and determine trends across the aid sites in the Twin Cities and here is what we know:
  1. Sites that were overwhelmed with the generosity of the public two weeks ago are now desperate for donations of both items and money. The interest in donating both has waned but the need is still high.
  2. There is a wider variety of needs than there were a few weeks ago. If you have something you think might be useful to someone, please use the search tool in the map and see if someone is asking for it.
  3. There are still a lot of people who do not know about this tool! Please share the link on your personal page, you can also share on other social media platforms. Now that some of the activity has quieted, maybe people will see a post about this tool and check it out. www.tcmap.org
Crown of Glory Updates
Building Use: 
  • In response to the Governor’s most recent extension of the “Safe at Home” order, Crown of Glory is extending the closure of our church building, and all in-person worship and ministries until July 6 or until further notice. Thank you for your support during these times. 
  • DS West Driving School instructors and students have resumed using the church parking lot for behind the wheel instruction.

Fare For All Upcoming Dates:
  • July 30th and October 1st

Carver County Resources:
  1. COVID-19 Website: www.co.carver.mn.us/covid-19
  2. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@CarverCounty) for daily updates 
  3. Need Help Coping? Call First Street Center at (952) 442-4437
  4. County’s Community Resource Response - Link to resources such as employment, business support, child care, transportation, food access, domestic violence, housing, mental health and more:

  • Pastors will be available by phone in case of an emergency or for any other pastoral care needs. To reach one of our pastors directly please call the church office at 952-448-3230 and select the appropriate extension. The office phone system will forward the call directly to the pastor’s personal cell phone every time you call.
Live Streamed Worship
In Our Prayers
June 28, 2020
9:30 a.m.: 67 Live Views
Next Day: 104 Total Views
Office Closed July 6
Independence Day
Prayer Requests
Please E-mail

"Where Family and Friends
Grow Together in Faith"