Crosscurrents weekly edition
February 14, 2021
Weather Alert
As of Saturday afternoon, significant snow has fallen in Bellevue and much of the Puget Sound, and more is forecast for tonight and tomorrow, followed by potential freezing rain and low temperatures Monday and Tuesday.

While the church office is already physically closed due to COVID-19 precautions (though virtually open Monday to Thursday, 9:30 am to 2 pm), it seems likely at this point that weather may interrupt plans this week, including the distribution of Ash Wednesday at-home worship kits (see Ash Wednesday announcement, below). We will keep you posted as things develop, and we thank you in advance for your understanding, patience, and prayers for safety for those who have to travel over the next several days. 
Online Mardi Gras Event
Pastor Judy and the Larks invite you to an online evening of fun and fellowship from 6 to 7 pm on February 16 -- Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday.

A Cross of Christ Trivia Game will highlight the evening. A “hold the date” email was sent this week, and a reminder will be sent on Tuesday. We hope you’ll come join the fun.

Note to Congregational Council members: the Council meeting that evening will begin at 7pm rather than 6:30. 

Ash Wednesday Worship
An online and interactive recorded service for Ash Wednesday – this Wednesday, February 17 – will be premiered at 6 pm on the Cross of Christ YouTube channel. If you can’t join us then, the recording will be available for your viewing any time after that.

As part of the service, we are preparing Ash Wednesday take-home worship kits for every Cross of Christ household. The kits contain ashes for you to make the mark of the cross on your forehead, or on the foreheads of others in your household. They also have individual safe, sealed, prefilled, vacuum sealed cups of grape juice and a communion wafer.

During the recorded service, you’ll be invited to impose ashes and share communion using these supplies. This will be the first time we’ve been able to share Holy Communion since we had to suspend in-person worship almost a year ago.

Ash Wednesday Kits will be available WEATHER PERMITTING starting Monday, February 15, for you to pick up in the church parking lot – follow the signs and cones. You can pick up your kit from 10am to 5pm on Monday, from 10am to 5pm on Tuesday, and from noon to 5pm on Wednesday. Kits are being mailed to our fulltime homebound members.

If you are unable to pick up a kit but would like one, please email Pastor Dave as soon as possible and we will do our best to make other arrangements. Thank you.

Cooking Show Meets Lenten Devotional
One of the many things we will miss this year for Lent are our Soup Suppers and Midweek in-person worship opportunities. To help fill the gap, we are offering online Midweek Lenten experiences called Comfort Food – Sharing Food, Fellowship, and Comfort.

These recordings will feature Cross of Christ staff and lay leaders sharing a favorite soup recipe they’ll prepare on camera from their own kitchens, along with a reflection about where they are finding comfort in these uncomfortable times. We will also highlight an organization fighting hunger, poverty, and/or economic injustice each week.

Part Lenten devotionals, part fellowship time, and part cooking show, Comfort Food episodes will be offered via Zoom on from 6 to 7 pm on Wednesdays in Lent beginning next Wednesday, February 24. Following the prerecorded presentations – which we aim to keep to about 15-20 minutes each – that week’s soup chef will host a Q&A time where you can ask more about the recipe, learn more about the organizations highlighted each week, or just check in with the presenter and other Cross of Christ members.

Pastor Dave will be your host for the first installment – he is very much looking forward to sharing a recipe inspired by the 2016 Cross of Christ Tanzania Mission he was blessed to be a part of. 

We certainly wish we could be gathering for Lenten Soup Suppers and Midweek Worship this year, but we hope you’ll find Comfort Food a fun, warming, comforting, inspiring, and yummy alternative this year. Links to the Cross of Christ Zoom Room will be sent via All Member emails each week.

Thank You For Your Generosity!
We are very grateful for your continued stewardship and overall support of Cross of Christ. Thank you for the many special end-of-year donations, which have helped move us into a positive financial situation heading into the last four months of our fiscal year (ending April 30).

These are challenging times in many ways, including financially for many. Thank you for giving as you are able, to enable your church to continue to worship, grow, share, serve, and welcome.
Adult Faith Formation
Each week Pastor Dave records a study of the texts for the upcoming Sunday on the Cross of Christ YouTube channel. Along the way he often drop in some fun facts and trivia, like how the movie “Chariots of Fire” and the PBS series “Downton Abbey” are both related to our first lesson from Second Kings. This week's episode is now available.

Would you like a copy of his notes/script mailed or emailed to you? If so, please email or call Office Administrator Judy Giseburt – or 425-746-7300.
Pastor Dave’s guide for those leading (safe, online!) WELCA Circle Bible Studies this month has been posted on the Cross of Christ YouTube channel.

This is the second of a four-part series on angels in the WELCA Gather monthly magazine.

Would you like a copy of his notes mailed or emailed to you? If so, please email or call Office Administrator Judy Giseburt – or 425-746-7300.
Online Church Council Retreat
Our annual Church Council retreat will be an online Zoom experience this year. We ask that you keep Council, Core Team Leaders, and your pastors in prayer as we gather for this important time of casting vision for the this coming year and beyond this coming Saturday, February 20.
Online Synod Assembly Delegates
This year’s Synod Assembly – like so many other things – will be online on Saturday, May 15. Cross of Christ is eligible to “send” five lay delegates – two female, one male, one young adult (18-30 at time of Assembly) and one youth (Confirmed member under 18) – in addition to Pastor Dave and Pastor Judy.

If you are interested in being considered as a delegate, please send an email to our Congregational President, Colin Walker, at

Office Hours
While the Cross of Christ office has been physically closed during the pandemic, we have kept “virtual” office hours, with Office Administrator Judy Giseburt available to answer phone calls and emails Monday through Thursday, 9:30 am to 2 pm.

Remember: any campus visits must be arranged in advance. Contact Pastor Dave to coordinate campus visits.