September 6, 2024

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This Week In Worship

Sunday, September 8, 2024

In-Person Worship 

8:30am & 10:30am

YouTube Livestream at 10:30am

See the Sunday morning Crosswinds to watch the YouTube Livestream this week.

Church News

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is starting up again. If you would like to participate in praying for our members and friends, please let Pastor Stephanie know.

If you would like to request prayer from our Prayer Chain, please contact Brenda in the church office or Pastor Stephanie. Please indicate if you would like your prayer request to be shared with the congregation, or if it is confidential. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry

As we return from summer activities, it is time to remind the congregation that we have a prayer shawl ministry. Any member of the congregation who recognizes the need for a prayer shawl for another member, close friend or family member experiencing surgery, illness or loss can request one. There is a pamphlet that accompanies the shawls to explain the mission. he work of the knitters is truly appreciated! Contact Alice Reuter, Mary Pestel or Rose Ann Parks for more information or to access a Prayer Shawl.

Ministry Fair this Sunday

Join us between services this Sunday, September 8th to learn about the many different ministries we offer, and earn fun prizes.

Faith Formation Team

The Faith Formation Team is in the process of organizing regular meetings, and invites anyone interested in helping plan educational and fellowship opportunities for children, youth, and their families to join us on Monday, September 9th at 5:30pm in the Fireside Room. 

Worship Cantor

We heard you! The Worship and Music Team has heard the request for

additional musical support in worship. We have such a strong and large choir that while singing in worship during the service where the choir is not singing, it can be very quiet. To meet this need, we have contracted a vocalist to serve as cantor at the services that don’t have the choir. Emma Silvestri is a recent St. Olaf graduate and school choir teacher who will be joining us to support

singing in worship beginning on September 15th

Listening Posts

We are in an important time of change at St. Barnabas. The council will be

holding a series of listening posts here at church in September and we would like all members to sign up for one. These meetings will include a group of 5 to 10 people to answer 8 questions and it will run for 90 minutes. Each group will be talking about the mission and values of St, Barnabas, and how we live those values and what we, as a church, should focus on in the future.

Everyone has the opportunity to take part in the discussion, to give their views, thoughts, and dreams. We will have a facilitator and a note taker, to make sure everyone's thoughts are captured and to help us develop into the church God wants us to be.

You can sign up at the Welcome Center and pick the date and time that works best for you.

St. Barnabas Blog

Other News & Church Activities

Quilts on Display

September 6th-15th

Our completed quilts will be placed in the sanctuary for blessings before they are taken to the Lutheran World Relief warehouse for shipment around the world, Lutheran Social Service in Minnesota for refugees, and North Memorial Hospital for long term patients, hospice, and children. They are available for you to take, leaving at least a $50 donation to help us purchase quilting supplies.

Yogadevotion is Back!

The body of the class is a combination of standing poses, balance poses and floor poses. The classes close with restorative yoga, a practice of calm alertness that allows a time of reflection and thanksgiving for God’s Presence in our lives. The faith based language you will hear in class is familiar, the benediction, invocation and prayer that closes the class. This class is for all levels as Yogadevotion LLC teaches that the primary teacher is your own body and that voice is the important one. Modifications are offered for all poses.


All are welcome to attend this 8 week class on Mondays from 5:30pm-6:30pm September 9th through October 28th by Zoom or in person! 


Click on this link for cost & registration:

Seniors & Friends / Listening Post

Join us Tuesday, September 10th at 11:00am for a worship service, then we can share a meal together in the Ministry Center.

After lunch we will have the opportunity to be part of Listening Post sessions. We will have a couple of small groups, depending on the number of people signing up. We hope to see you there!

You can sign up at the Welcome Center.

The deadline to sign up is this Sunday, September 8th! 

Word for Women

We will resume meeting weekly on Thursday, September 12th at 9:30am.

Our first book will be How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen by David Brooks.

