How would you like to not have to worry about your annual records purge or clearing out those decades of old records.
PRI is now offering low-cost annual records management, crime data and systems maintenance packages. We'll maintain your agency's compliance year-to-year on your behalf.
If you have a passion for the criminal justice industry and have a desire to share your knowledge, perspective, and showcase your expertise, the PRI newsletter is the ideal platform!
If you are interested in participating as a guest writer, or perhaps interested in becoming a regular contributor we want to hear from you!
How would you like to improve the quality of your reporting and ensure compliance with NIBRS? Need to get certified? Having this instructive manual is the first step. Available for purchase and download (customizable MS Word doc) on our site for only $479 for your officers, supervisors and records personnel. Also available for only $195 when you register for one of our seminars.
Combine our new NIBRS report writing manual with onsite NIBRS report writing training for your agency and begin the process of transitioning to NIBRS today!
PRI is a highly specialized management consulting firm that provides public safety agencies records management, IT and crime data consulting, training and project management services. With core competencies in public records compliance, UCR/NIBRS, CJIS, RMS/CAD systems, and digital transformation, PRI has proudly served agencies since 2008!
San Francisco police victimization data costs what?
The absurdity coming out of San Francisco this week is quite mind numbing in my humble opinion. What’s set to occur there, as a result of a recently passed ordinance, is something I just can’t seem to make any sense of whatsoever. Those affected by the housing crisis, residency-prohibiting high cost of living and general municipal dilapidation…well, here you go.
New CAD/RMS Procurement and Project Management Program
Orlando, FL Sep 9-10, 2020
Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel
Ensuring project success requires planning, a defensible procurement process, project management skills, and insight into what systems and vendors are right for your agency. This 2-day executive-level course is a money back guaranteed program that willcut your project time in half and help ensure a successful outcome.
You will receive customizable CAD/RMS project-specific documents that are pre-populated with full content yet formatted to allow for customization and collaboration. These documents are based on years of experience writing RFPs and managing projects for our law enforcement agency clients.
Specialized NIBRS Reporting: Hate Crimes, Human Trafficking, and Cargo Theft
Is your agency documenting and reporting Hate Crimes correctly? Cargo thefts? Human Trafficking?
These are high-profile crimes with specific reporting requirements which officers, supervisors and records personnel must know and understand. Learn what information has to be gathered at the scene, entered into a report, and submitted to the UCR program correctly.
Are you pushing lots of paper? Printing records and creating files? In this class you will learn how to modernize and manage a correctional agency's records in a legally compliant and efficient manner. Determine how long records must be kept, in what format, when they can be destroyed and what the legal requirements are for releasing information to the public. Learn how to create digital records and processes, including electronic signatures, forms, routing, and submission electronically.
The latest public records law
What can/cannot be released to the public
Can originals be destroyed when digitized
Developing records retention schedules and procedures
Keeping track of what was destroyed and when
Digital signatures and forms
Booking, inmate, medical, classification, personnel, training, and standards records management
A one day course covering the application of Florida Chapter 119 to law enforcement records. This seminar focuses on public records held specifically by law enforcement agencies and understanding what should or should not be released to the public according to Florida law and corresponding legal opinions.
Whether you are transitioning to NIBRS or already there, this practical and informative course will help your officers, FTO's, supervisors, and records personnel better understand crime reporting. In addition to learning about NIBRS and crime reporting under this program, personnel will understand their respective roles in the report writing, reviewing, and coding process.
During this hands-on practical, exercise-focused course, attendees will build a records management plan for their agency with the assistance of an expert consultant from PRI. Learn to lead, plan, collaborate, obtain buy-in, execute and transform. This course provides you the tools and skills to build and implement a forward-thinking, modernized and efficient agency-wide information management program.
In this class you will learn how to determine how long records must be kept, in what format, when they can be destroyed and what the legal requirements are for releasing to, or withholding records from the public. You will also learn a modernized approach to managing agency files both electronically and those which are still on paper.
The only one of its kind, in this two day course learn how to minimize liability, improve performance, empower the records function, build professionalism, and increase customer service. Designed for records managers, clerks and supervisors, this course teaches you how to run the records unit as if it were a business: efficiently, legally and customer focused. Learn practical techniques that will improve the operations of this critical support component.
NIBRS is coming- learn all about it in this 1 day, extraordinarily informative course about your crime stats. This course is for those who need to understand the changes that are coming and how the numbers work, how to keep them accurate and how they will change.
A one day in-depth course covering the California Public Records Act and how to respond to subpoenas. Taught by California's resident expert, Joseph Surges, learn the ins and outs of public records requests from a practitioner's perspective.