April 2021

Johannesburg School Rollout and Covid-19 Update
At this Reach4Life (R4L) rollout in Johannesburg, 732 books were given to grades 10, 11 and 12. These classes will be taught by Peer Educators twice a week.  

Meanwhile, Thandy reports: "Out of a population of 59 million people, South Africa has only vaccinated just over 300,000, who are essential workers. Yesterday, 2 May 2021, 325,000 Pfizer doses arrived in SA. We still wait to hear how it will be distributed but it's just a drop in an ocean and people are terrified of the possible third wave. Please pray that the Lord will help Africa with its very few resources to purchase enough vaccines, as corrupt governments have taken billions that were meant to render relief to people. In that darkness, we still have the burning fire of passion to share the gospel of Christ as we continue to train program workers. Be blessed as you read these updates."
Training New Leaders!

The new training center is being put to good use. It is wonderful to see these new leaders taking notes as they learn from the facilitators.
Reach4Life Travels to Cuba
Dr H. S. says, “My first encounter with the R4L program was when I was doing grade 10. I had no relationship with Christ. After joining a group for 4 months, the word of God changed my life, and I committed my life to Christ. I left the company of bad friends and my grades picked up. That led in me getting high marks and I was able to apply for a scholarship to Cuba, I was accepted. Second year in my studies my dad passed away, few months later my older brother committed suicide. I was devastated and felt so broken. Two lessons from my R4L Bible got me through that difficult time, it was “Emotional Pain and Lost a Loved One." I found healing in the word of God. Each day I felt stronger. My friends’ colleagues started asking me how I remained strong, I told them about Christ and the R4L Program. Three years ago, when I was visiting home, I was able to take 10 R4L Bibles. Now I have 16 doctor friends who are doing a secret Bible study with me using the R4L Bible. I do not think I would have become who I am today would the Word of not have touched me and changed me through the R4L Program. R4L must carry on shining the light and bringing hope to many kids in Africa and beyond.”
Drama Makes Teaching Fun
Drama is a great strategy for teaching and it is included in the trainings. In this scenario on teen pregnancy, Eugene (red shirt) is playing the role of a father whose daughter has just told him that she is pregnant. The father is angry and reaching out to grab her The mother (sitting) is trying to calm him. The problem is that fathers often don't play much of a role in their kids' lives and don't get involved until a crises arises. Eugene says, “I am empowered by all activities we did here today, some were serious and heart-breaking facts like the pregnancy, drugs and Alcohol. This training tackles deep subjects that most people are afraid to talk about in our society. I loved the group discussions and learning about methods of teaching, my favourite is dramatization. I got a chance in participating in creating a drama addressing the impact of teen pregnancy. It was so easy to get the message across as the crowd laughed yet learned a lot. R4L is a tool chosen by God for this generation and I am in all the way.”
Object Lessons Help Make the Point
Tefa, a 17-year-old newly trained Fox (student) Peer Educator is shown here giving an example of a doing a lesson using sweet potatoes as his object lesson. Object lessons are also great for teaching and it is wonderful to see these young people coming up with their own objects to use in the lessons. Here he is sharing that for sweet potatoes to grow, they need good soil, water, fertilizer, etc., just as Christians who want to grow need the Bible, plugging into a good church, etc.
Church Construction Crew Gets Reach4Life
Last month we shared that preparations were being done to start the church building. Now the construction company workers have arrived on site. Church members and neighbors came out and welcomed them with song and dance as this was a very special moment for this community that has no facilities to gather. After noticing that many of the workers are young people, Emmanuel (overseeing the building project, with hat in front row) and Cleo (Harrismith Peer Educator, white shirt) decided to introduce them to the Reach4Life Program. None of them were believers when they came and now two have committed to the Lord. Thandy and Emmanuel share, "We pray that many will see the light and accept Christ, as they build this precious church building for us, we pray that their faith will be built also on the solid ground which is Christ."
Facilitators Have Come a Long Way!

