Fall, 2018
Dear Friends,

This latest edition of the Leadership Compass features an abundance of leading edge content including some powerful insights from guest contributor and highly respected CEO, Tracey Walker. Please be sure to check-out her featured article, CEO: Create an Excellent Organization as it applies to leaders and teams at every level and in every sector. 

Thank you for your commitment to leadership learning and best wishes for a joy-filled holiday season.  

Choose to Navigate,

David O'Brien
Featured Article: 
 CEO: Create an Excellent Organization
The vast majority of CEOs and other senior leaders worry about service quality, organization reputation, staff performance and morale. But how often do we pause to consider those areas in terms of overall excellence, holistic accountability and a widely shared and understood collective vision? When and how do we make the time (indeed do we EVER make the time) to consider these things in the context of what is happening daily in our organizations? 

As CEOs (or as I have been affectionately dubbed by my team at Journey Found “the Big Cheese”) we are charged with the awesome responsibility for very important outcomes both for those we serve and those we employ to serve them.  We are responsible for holding ourselves ...
In The News &
Upcoming Events
David O'Brien to Present Building a Culture of Accountability
Workshop in Hartford
As part of David's ongoing partnership with the CT Nonprofit Alliance, he will be delivering his very popular Building a Culture of Accountability workshop on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at the CT Nonprofit Alliance offices in Hartford, CT. The three-hour program is designed to provide participants with a systematic way to overcome common barriers to accountability by focusing on a 4-phase accountability continuum which includes; Role Clarity, Purpose, Ownership and Behavior. When linked, the continuum allows employees at all levels to make significant progress with moving tasks forward to achieve a higher level of job impact, job satisfaction and organizational success. The 9:00 a.m. to 12-noon workshop is open to the public but registration is required. For more information or to register for this workshop, please visit CT Nonprofit Alliance online by  clicking here.
David O'Brien Explores The Importance of Self-Reflection
on WTIC Talk Radio
David was recently the featured guest on The Connection Talk Show with host Ann Baldwin. During the 28-minute interview, David discussed the critical need for deliberate self-reflection as a pathway for helping everyone lead with more clarity and purpose. The interview also explored the link between accountability and organizational success within the framework of David’s Discovering Your Role in Creating a Fantastic Workplace keynote which he delivered at The Connections’ Annual Conference at Wesleyan University on October 22nd. To listen to the October 20th broadcast, please click here.
A Look Ahead
The first 2019 Edition of the Leadership Compass will be published and available on January 23, 2019. Please be sure to watch for the featured article by David O’Brien titled The State of Leadership 2020.

With only 12 short months to go until this much anticipated milestone, David explores not just how leadership has evolved but also what leadership excellence will look like in the year 2020. 
Leadership Compass
Featured Workshop:
Building a Culture of Accountability
At every level of every organization, projects begin, tasks are assigned, efforts are made and deadlines are met - or missed. Directions are given but not always understood. Deliverables are promised but not always delivered and agreements are made but not always followed. It’s not really any one person’s fault, it’s just part of how people fail to communicate in a specific and deliberate manner about the tasks they assign or accept.
The Building a Culture of Accountability program provides a systematic way to overcome these common barriers by focusing on a 4-phase accountability continuum which includes; Role Clarity, Purpose, Ownership and Behavior. When linked to mutual understanding, this cycle allows employees at all levels to make significant progress with moving tasks forward to achieve a higher level of job impact, job satisfaction and organizational success. Additionally, the workshop includes a range of group brainstorm activities which are designed to enhance immediate skill application opportunities.

The content and activities in this program help leaders to develop skills that foster an acceptance of responsibility, build self-empowerment and create a deeper personal leadership mindset that enhances team engagement and impact.  

Leadership Thought To Consider
Thought To Consider

" It’s better to offer no excuse, than a bad one”
– George Washington

Leadership Suggestion : Consider what this quote means in your world of work and in your role as a leader. Also try to uncover the leadership opportunity that it presents. 
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Three Questions Worth Considering
  1. Do you need a high impact / high content speaker for your next off-site event or conference?
  2. Is there a high potential employee on your team that struggles with public speaking?
  3. Could other people in your organization improve their public speaking effectiveness?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please  click here  to learn more about Speaker Solutions.
One Final Thought