Barney's Birdies

The ladies finished their golf season on Wednesday night with a scramble at Brookview Golf Course. The winners were Denise Holmquist,

Paula Scott and Jana Hawkins at 1 under par. We enjoyed a wonderful summer of golf and fellowship. 


Just For Fun!

Please save the date for our second annual “Just For Fun” community event, taking place after the 10:30 service on October 13th. More information to come!

St. Barnabas Fun Stats!

In the month of July, we…


  • “Left the Building” 17 times (St. Barnabas was present in the scattered community)
  • Packed 150 healthy snack kits (in under an hour) for IOCP’s Food Shelf
  • Delivered donations to IOCP: 95 grocery bags; 6 rolls paper towel; 1 laundry soap; 1 tissue box; 4 bags soup mix; 8 cans; 5 boxes; 2 bottles oil; 10 toothpastes; 25 floss; 19 toothbrushes; 1 chapstick
  • Hosted 7 different community groups in our building.
  • Welcomed another new member household.

Gift of Love

September "Gift of Love"

Hennepin County Prison Chaplaincy


Good News Jail & Prison Ministry-Hennepin County is the local chapter of Minnesota. It’s the largest independent supplier of chaplains for jails and prisons worldwide, serving in 22 states, 1 American territory, and 25 countries. The Hennepin County Adult Correctional Facility Provides a ministry of presence within the correctional facility for both staff and residents. They facilitate and oversee religious volunteers and provide one on one religious counseling as needed. Your gifts helps bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisoners. We thank you for helping us reach those who others have forgotten.

September Birthdays

Photos of the Week

Community Happenings

James J. Hill Days

September 6th – 8th

Since 1975 the weekend following Labor Day in Wayzata has been dedicated to honoring James J. Hill, Minnesota historic figure and once owner of the Great Northern Railroad Company. Hill, the builder of the present train depot in 1906, contributed significantly to transform Wayzata into the beautiful tourist location and friendly community we know today. James J. Hill Days is Lake Minnetonka’s favorite community tradition, as highlighted by its recent “Best Of” Lake Minnetonka award. For the last 50 years this annual festival has brought the community together to celebrate Wayzata, while enjoying food, fun & family festivities.

Click here for details

Donations Needed

Donation Station

Here is what we're currently collecting at our Donation Station in the Narthex.


IOCP Food Shelf Most Needed Items

Pull-Ups (size 4-5)

Baby Diapers (size 6)

Adult Diapers (size XL & 2XL)

Feminine Hygiene Products (especially pads)

Canned Chicken

Bottled Water

IOCP Client Clothing Most Needed Items

Underwear and Bras, Sports Bras, and Socks (all sizes) new for clients:

Children’s Socks & Underwear (all sizes)

Men’s Underwear (S, M, L)

Women’s Underwear (XS, S, M, L)

Women’s Socks (all sizes)

Women’s Bras (XS, S, M)

Toddler-size Clothing – new or like new for clients

Children’s Shoes and Jackets – all sizes (toddler – youth)

Men’s Clothing – all sizes, including big & tall

Women’s Clothing – size 12 & up

Resources & Links

Spread the Word!


Have you Liked and Followed our Facebook and Instagram pages? No? Go there right now and do it! (Please.) When you like our pages, they show up for the people you know, and we can extend our reach. Plus, the more you engage (like commenting, liking, and sharing posts), the further the word gets out! It's an easy way to tell everyone you know about St. Barnabas!


Want something in the E-News?

Do you want your small group information, community activities or church news in the

weekly E-News? Please email your articles to  Brenda Ericson with all the details by Wednesday morning of the week you want it shared.

Church Council Minutes

Copies of the minutes are available in the narthex. They are also located on our website.

If you'd like to be added to the email list, call the church office at 763-553-1239

Bulletin Delivery

Want a Bulletin Delivered? For those who are not able to access the worship video, some of our BeFrienders will deliver printed copies of the bulletin on Friday's or Saturday's.

If you'd like to have a Bulletin dropped off, you can call the church office at


Counseling and Therapy


Like us on Facebook
