Dear friends,

During these weeks of Epiphany, we’ve been seeking to make God manifest. On January 20, with over a thousand other people, I took to the streets of Northampton to join the Women’s March and to lift up our hope for a more just, Earth-honoring, and inclusive society. I wrote a blog post about the day’s unexpected events, “ All of us or none of us .”

Looking ahead – have you begun to wonder how you will mark the forty days of Lent? I invite you to participate in the Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Fast from Ash Wednesday, February 14, through Easter Sunday, April 1. Initiated by the United Church of Christ and endorsed by many other faith groups, the Carbon Fast now reaches thousands of people in every state in the U.S. and at least 12 other countries. Each daily email suggests a carbon-reducing activity that becomes a spiritual practice. Day by day, we grow more intentional in caring for God’s creation. For more information, including how to sign up and how to involve your whole congregation, visit here