Millage Renewal Reminder

Election December 10th, Early Voting This Week

The two measures on the ballot are the renewal of existing property taxes which fund 25% of city government.

Yes votes indicate continued support for our Fire Department and for our infrastructure improvements.

This is not a new tax.

Early Voting This Week

Monday, November 28th - Saturday, December 3rd

At 601 N. Jefferson Avenue, Justice Center Parking Garage

In and Out of Voting < 5 Minutes

On The Ballot

Two Propositions

Fire Department Renewal

Renewal of this millage pays for about 50% of the cost of our Fire Department.

The other 50% comes from the general fund.

Sample Ballot

Proposition Text in Full

City of Covington Proposition No. 1 of 2

(Millage Renewal)

Shall the City of Covington, State of Louisiana (the "City"), be authorized to continue to levy a 9.43 mills tax on all the property subject to taxation in the City (an estimated $1,549,774 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2024 and ending with the year 2033, for the purpose of improving, maintaining and operating the City's fire protection facilities, for purchasing, maintaining and operating fire trucks and other fire fighting equipment?

General Obligation Bond

Renewal of this millage allows the city to continue making capital improvements in the City, including, roads, bridges, public buildings, parks and recreational facilities, drains and drainage facilities, public safety facilities, sewerage collection and sewerage treatment.

Sample Ballot

Proposition Text in Full

City of Covington Proposition No. 2 of 2


Shall the City of Covington, State of Louisiana (the "City"), incur debt and issue bonds to the amount of not exceeding $4,750,000, to run not exceeding 20 years from the date thereof, with interest at a rate not exceeding 6% per annum, for the purpose of making capital improvements in the City, including, but not limited to, constructing, renovating, acquiring, and/or improving (i) roads, street and bridges; (ii) public buildings, parks and recreational facilities; (iii) drains and drainage facilities; (iv) public safety facilities; and (v) sewerage collection and treatment, including acquiring all necessary land, equipment and furnishings, title to which shall be in the public, which bonds will be general obligations of the City and will be payable from ad valorem taxes to be levied and collected in the manner provided by Article VI, Section 33 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, and statutory authority supplemental thereto, with no estimated increase in the millage rate to be levied in the first year of issue above the 3.50 mills being levied to pay General Obligation Bonds of the City?

Your Vote Matters

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Replies to this e-mail go directly to Mayor Mark.

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