May 10, 2024

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This Week In Worship

Sunday, May 12, 2024

In-Person Worship 

8:30am & 10:30am

YouTube Livestream at 10:30am

Click on the link below to watch the YouTube Livestream worship service this Sunday.

Worship Livestream 10:30am

Death Swallowed in Life



First Reading: Mark 12:26-27a

Preaching Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-26, 51-57

Church News

Guest Preacher this Sunday

Our May Gift of Love is collected for Luther Park, one of the Lutheran Outdoor Ministries that is closest to our hearts, as St. Barnabas was one of its founding congregations! Leah Pletscher, Executive Director of Luther Park, will be preaching in worship this Sunday, and will be available to hear all of your crazy camp stories between services.

Our Next New Member Information Class

We will hold a new member information class on Sunday, June 9th at 9:30am. Grab some coffee and a treat and join us in the small room just off of the Fellowship Hall. We will talk through St. Barnabas’s history, vision, and goals for the future, as well as providing materials about small groups etc. This is open to anyone who would like to learn more about St Barnabas, and you will not be expected to officially join, but would rather just learn more about our congregation. All are welcome to attend. We will welcome our newest members on Sunday, June 23rd.

We Have A New Bishop!

Last weekend, St. Barnabas sent 4 voting members to the synod assembly as we gathered to discern and vote for our next Minneapolis Area Synod Bishop, who will serve for the next 6 years. After 2 days of votes and deliberations, our 12 candidates were voted down to our final candidate. Bishop elect, Jen Nagel will serve for the next 6 years as our bishop. Please pray for her as she begins this important transition to her new position. Her installation as Bishop will happen on September 21st. We also wish Bishop Ann blessings and gratitude for her leadership these past 12 years. Thank you Bishop Ann!

Faith Formation Feedback

As the school year starts drawing to a close, we are offering a number of opportunities for you to provide input into what you hope to see in Faith Formation ministries at St. Barnabas. Come be heard!

  • Sunday, May 19th, 9:30AM- Parent/Grandparent feedback session. Share what went well this year, and what could have gone better! We'll meet in the Alcove.

  • Thursday, May 23rd, 5:00 PM- Brainstorming and Planning session #2 for anyone interested in sharing ideas for next year's programming. We'll meet in the Fireside Room.

A Note from The Shepherd's Team

If you have a loved one that’s ill, in the hospital or is shut-in and can’t make it to church, please talk to one of the pastors or call Brenda in the church office with their contact info. We want to reach out to our members and provide care and connection from our congregation.

St. Barnabas Blog

We have designated Sunday, April 28th as Volunteer Appreciation Sunday. Our volunteers are central to everything that happens at St. Barnabas, and we wanted to take some time to lift them up and celebrate all that they do. 

Click here to learn more about our amazing volunteers and all of the ways in which they serve.

Other News & Church Activities

Vacation Bible School

We’re gearing up for summer, and we’re especially excited for VBS, because it’s being led by Luther Park Staff! Save the date (and a new time): July 8th-11th, from 5:00-8:00PM. We’re experimenting with an evening format, and we’re hoping to meet the needs of families, as well as adults with no kids at home. We’ll have registration forms, volunteer needs, and further details coming out by May 30th. Stay tuned!

Seniors & Friends ~ Safety Training

Tuesday, May 14th

Please join us for worship at 11:00am followed by a meal together in the Ministry Center.

Following the meal, those who are interested can stay to watch a few short videos that will teach us how to assist in emergency situations.

  • Choking (Heimlich Maneuver & LifeVac)
  • Opioid Overdose (Naloxone Nasal Spray)


The more people who are aware of how to use these first alert items, the better our quick response in the event of an emergency.

You can sign up in the Narthex or contact Brenda in the church office to have your name added to the list. The deadline to sign up is May 8th.

