The warm days we have had this spring have really accelerated growth in everything, wheat is advancing quickly, corn is coming out of the ground in days, not weeks, and many big weeds and dirty fields. Some fields have not received a burn down yet, and will have some hard to control weeds. Especially, winter annuals and perennials. It will be important to use full label rates and adequate water volumes to achieve reasonable control. In some cases, it may be beneficial to add another mode of action to enhance your burn down.
Emerged corn is quickly getting a carpet of weeds with the unusually warm days we have been receiving. Be prepared for post emerge herbicide applications, as fields that were worked a few weeks ago are getting very dirty if a pre emerge herbicide was not applied. Many soybeans were planted, and are emerging before a burn down was applied, due to either wind or rain. Plans for pre emerge products have changed, as we will now be spraying post emerge products on VE beans in some cases. On a positive note, most weed species have emerged and will be available to receive your herbicides being applied, so your burn down should be quite effective.
Higher rates of glyphosate and multiple modes of action will be more effective on the large weeds we are dealing with this spring. Always read the label and adhere to recommended rates. Talk to your crop specialist for a solution that best fits your needs.
Remember smaller weeds are easier to control than large ones.