Counting Our Blessings,
Thanking God for Those Who Bring Them
Above, in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, a newly-trained Water Woman gives her child a drink of clean water.

Below, a member of our wonderful Haiti Country Team conducts a training session.
WooHoo! Success!

A Message from Sr. Larraine

Thank you to all who worked so hard to make our recent shipment to Haiti happen – through all the roadblocks and unexpected challenges. I’m so happy to report that the Airlink shipment has arrived at the destination, safe and sound. This was an amazing team effort, and we should feel a lot of pride in everyone’s contributions.

We are thrilled to be working with Airlink ( It is a wonderful organization, helping communities in crisis with fast, efficient shipping. Their teams saves lives every day.

You have put 1800 life-saving Sawyer PointONE filters in the hands of 1800 Water Women. That means that 7200 families who survived the earthquake will soon be drinking clean water. The 500 filters that were first delivered by Airlink are already distributed to 500 Water Women, for another 2000 families in the earthquake affected zone. 9200 families – about 37,000 individuals drinking clean water now, or next week.

That’s an incredible amount of impact – and in large part, that is due to YOU! WWB is a very wide “we” – and this is a great example of that truth.

Blessings for that!
Sister Larraine
Debbie Robson, Water With Blessings Chief Community Officer,
pictured with her children
You Can Protect Your Loved Ones While Creating a Legacy
To Make Clean Water Flow For God's Thirsty Children

Debbie Robson, Chief Community Officer at Water With Blessings (pictured here at her desk), has invested her time, philanthropy, and multiple talents for several years to benefit our mission for clean water.

She began as volunteer for Water With Blessings, then joined our staff more than two years ago. She is a Monthly Sustainer, ensuring that more Water Women are trained and equipped through her regular giving. Recently, Debbie updated her will to protect the future security of her three children and at the same time ensure her own legacy of clean water that will continue to flow for God’s thirsty children.

“Water With Blessings is the only charity listed in my will,” Debbie shared. “It was an easy decision to designate a certain percentage of my estate to support this great mission. I worked with my attorney to plan and the whole process just involved filling out a form and signing it.”

Debbie’s generous heart will make a big difference for vulnerable children and their families around the world. Her focus on the future will build on the planned gifts of other Water With Blessings’ donors, including an anonymous donor whose generous gift made possible the big down payment on our new headquarters, launching our capital campaign earlier this year.

Please consider making your own legacy gift to benefit our charitable mission, especially during National Estate Planning Awareness Week, beginning tomorrow, October 18 and going through next Sunday the 24th. Water With Blessings has so many generous donors who understand the urgency of giving “right now,” especially when there is an unexpected disaster like the recent earthquake in Haiti or the devastating fire in Honduras.

You can create your own unique legacy with an estate plan that will support your loved ones and your favorite charitable organizations in the future. Important considerations for estate planning and charitable giving include:

  • Are you providing for your family’s future security and your own comfort with your current will?
  • Are you planning for the transfer of your assets that have a high likelihood of appreciation (gaining dollar value)?
  • Are you considering gifts to charity in your estate planning, and will they use the most efficient approaches?
  • Are you considering a charitable donation program involving a family-owned business?

During this Estate Planning Awareness week, we encourage our donors to talk with their financial and legal advisors to create an estate plan that can help protect you, your loved ones, and your life’s work. Our October 22 Coffee Chat will feature a special guest to talk more about creating your own will that can provide support for your favorite charitable organizations and ensure your own special legacy.

For more information, please contact Rebecca Stutsman,
our Chief Development Officer, at or call 502-749-5492 for more details.
It's Time Once Again for The Frosty 5K:
This Year on Sunday, December 5
We will be participating again this year in the Frosty 5K, hosted by Good Shepherd Catholic Church (Lakeview Park, 112 Park Ave, Frankfort, KY 40601). As part of the benefit to Water With Blessings, they will raffle off this beautiful queen-size quilt (82”x96”), crafted by Stephany Ivers, a master-quilter and long-time WWB supporter.

The drawing will be held on Sunday, December 5, 2021, between 3-4pm. Tickets are $5 each, and you can purchase them at this address:

Come By Friday Morning To Pick Up Your
CinnaBourbon Hugs

You can pick them up every Friday morning at the Water With Blessings office (1902 Campus Place, Suite 11). A portion of the proceeds helps fund Water Women around the world.

Made with real butter, aged bourbon, delicious cinnamon (and a few secret ingredients), these rolls will become a favorite in your home or office.

Please make sure to place your order before noon on Thursday.

Click on the button nearby to take home your favorite flavor: original, pecan, or bacon.

A delicious, sweet way to support Water With Blessings!
We believe every child should be drinking clean water. Are you with us?
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