We're seeing Cities and States 1-by-1 move to a "shelter-in-place" rule, allowing only essential businesses to remain open. As dry cleaners are continually being included on these lists of essential businesses, we've received several requests from Affiliates for an Employee Authorization template letter. So we've drafted a template letter you can download here.

In this letter, there are a few "fill-in-the-blanks" for you to complete. Once the letter is complete, it can be printed and distributed to all employees who will be continuing to work over this time. Your employees should carry this with them at all times, so if questions arise while commuting, they can display this letter of authorization as required.

If you have any questions or require anything from our team at this time, please contact us.
If you have any questions, email us at affiliatesupport@greenearthcleaning.com
or give us a call at 877-926-0895. We're here to help with all of your plant needs.