Hi everyone! Welcome to our newsletter, Digital Transatlantic Dialogue. If you haven't joined us yet, w e are offering webinars every week on a specific public policy or cultural topic with experts from our inspiring community!

Today's Newsletter
  1. Upcoming webinar: Crisis Management During Covid-19
  2. In the News
  3. What to watch this weekend
  4. Previous webinars
  5. Special webinar from FIAF
Upcoming Webinars
Next week, we are hosting our first Young Leader-led webinar in partnership with our sister organization, the French-American Foundation - France. You do not need a Zoom account to join!

Crisis Management During COVID-19
President & CEO of Disaster Recovery Initiative International and American Young Leader ’19
Chief Risk Officer at AXA and French Young Leader ’13

Moderated by Philippine de T’Serclaes , Global Vice-President for Digital Energy Management & Partnerships at Schneider Electric & Young Leader '17

  • Topic: Crisis management during COVID-19
  • Date & Time: Thursday, April 30 at 12:30 pm ET
  • RSVP: Click HERE to sign up. Registered guests will receive a link to join in the days leading up to the event.

We have a series of webinars to come:
  • Barkha Gvalani (2019 American Young Leader) and Guillaume Liegey (2017 French Young Leader) on data and COVID-19 - May 7 at 12:30pm ET
  • Gregory Daco, Chief US Economist at Oxford Economics, on what to expect from the economy moving forward - May 12 at 1:00pm ET
  • Melissa Clark, NYTimes bestselling food writer and author, leading a virtual cooking class for everyone in their kitchens! - May 14 at 6:00pm ET
  • " By the time New York City confirmed its first case of the coronavirus on March 1, thousands of infections were already silently spreading through the city, a hidden explosion of a disease that many still viewed as a remote threat as the city awaited the first signs of spring. (...)"

  • "One of every five New York City residents tested positive for antibodies to the coronavirus, according to preliminary results described by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Thursday that suggested that the virus had spread far more widely than known. (...)"

  • "Three years ago, the political analyst and South Korea expert Robert Kelly was giving a live interview on the BBC, via videoconference, from his home office in Busan, when his two young children barged into the room. (...)"

  • "Aurait-on trouvé de l’« argent magique » ? Depuis quelques semaines, une avalanche de milliards est annoncée par les dirigeants du monde pour faire face aux conséquences économiques du Covid-19. (...)"
What to watch this weekend
  • With the closure of cultural spaces, the dancers of the Paris Opera participated in a film produced by Cédric Klapisch to pay tribute to all those who are fighting on the front line against the coronavirus pandemic. A gesture of hope and solidarity.

  • The Musée d'Orsay is providing stories for children, inspired by the paintings and sculptures of the artists on display. At home or at the museum, the podcast offers the opportunity to discover art in a truly innovate format, with stories written by the author Brigitte Fontanel and read by actors.
Previous Webinars
Check out the full recordings of our webinars. The links below will take you to a 15-minute preview on Dropbox. You'll have the option to download the full file on the side of the page.

  1. How Coronavirus Will Change Geopolitics
  2. Coronavirus: The Infodemic?
  3. Book Reading: A Hundred Suns
  4. Book Talk: The Cactus League
  5. Book Talk: Creative Insights
Special webinar from our partner FIAF
This Friday, April 24 at 5pm ET (USA)/11pm (Central Europe), The French Alliance Institute of New York is organizing a webinar on:

with Former French Ambassador to the United States Gérard Araud

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COVID-19 Sources
Breaking News
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