Crosscurrents weekly edition
February 21, 2021
Mardi Gras & Ash Wednesday
Special thanks to the Larks and Pastor Judy for the idea that led to our Cross of Christ Jeopardy game – Mardi Gras edition. Thanks also to Colin and Pastor Dave for putting it together in a Zoom format and for being our Game Masters. That was a lot of fun – we’ll have to do something similar again in the near future.

Thanks also to Pastor Dave, Colin, and Ben for their parts putting together a very meaningful Ash Wednesday worship experience. Thanks to all of you who came by to pick up At Home Ash Wednesday worship kits – we distributed about 75 kits. Thank you to those who also picked one up and delivered it to others. Again, we pray this was a worship experience for you as we entered into this season of Lent.
Comfort Food: Midweek Lent Zoom Gatherings
In this Lenten season when we are not able to worship in-person, or share Soup Suppers and Midweek services which are our tradition, we’re offering Comfort Food, with both pre-recorded and live interactive elements which we’ll share from 6 to 7 pm for the next five Wednesdays in Lent via Zoom.

Part Lenten devotionals, part advocacy for agencies working to alleviate and eliminate hunger and poverty, part cooking show, and part fellowship time, Comfort Food will be hosted by one of our staff members or lay leaders who will invite you into their kitchens as they share a favorite soup recipe, reflect on how they are finding comfort in these uncomfortable times, and highlight one of Cross of Christ’s partner organizations, especially those serving our neighbors in need, near and far away. 

Following these pre-recorded portions – which we aim to be about 15-20 minutes long – your host will join you in conversation on Zoom. Pastor Dave is your host for the first installment this Wednesday. An email with link to the Cross of Christ Zoom Room will be sent to all members each Wednesday.

Adult Faith Formation
Each week Pastor Dave records a study of the texts for the upcoming Sunday on the Cross of Christ YouTube channel. Along the way he often drops in some fun facts and trivia. This week's episode is now available.

Would you like a copy of his notes/script mailed or emailed to you? If so, please email or call Office Administrator Judy Giseburt – or 425-746-7300.
Blessings Helmut and LaRae
Cross of Christ member and Core Team Leader Helmut Ray will marry LaRae Bauman this Sunday in a very small but holy ceremony, as they join their lives as husband and wife. Blessings to you both!
Online Synod Assembly Delegates
This year’s Synod Assembly – like so many other things – will be online on Saturday, May 15. Cross of Christ is eligible to “send” five lay delegates – two female, one male, one young adult (18-30 at time of Assembly) and one youth (Confirmed member under 18) – in addition to Pastor Dave and Pastor Judy. The deadline for us to register delegates is March 31, so please let us know this week if you are interested in attending.

If you are interested in being considered as a delegate, please send an email to our Congregational President, Colin Walker, at

Office Hours
While the Cross of Christ office has been physically closed during the pandemic, we have kept “virtual” office hours, with Office Administrator Judy Giseburt available to answer phone calls and emails Monday through Thursday, 9:30 am to 2 pm.

Remember: any campus visits must be arranged in advance. Contact Pastor Dave to coordinate campus visits.