The initial list from the Governor's office of essential businesses in the state of New York included dry cleaners. Other states like California, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania have also included dry cleaners as essential businesses.
Over the weekend we noticed that the list on the NYS ESD website had been revised and "dry cleaners" had been removed as an essential business. 
GreenEarth has been in touch with multiple Affiliates and legislators in NYS and have been verbally reassured that the term "laundromats", which is listed as an essential business, is meant to include all laundry services and dry cleaners.

We're hoping to receive written confirmation and that they will update the website to be more specific, but in any case we have confirmed dry cleaners are still recognized as essential businesses in NYS.
Please contact us with any questions or helpful information.
If you have any questions, email us at 
or give us a call at 877-926-0895. We're here to help with all of your plant needs.
Have you missed anything? 
Please see these past messages regarding Coronavirus
and what GreenEarth is doing to help.

March 19, 2020 -  COVID-19 and Employee Compensation