Later, Gators! This is the last issue of Solutions: The Newsletter until the fall semester begins. Have a great summer, and if you are graduating, congratulations! | |
Recreation and Fitness Summer Hours
The Armory Fitstop (Albany) and McKinstry Fitness Center (Troy) will close for the semester on Friday, May 3. The Fitstop will be closed for the duration of the summer.
McKinstry Fitness Center will re-open for summer hours beginning Monday, May 13 and running until Friday, August 16. Hours will be Monday-Friday 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Both fitness centers will resume regular hours on Monday, August 26.
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Summer Semester Library Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
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From Sodexo: Senior Week and Summer Dining Hours
Buchman Cafe will be open the week of May 6 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Beginning Tuesday, May 14, Buchman will be open Mondays through Fridays,
8 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the summer (closed on Monday, May 13, and Monday,
May 27.)
Dining office hours will be 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. beginning Tuesday, May 14.
Senior Week Special Service: For graduating seniors and staff helping with commencement, McKinstry Dining Hall and KCC will be open for brunch and pre-order dinner pick-up starting Saturday, May 4 through dinner on Friday, May 10. Hours will be 10 a.m. to noon for brunch. Pick up for dinner must be by 4 p.m. You will need to use your campus ID to access the facilities. We will accept cash, credit, flex, and declining dollars.
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FROM IT: Passwords
The May 2024 issue of Sage Guard is here. This month is all about passwords. May 2 was World Password Day; are your passwords strong enough? Read how to keep your accounts safe with strong passphrase passwords!
Thank you for continuing to be cautious of emails with links, attachments, meeting invites, etc. The best defense we have against any phishing scam is you.
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An Insight into the Life of MENA Identifying Students
Wednesday, May 8, 9 a.m.,
Use this link to attend on Zoom.
Ilham AlMahmid, an associate professor at UAlbany and a founding member of New York for Syrian Refugees, will discuss how higher education can support MENA-identifying students' success.
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Saturday, May 11, 6 p.m., MVP Arena, Albany
The commencement speaker is Tania León, winner of the 2021 Pulitzer Prize in Music. The college will also award an honorary degree to President Ames, who will retire on June 30 after leading Russell Sage for seven years.
All are welcome to attend in person or watch livestream (link will be available on later this week.)
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Art + Design BFA Exhibit
Through May 31, Opalka Gallery, Albany
Tuesday-Friday, noon-5 p.m.;
One Saturday only, May 11, noon-5 p.m.
See student work from RSC’s Art + Extended Media, Interior + Spatial Design, and Graphic + Media Design programs.
Find more work from the BFA candidates online
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Q&A with Lynn Capirsello
Lynn Capirsello’s students voted her Faculty Member of the Year at the conclusion of the 2023 academic year. Per tradition, she delivered special remarks at the 2024 Honors Convocation and later responded to a Q&A about her career inspiration, favorite classes, and what she’s looking forward to next semester.
Congratulations to Professor Capirsello and to Peter Stapleton, whose selection as the new Faculty Member of the Year was announced at this year's convocation.
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Broughton Graduate Fellowship Awards
The Broughton Graduate Fellowship in Creative Applied Science is the highest scholarly distinction available to graduate students at Russell Sage. The students selected as Broughton Fellows are awarded for their academic success and advanced research conducted under the mentorship of a research advisor or dissertation committee. These students wear blue cords over their robes during the commencement ceremony signifying their accomplishments.
This year's recipients are:
- Madison Barnhart, Erin Fouracre, Evelyn Gile and Julia Murray, DPT students, for "Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: A Pilot Study"
- Kainat Raza, OT student, for "Occupational Deprivation Among the Homeless Population"
- Rebecca Sauer, OT student, for "Use of Individualized Sensory Input to Decrease Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia"
- Katherine Scoville, EDL student, for "The Role of Professional Development Related to the Career Trajectory and Leadership Practices of Registrars at Small Colleges in New York State"
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The FAFSA! Don't forget to complete the new, simplified Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Having trouble? RSC's Guide to the New FAFSA can help!
Help Out at Intercultural Cafes: RSC hosts "Intercultural Cafes" from 4 to 6 p.m. on Mondays (Troy campus) and Thursdays (Albany campus). These are friendly gatherings where English language learners practice conversational English with volunteers. Contact Nana (in Troy), and Noora (in Albany) to learn more.
Bills, Bills, Bills: Make sure to review the list of frequently asked questions related to student accounts so you are all set to start the summer and fall semesters.
On-Campus Summer Job Opportunity: RSC is hiring NaviGators for summer orientation. Apply on Handshake or email Ashley Busby with questions.
Free CDPHP Cycle! membership: Borrow a bike at no charge with the CDPHP Cycle! app and the promo code RussellSage. Enjoy 30 minutes of e-bike riding and unlimited pedal-bike riding every day of the season:
Discounts for RSC students: Receive a discount at businesses in Troy with your RSC ID. Find a list of merchants and discounts.
Hope to hear from YOU! Email with photos, events, achievements, or other other news you would like us to consider including in the college newsletters.
Have questions?: There are Solutions desks at the front of each library, where you can ask anything. Stop by, call 518-244-2020, or email*
*Unless you have something you would like us to consider for Solutions: The Newsletter! In that case, please email by Wednesday for the following Sunday's newsletter.
Office Hours
The places listed below may have adjusted hours during the summer; Please reach out to before you make a special trip to the campuses during the summer.
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Freddie's, Kahl Campus Center, Lower Level (Albany)
McClellan Student Center, McKinstry Hall (Troy)
Open daily, noon-9 p.m.
Commuter Lounge, Hart Hall (Troy)
7:30 a.m.-8 p.m.
Armory Fitstop (Albany): Closing for summer on May 3
McKinstry Fitness Center (Troy): Closed May 3-13; open May 13-August 16, Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Kahl Campus Center, Lower Level (Albany)
Kellas Hall, 1st Floor (Troy)
Open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
After-Hours Care
Albany bookstore
41 Union Drive, in the Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences' Gozzo Student Center
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
M.o.s.s. books and other provisions (Troy)
Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
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