Has touching your loved ones been shocking lately? Did you get zapped the last time you touched your light switch? Is your home super dry from running the heat?
One of the things we at Cranbury Comfort Systems get many questions about is how to make the air less dry in the colder months.
Health Benefits
Installing a furnace humidifier can provide health benefits by adding moisture to the air. When the air is too dry, studies have shown that it can irritate the lungs and cause more frequent respiratory infections. Sometimes that dry air can cause chapped lips and dry skin as well. Furnace humidifiers have also been proven to reduce symptoms of asthma or allergies.
See Ya, Static
When you’ve got a furnace humidifier running, it will help to eliminate the static electricity build-up in the home. Your pets and family members will appreciate a hug without static shocks too! Static doesn’t just affect our bodies; it can also wreak havoc on home computers and other sensitive electronic devices.
Protect Your Floors and Furniture
Another benefit to a properly humidified home is protecting it from the drying or cracking of wood floors and furniture. Moisture is present in virtually everything in your home that is made from wood. When dry air is present, it causes the wood to shrink and crack. Hardwood floors can separate at the seams creating creaks and damage. Wood doors can also warp and no longer fit their frames as the moisture is drawn out.
Financial Benefits
Did you know that having the proper humidity in your home will actually save on energy costs? In the summer, warm, humid air feels hotter because of the high moisture content. The same idea applies to your home in the winter. Having a properly humidified environment will actually feel warmer and will allow you to turn your thermostat down a couple of degrees. A lower thermostat equals a lower energy bill!
Interested in learning more about furnace humidifiers offered by Cranbury Comfort Systems?
Contact us today for a free quote, and we’ll explore all of the options with you to help you provide the best air quality in your home during the winter months.
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