The R4L facilitators have gained a lot of experience through many trainings, and they do their job with excellence. At one time they were the ones learning to lead small groups. But with their outstanding commitment and growth in leading R4L groups they are now passing on their knowledge as they train new teams. Here facilitator Monica is teaching on “Living with HIV/AIDS."
Khayelitsha, Cape Town, Rehab R4L Club
Pastor Masizana (orange shirt) is shown here with members of The Ark's Rehab Reach4Life club. We had a great time there when we visited Pastor Masizana's team and the Ark on our 2016 mission trip.
Horizon View Boarding School R4L Boys and Girls Clubs

Peer Educator Lindelani (orange T-shirt front row) says, “This has been an exciting 4 months in 2021. I started teaching R4L last year in this High school, Horizon View. This year I was asked if I could teach R4L over the weekends to kids that are boarding at the school. That is how I started the boys and girls club. Saturdays we do a R4L Bible study then on Sundays we have a R4L church service. In the pic are my main small group leaders. In total there are 98 kids who are participating faithfully in our Saturday and Sunday R4L gatherings in the boarding school.” 
"Precious to God"
Jeremiah Nsele 13, says, “I no longer believe in the dead being my protectors and guide. Christ is the light and is my protector. He proved his love for me when he took my place on the cross. I am precious to God. One day I want to be a Pastor and teach many the ways of God. My mom says I am a better boy now that I am saved. R4L has helped me to choose good friends and grow in the Lord.”  
"Not for Special People"
Zodwa Vezi 14, KwaHlathi village says, “Today I prayed the sinners prayer, I acknowledged all my wrongs and accepted the Lord to come to my heart and be my King. I have never been to church in my life. This two weeks of coming to the R4L Community club has changed my mind about salvation. I thought it was for special people. But I have learned that salvation is a free gift from God, whosoever believes in Him.  
R4L for Families
Above are the Shikwambani siblings in Tzaneen, Limpopo province. The program is hearing from Christian parents who are coming to area coordinators requesting R4L Bibles to teach their kids at home or to use the program as a family Bible study. In April, 36 different families requested the books. They are reporting weekly on what lessons they have done with their kids. Peer Educators help mentor the parents and assist with questions asked by the kids during their sessions.
Events Update
As of today, May 3, the Federal Way Public Schools are still not allowing outside organizations to hold events on their campuses, other than for drive through events like vaccinations or food distributions. We will check back again on June 1 to see if the status has changed on that directive. If so, we would like to hold a garage sale there. Meanwhile, if you have clothes to donate, we are taking donations now. You can drop them at 30020 2nd Ct. S., Federal Way, on the porch or in front of the garage (if the weather is good). Donation receipts are available on the porch. Thanks for your support as we continue to navigate through Covid-19 restrictions. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon! If you have any questions, you can email us or call 253-946-5953 (landline) or 206-423-0306 (cell).
Girls Leading Girls!
These sharp looking girls from Batshazwayo High School, Tugela Ferry, KZN province are R4L girls club Fox Peer Educators. Each one is leading a group of 45 girls in grade 8 through 12 in their school. There is great feedback from the teachers on how the program has excited the kids and encouraged them to make better choices.  
Peer Educators Help Foxes
Peer Educator, Gift (left) is shown here delivering books to his Fox Peer Educator, Octavia. She has 24 young people in her village R4L group. The adult Peer Educators are playing a vital role in training and supervising the Fox (student) Peer Educators, and we appreciate their taking on this additional responsibility.
Cutest Kids Ever!
These cute primary school girls from Swaziland are queuing up to receive their R4L Bibles after an assembly presentation. More schools are inviting the R4L program into the lower grades, especially as some serious instances of bullying have been taking place. This issue has allowed launching the program into seven new primary schools in April.
R4L in Sunday Schools
Here is a Port Shepstone Sunday School Club. There is a need for additional material to help with the lower elementary grades, both in Sunday Schools and public schools. Object lessons and dramas are especially helpful with lower grades, who have shorter attention spans. We are working to help address this need. Consideration is given to the lessons that are taught, so that they are shared only with the appropriate age groups. (Sexual behavior topics, for example, are only shared with older kids.) 
The current Rand exchange rate is now at 14.4 Rand per dollar.
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Prevention Time thanks you for your interest in our organization. We are a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Prevention Time has no paid staff, so our administrative costs are minimal. To help support the ministry in sub-Saharan Africa, please click on the donate button below.
The Prevention Time Board
Lorna Packard
Mindy Sauerlender
Mary Schumacher
Kim Ives
John Packard

Pastor Ed Kelley IV
Margaret Kiyohara
Janis Schlepp
Sara Dickinson