Creating Animations With Impact

Did you know? Physicians suffer from substance use disorder (SUD) at the same
rate as the general population. 
The Alberta Medical Association (AMA) chose Marcomm Works to create an animation that would be sensitive to how physicians suffering from SUD can be encouraged to reach out for help. The AMA felt a well-crafted animation would help connect suffering physicians with their Physician and Family Support Program (PFSP) .

How it worked so well. Marcomm's Tina Kingstree led the AMA through a disciplined and strategic process at the front-end of the project. She helped the AMA team solidify the objectives of the animation, clarify audience character traits, and create messages that would work for a sensitive topic. Tina helped the AMA team through this process before discussing the script, characters, themes, tone, styles, and other elements for the creative. By committing to this process, our AMA clients set an approved solid foundation that the creative could flow from. This saved the AMA time and money as Marcomm Works defined the boundaries for the creative elements before an illustrator or animator turned on their computer.

Contact Tina today if you would like to consider an animation that connects and impacts your audiences or markets.
What's the Plan?

It is fairly common conversation in and around the workplace  –  and in our personal lives as well  –  that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! We run into this all of the time with our prospects' and clients' marketing communications or communications plans. They often ask:

Why do I need a plan? Time or money spent on planning is better spent on actual products and channels.

Why can't I just choose some channels and get my messages out there?

With marketing communications and communications, your success will be found in carefully and strategically analyzing and planning:
  • what your goals and objectives are
  • which audiences and/or markets you want to reach
  • what messages you want to get to those audiences and/or markets and
  • what the best channels to send those messages on are.

You also need to measure whether the plan is working or not. If the plan is working, keep going! If it isn't working, change it up!

Spend your resources wisely. Invest in a marketing communications plan or communications plan and embrace the "planning mindset" of planning for each step you take. Contact Wade today to hear more about the value of a solid plan.

Connect and make an impact this holiday season!

At Marcomm Works, we are all about connecting and impacting people with messages that work.

We encourage you this holiday season to reach out and connect with at least one colleague in your organization. Share with that person, or persons, how they make a positive impact on you throughout the year. If you can, share your message in-person.

Happy holidays from the Marcomm Works family to you and yours!
Ready to talk or meet? Just call or email us for a free consultation!
We would love to talk with you about your marketing & communications needs and how we can help.
Marcomm Works | p. 780-686-9915 | |
#207, 8711A 50 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6B 1E7