To view this month's articles on the CFIC website, go to, or check out the CL archive.
Continuing his recovery, Omer is starting to feel much better and has been able to venture out for increasingly long walks.

On Saturday, August 21, local residents and community leaders of Russell Township (near Ottawa) gathered to raise a flag in celebration of Pride Week, thanks to the efforts of CFIC founding member and Councillor, Richard Thain.

Op-Ed in Winnipeg Free Press, written by CFIC Treasurer, Leslie Rosenblood.

CFIC is looking for volunteers for various roles in branches across the country.

Fusion, the source of energy in our sun and stars, can provide the clean, sustainable energy required to power our future in electricity, heat, and hydrogen.

CFIC has been adding recordings of our events to our national YouTube channel.

Our newest additions:

CFIC is committed to asking difficult questions, which can include talks on controversial subjects. Hosting a speaker does not imply agreement with their views.
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Seneca College Shows Leadership in Defeating Covid
Russell Pangborn

Illustrating Seneca College’s campus vaccine mandate.

Philippines and Golden Rice
Andrea Palmieri

A look at the first country to approve golden rice for commercial cultivation.

Update On Afghanistan
Sandra Dunham
The world watches in horror at the situation unfolding in Afghanistan. Find out more about what CFIC is doing.

Religious Groups Should Not Get Special Treatment
Leslie Rosenblood
Arguing against religious financial exceptions.

Election Call. Get in the Candidates’ Faces. Let Them Know Secular Humanists Vote!
Doug Thomas

Encouraging secular humanists to communicate our concerns to Canada’s politicians.

To Mask or Not to Mask: Should We Leave This Question to the People?
Sandra Dunham

Asking questions about the ideal treatment of mask requirements.

Keith’s Conundrums
Keith Douglas

Solutions to last month’s puzzle. Plus, the Liar Paradox.

  • September 4 is International Vulture Awareness Day.
  • September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day.
  • September 22 is the equinox.
  • September 22 is also the birthday of Michael Faraday.
  • September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

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Centre for Inquiry Canada | 613-663-8198 |