Dear friends, 
A few days ago I stood beside a river, marveling. Its shining water moved quickly over the stones, and something in me leaped up in greeting. What is it about a river that brings such joy? The Sufi poet Rumi observed, “When you do things from your soul, the river itself moves through you.” 

God’s love is like a river that longs to pour through our soul and out into the world, blessing all beings. Lent is a good time to clear away any debris that blocks that flow. If you haven’t done so already, I invite you to sign up for the Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Fast . You will receive a daily email that includes not only practical tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint, but also an inspiring reflection on what a robust Christian response to the climate crisis would look like. 

This Lent I preached in Tucson about the climate crisis and what it means to walk in faith . As I said in my sermon, “Activists usually depend on people power, but spiritual activists – people who walk in faith – depend on God-power. It is God who energizes and emboldens us, God who gives us power to do more than we can ask or imagine. We live in a time that cries out for the imagination, determination, and heart of people of faith.”