In-Person Worship
8:30am & 10:30am
YouTube Livestream at 10:30am
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Click on the link below to watch the YouTube Livestream worship service this Sunday. | |
Trinity Sunday
First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8
Preaching Text: John 3:1-17
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St. Barnabas will be Closed on Monday, May 27th. | |
Pastor Jeff Out of Office
Pastor Jeff will be on vacation May 22nd - 24th and May 28th - June 4th. He will preach on Sunday, May 26th.
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New Member Information Class
We will hold a new member information class on Sunday, June 9th at 9:30am. Grab some coffee and a treat and join us in the small room just off of the Fellowship Hall. We will talk through St. Barnabas’s history, vision, and goals for the future, as well as providing materials about small groups etc. This is open to anyone who would like to learn more about St Barnabas, and you will not be expected to officially join, but would rather just learn more about our congregation. All are welcome to attend. We will welcome our newest members on Sunday, June 23rd.
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Worship Leadership Team
Worship is the center of our life together as a community. The worship leadership team meets quarterly to plan upcoming seasons and special worship. The next time we meet, we’d like to invite you to join us. If you’d like to provide general feedback and constructive ideas about how we can help make worship even more glorifying to God, join us in the Alcove on June 2nd between services.
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A Note from The Shepherd's Team
If you have a loved one that’s ill, in the hospital or is shut-in and can’t make it to church, please talk to one of the pastors or call Brenda in the church office with their contact info. We want to reach out to our members and provide care and connection from our congregation.
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Other News & Church Activities | |
Golden Valley Pride
We will be hosting a table again at the Golden Valley Pride Festival on June 8th from 12-6pm in Brookview Park. Come share our values of hospitality and belonging, and share God's love with our neighbors. Please email Pastor Stephanie if you are interested, and indicate if you'd like to host the table from 12-2, 2-4, or 4-6.
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Popsicles on the Playground!
The school year is almost over, and we’re going to celebrate with Popsicles on the Playground! Join us on June 5th between 3pm and 5pm, and we’ll celebrate together with a sweet treat.
Vacation Bible School
We’re gearing up for summer, and we’re especially excited for VBS, because it’s being led by Luther Park Staff! Save the date (and a new time): July 8th-11th, from 5pm and 8pm. We’re experimenting with an evening format, and we’re hoping to meet the needs of families, as well as adults with no kids at home. We’ll have registration forms, volunteer needs, and further details coming out by May 30th. Stay tuned!
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Calling all Grads!
If you are graduating this Spring, let us know about it! Contact Pastor Stephanie or Brenda I the church office to let us know the school you’re graduating from and your next plans. We will celebrate graduates in worship on June 9th.
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Volunteers Needed
The West Suburban Grief Coalition will have grief support groups here at St. Barnabas on Thursdays from June 13-August 29. We need 2 volunteers each week from 3:30pm-5pm to bring snacks for 80 people and help with setup & cleanup. You can also signup to just bring snacks on any of the dates. Paper products will be used for drinks & snacks which will make for easy cleanup. Snack ideas: Cookies (homemade or store bought), Pretzels, Goldfish, Cheeze-It, Chex Mix. No popcorn! There’s a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Contact Brenda in the church office with questions (763) 553-1239.
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Quilting with San Pablo ~ May 11th | |
Barney's Birdies Starting June 5th
The golf season has begun! Do you want to join us this year? This is a women's group from church who golf on Wednesday nights, around 5 pm, at Baker Evergreen, a 9 hole executive course. We'll start June 5th. Weekly participation is encouraged but not required. Scoring is optional. We usually gather for dinner and fellowship afterwards.
Sign up on the Welcome Center.
Contact Bonnie Welshons (612) 327-9248 or Laurie Robarge (612) 845-5612 with questions.
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May "Gift of Love"
Luther Park
Luther Park is a summer camp and year-round retreat and meeting facility located in Danbury, Wisconsin. Its people and programs assist congregations and groups in gathering around the Word for renewal and refreshment. People who come to Luther Park live together in small groups, participate in worship and learn activities as well as learn relationship building and have recreational opportunities. Each person is challenged and given the opportunity to speak out, take part in leadership, to experience spiritual growth, to develop outdoor skills and to grow socially.
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Donation Station
Here is what we're currently collecting at our Donation Station in the Narthex.
IOCP Food Shelf Most Needed Items
- Brand Name Boxed Cereal
- Canned Chicken
- Vegetable Oil (24 oz. bottles)
- Paper Towels
- Baby Wipes
- Baby Diapers (size 5-6)
- Pull-Ups (sizes 3-4 & 4-5)
- Adult Diapers (sizes XL & 2XL)
- Paper Grocery Bags
- Reusable Grocery Bags
Good News Prison Ministry Clothing donations for people who are being released.
- Sweat Pants ~ S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
- Hoodies/Sweatshirts and Shirts ~ L, XL, XXL, XXXL
- Winter Coats ~ XL, XXL, XXXL
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Want something in the E-News?
Do you want your small group information, community activities or church news in the
weekly E-News? Please email your articles to Brenda Ericson with all the details by Wednesday morning of the week you want it shared.
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Church Council Minutes
Copies of the minutes are available in the narthex. They are also located on our website.
If you'd like to be added to the email list, call the church office at 763-553-1239
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Bulletin Delivery
Want a Bulletin Delivered? For those who are not able to access the worship video, some of our BeFrienders will deliver printed copies of the bulletin on Friday's or Saturday's.
If you'd like to have a Bulletin dropped off, you can call the church office at
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