Waltz, Cha Cha, Two Step, East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Night Club, Triple Two, Polka, 4 Count Swing, Rhythm Two Step, and Line Dance
Level I Group Classes for April!
Sun 2 pm Progressive Two Step I
Sun 3 pm: 4-Count Swing I, aswing dance with one count per beat.
Mon 7 pmWest Coast Swing I
Tue at 7 pm: Peabody I, a brisk ragtime dance of the 1920s that covers a lot of space on the dance floor using long, gliding strides and a few syncopations.
Wed 6 pm East Coast Swing I
Wed 8 pm Salsa I
Sat 12 pm Line Dance I choreographed dance in which a group of people dance along to a repeating sequence of steps while arranged in one or more lines
All these classes are great for beginner students.
It is recommended to start at the beginning of the month as they do progress throughout the month.