Barney's Birdies Starting June 5th

The golf season has begun! Do you want to join us this year? This is a women's group from church who golf on Wednesday nights, around 5 pm, at Baker Evergreen, a 9 hole executive course. We'll start June 5th. Weekly participation is encouraged but not required. Scoring is optional. We usually gather for dinner and fellowship afterwards.  

Sign up on the Welcome Center.

Contact Bonnie Welshons (612) 327-9248 or Laurie Robarge (612) 845-5612 with questions. 

Qigong Class

Elena Gandia (Que Tal Lead Teacher) has been leading Qigong Class in the Ministry Center on Thursdays at 11:15am. We have a few more classes, and everyone is welcome! If you are unable to attend in person, you can participate on your own time by finding the recording on our YouTube channel. Go to “Playlists” and locate “Qigong Class”. Click “View Full Playlist” to locate the most recent class. 

May "Gift of Love"

Luther Park


Luther Park is a summer camp and year-round retreat and meeting facility located in Danbury, Wisconsin. Its people and programs assist congregations and groups in gathering around the Word for renewal and refreshment. People who come to Luther Park live together in small groups, participate in worship and learn activities as well as learn relationship building and have recreational opportunities. Each person is challenged and given the opportunity to speak out, take part in leadership, to experience spiritual growth, to develop outdoor skills and to grow socially.

Photos of the Week

Community Happenings

MnDOT Update: Highway 55 Project

Beginning Monday, April 15, the Minnesota Department of Transportation will resurface Highway 55 between Old Rockford Road in Plymouth and General Mills Blvd. in Golden Valley. The major project includes paving, access modifications, stormwater system improvements, shared use trail updates and a signal replacement.

These improvements will benefit road users by providing a smoother road surface, enhanced safety and reduced congestion, new trail connections, and the implementation of trail infrastructure that meets Americans with Disabilities Act standards.

On April 15, crews will begin preliminary work near Old Rockford Road in Plymouth to prepare the area for upcoming construction work. The first phase will involve shoulder work and lane closures.

Those traveling in the area should prepare for potential delays and closures as crews reconstruct Highway 55. Motorists can expect lane closures and weekend directional closures during construction. The project is anticipated to be completed this fall.

For more information and to sign up for project email updates, visit MnDOT's project webpage.

Heart Safe Plymouth is set to offer free CPR/AED trainings 7-8:15 p.m. the following Thursdays at Plymouth City Hall, 3400 Plymouth Blvd. Trainings will take place inside the Medicine Lake Conference Room on the following dates:

  • April 18
  • April 25
  • May 9
  • May 23

Class sizes are limited to 35 participants. To register, click here.

For more information click here.

Donations Needed

Donation Station

Here is what we're currently collecting at our Donation Station in the Narthex.


IOCP Food Shelf Most Needed Items

  • Brand Name Boxed Cereal
  • Canned Chicken
  • Vegetable Oil (24 oz. bottles)
  • Paper Towels
  • Baby Wipes
  • Baby Diapers (size 5-6)
  • Pull-Ups (sizes 3-4 & 4-5) 
  • Adult Diapers (sizes XL & 2XL)
  • Paper Grocery Bags
  • Reusable Grocery Bags


Good News Prison Ministry Clothing donations for people who are being released.

  • Sweat Pants ~ S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
  • Hoodies/Sweatshirts and Shirts ~ L, XL, XXL, XXXL
  • Winter Coats ~ XL, XXL, XXXL

Resources & Links

Want something in the E-News?

Do you want your small group information, community activities or church news in the

weekly E-News? Please email your articles to  Brenda Ericson with all the details by Wednesday morning of the week you want it shared.

Church Council Minutes

Copies of the minutes are available in the narthex. They are also located on our website.

If you'd like to be added to the email list, call the church office at 763-553-1239

Bulletin Delivery

Want a Bulletin Delivered? For those who are not able to access the worship video, some of our BeFrienders will deliver printed copies of the bulletin on Friday's or Saturday's.

If you'd like to have a Bulletin dropped off, you can call the church office at


Counseling and Therapy


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