January 21, 2020
Worship With Us Online
Sunday, January 24
9:30 a.m.
Pastor Laura
Preaching This Sunday

"Gate 23"
Third Sunday after Epiphany
SPARK Lesson: "Jonah and the Big Fish"
This Sunday, Pastor Laura will read Jonah 1-4 from the SPARK Story Bible. Be sure to have yours with you and follow along with me! Jonah is known for getting swallowed by a “big fish,” yes, but we can learn so much from his struggle to listen to God’s call! Sometimes God asks us to do what isn’t easy, but God promises to walk with us every step of the way!
Nursery Nuggets
Hi Nursery Buddies and Parents!

This week in our lesson about joy, we are going to explore the difference between joy and happiness. Although, happiness and joy are often something we feel at the same time, happiness is based on material things or events, such as receiving a gift or celebrating a birthday. Joy comes from God and runs deeper within us; it can be something we feel, even in unhappy times. The world can make our worth about what we look like, how big our house is, or the things we have in our house. But God says our worth is because Jesus is worthy, and God’s love has made us important to Him without needing to prove it. So, we are free to enjoy our loves no matter the circumstances. Even if you are unhappy because things did not go the way you expected, joy comes from knowing God, enjoying what God has done for your and believing that God cares for you always.

Activity #1: Last week we drew pictures of things that give us joy. If you have not yet, you can this week and still be able to follow along. I would like you to go over those pictures and decide which of those things are material things of this Earth and which ones come from God. All these are good things, but it helps us to see and focus on God when we learn the difference.

Activity #2 Here is a fun poem about joy that you can have your adults read and print off for you to decorate. Or write out the whole thing yourself in whatever color you want!

Have fun!

Jenni Payne
Nursery Coordinator
Music Notes
On Sunday we are singing on of my favorite songs. Judging by how we sing this as community (when we’re together) it’s one of your favorites, too.

You have come down to the lakeshore, seeking neither the wise nor the wealthy,
But only asking for me to follow.
Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes, kindly smiling you called out my name.
On the sand I have abandoned my small boat. Now with you I will seek other seas.

Once you read the gospel for Sunday, it is obvious why we are singing it.

"As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew
casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them,
'Follow me and I will make you fish for people.'”
(Mark 1:16 & 17)

I love the line about the “wise nor the wealthy.” Most of the people I know are neither, although some are wiser than others. And I love the line about seeking other seas with Jesus. It is recognition that my life will be different; as I follow in the way of Jesus, I will be changed. 

Since it is so familiar, tee it up for Sunday. We sing it right after Pastor Laura’s sermon. Print off the worship outline and have it ready to go. A good friend of mine is fond of telling me “I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but I can bellow with the best of them.” Follow his example, sing like no one’s listening and let your life be changed.

Tom Paulson
Director of Music & Worship
Zoom Coffee Hour
Miss seeing your friends and enjoying some coffee together following worship? Join Becky Varone on Sunday mornings starting at 10:30 a.m.! 

You can join Crown of Glory’s YouTube broadcast of worship at 9:30 a.m. and then join others for conversation and coffee! 

Once worship is completed just click the link provided! We’ll see you there!

Nominating Committee Seeks Candidates for Church Council
The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates to serve as Church Council members starting in March of 2021. There are three Church Council positions that will be vacant. Council membership is an elected position and members serve a three year term. Please send nominations to Deb Mangen by Wednesday, January 27, 2021. Nominees will be voted upon during the virtual Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. 
Justice and Inclusion Team Book Discussion
Crown of Glory’s Justice and Inclusion Team will lead small-group discussions of Austin Channing Brown’s book, I’m Still Here. All sessions will be held over Zoom, either on Sunday afternoons starting on January 24 or Wednesday evenings starting on January 27. Please indicate your interest and preferences on this Google form.

The Justice and Inclusion Team encourages participants to support local bookstores when obtaining a copy of the book by following this link.

If you know anyone who may appreciate a special invitation to this discussion, please contact Pastor Reggie or Pastor Laura.
CoG Member Seeks Home Caregiver Assistant
Stacie and Rick Nordvold, members of Crown of Glory, are seeking to employ in person assistants to care for their parents. The Nordvold’s are seeking kind and patient people in the Chaska area who can assist in household duties. No medical training or skills are required. Perhaps you know someone that comes to mind! For more information about this Home Caregiver position, click on the job description here. For additional questions, please contact Stacie Nordvold by phone 651-964-8562 or by email stacie.nordvold@gmail.com
Virtual Annual Meeting Sunday, February 14
Crown of Glory will host its first virtual Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 14, 2021 starting at 11:00 a.m. 

Members are invited to preregister for this year’s Annual Congregational Meeting by visiting our website, or by clicking here.

A Zoom link and phone number will be provided in an e-newsletter that will be sent out on February 2. Information will also be posted on the website. Participants can join the meeting by logging in from your computer or by calling from your phone. 

The Annual Congregational Report will be available on the website two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting. A limited number of reports will be printed and available for pickup.
Offering and Electronic Giving
Please consider continuing your weekly offering during these times when we are not gathering, as our congregation will still have our regular financial obligations. Thank you for considering one of the following ways:
  • Mailing your offering to our address at 1141 Cardinal Street Chaska, MN 55318.
  • Getting signed up for Simply Giving, an automated giving option, by filling out this form and sending it to our Director of Finance, Ashley Pederson.
  • Trying “Text to Give” by sending a text to our secure account at 833-497-3991.

Please scan our QR code to be taken to our giving page or click here to learn more. Thank you.
What's for Dinner?
Try this recipe for Chicken Pot Pie Soup!
Crown of Glory Updates
  • Pastors will be available by phone or email in case of an emergency or for any other pastoral care needs. To reach one of our pastors directly, please call the church office at 952-448-3230 and select the appropriate extension. The office phone system will forward the call directly to the pastor’s personal cell phone every time you call.

Building Use: 
  • The church is closed, and staff will work from home during the week when possible until further notice. For the full building use update, please click here. Thank you for your support during these times.
  • DS West Driving School instructors and students are using the church parking lot for behind the wheel instruction.

Church Council Update:
  • The December Church Council minutes are now available. Please contact Pastor Reggie if you would like a copy emailed to you.
  • The next Church Council Meeting is on February 8, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

COVID-19 Update:
  • A COVID-19 Response Team, made up of staff and members of the congregation, has been formed. The team is working on the following:
  1. A Phased Reopening plan
  2. A COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
  • Please click here to read our response to Executive Order 20-81.

Carver County Resources:
  1. COVID-19 Website: www.co.carver.mn.us/covid-19
  2. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@CarverCounty) for daily updates 
  3. Need Help Coping? Call First Street Center at (952) 442-4437
  4. County’s Community Resource Response - Link to resources such as employment, business support, child care, transportation, food access, domestic violence, housing, mental health and more:
Worship Attendance
In Our Prayers
January 17, 2020
9:30 a.m.: 76 Live Views
Next Day: 136 Total Views
Prayer Requests
Please E-mail

"Where Family and Friends
Grow Together in Faith"