Crosscurrents weekly edition
December 6, 2020
Midweek Advent Reflections
In addition to our Sunday services, this year we are also offering Midweek Advent recordings on our YouTube channel. These short and hopefully sweet 20 minutes or so of readings, reflections, prayers, and music are offered to you as a way of filling some of the gap we know will be the reality of this season during a rise in the spread of the COVID-19 virus and all we are doing to stay home, stay safe, and stem the tide of this pandemic. Did you miss this past week's mid-week service? Watch it here.

An email will be sent out each of the next two Wednesdays inviting you to click the link and watch these little Advent offerings. You can also find the Midweek Advent offerings and all our recordings on our YouTube channel.  
Christmas and Year-End Giving
In these thanks-giving and gift-giving seasons, as you give gratitude to God and make plans to give gifts to your loved ones, we want to say thanks for all the gifts you have given to Cross of Christ this year, including your financial support. Your offerings really, really matter, enabling us together to do the ministries that make a difference in the lives of our members, neighbors, and around the world.

We would also humbly ask you to consider making an additional Christmas or end-of-year gift to your church. Last year, you rallied to close a financial gap in a marvelous and inspiring way. This year, with very careful financial management, your generosity, and the much-needed Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program loan/grant of about $130,000, we’ve managed to stay fiscally solid in spite of the havoc we’ve experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, being both prayerfully optimistic and carefully realistic, it is not an overstatement to say that the financial vitality of Cross of Christ in the coming year is uncertain. We do not know how long the pandemic will continue. We do not know how long it will be before we can return to in-person worship. We do not know if and when our valued outside user/renter groups will return. We do not know the financial impact of the pandemic on our members.

But we DO know that you have always proven to be faithful, joyful, and as generous as you are able to be in supporting your church and our shared mission and ministries. A special, additional gift before the end of this year, or early in 2021, would go a long way in enabling leadership to plan wisely with confidence that cuts do not need to be made to programs, staffing, outreach, building and grounds upkeep or any other vital work and support at Cross of Christ.

All 2020 contributions must be postmarked or delivered to the church's secure mailbox by December 31.

Thank you so much for prayerfully considering what you can do financially and in all other ways as we continue to partner together to worship, grow, share, serve, and welcome all.
Church Directory is a BREEZE!
Cross of Christ has an online church directory available through the church management service Breeze. Many of you are already using Breeze to keep your contact information current and to access the addresses and contact information of fellow church members. This information is available only to church members through a password protected account.

If you are not already using Breeze you will receive an email in the next few days inviting, you to set up an account. This invitation will allow you to create a unique user name and password. When logging you will have an opportunity to update any of your information.

Once you have set up an account you can log in to our church's Breeze account at any time via your web browser (visit or through the tool's convenient mobile app, available in both the Android and Apple app stores.

If you ever have trouble logging in because you have forgotten your user name or password, contact the church office at and Judy will help you get connected
New Adult Faith Formation Opportunites

Pastor Dave would love to have you join him in his study for this and upcoming studies of God’s word. For some, spending this time in the readings for the upcoming Sunday is proving to enhance their worship experience week by week. Why not drop by this week and check it out for yourself.

Watch this week’s episode on the Cross of Christ YouTube channel (and don’t forget to subscribe)!  
Each month Pastor Dave helps those leading WELCA Circle Bible studies (these days via Zoom or other online venues) by researching the biblical texts from Gather magazine, the periodical for women from the ELCA. While Pastor Dave’s studies are primarily for those facilitating the monthly discussions, all are welcome to watch the recorded guides, posted on or around the first Wednesday of each month on the Cross of Christ YouTube channel.

In December, Gather offers a devotional on Advent rituals including singing, writing, moving, and connecting. Watch this month's video on our YouTube channel.
Advent Issue of CrossCurrents Now Available
The issue of CrossCurrents for the Advent season is ready! Hear from Pastor Dave and Pastor Judy, plus get updates on many of the projects you help us support.

Do you know someone who needs a printed copy mailed to them? Email and Judy will get them on the list.
CofC Pandemic Response Update
Even as we hear encouraging news about the development of potential COVID-19 vaccines, the current circumstances with the spread of the coronavirus locally and nationally continue to be moving in concerning directions. Cases, hospitalizations, and death are rising at an alarming rate. In response, Washington Governor Inslee recently issued new directives to restrict the opportunities for spread. For the most part, the measures only serve to reinforce the good measures we already have in place at Cross of Christ. 

We all long to be together again, to hold events and meetings on campus, and especially to return to in-person worship. However, we MUST do our part to slow the spread of the virus, especially over these upcoming winter months. Please stay safe and healthy, and continue to follow proven methods that doctors, scientists, and sound guidance call us to - properly wear a mask, practice safe distancing, avoid large and even for a while small gatherings, and wash hands regularly.

With Council ‘s unanimous affirmation, Cross of Christ will be following government guidelines as well as the very strong suggestion of Bishop Shelley Wee of the Northwest Washington Synod of the ELCA, and will not plan for in-person, indoor worship to restart until at least March. We may be able to return to limited in-person worship then, or we may have to delay even longer depending on the COVID-19 trends and recommendations and regulations by health, government, and synodical leaders. Thank you for your continued patience, prayers, and participation in recorded worship, fellowship, sharing, serving, and faith formation offerings from Cross of Christ.

Other than our Ark Early Learning Center and our weekly recorded worship sessions, the campus and facilities are closed due to COVID-19 to all visitors, including members. If you have a need to come on campus, please email or call Pastor Dave to make arrangements in advance – email or 425-746-7300. Thanks for helping us do our part to keep everyone healthy and reduce the impact of this pandemic.