Sky Posse Palo Alto
Dear Posse:

Retreat Results: Sky Posse Palo Alto comes in force!

Thank you to the 40+ people who were able to join us and attend the Council retreat on Saturday, 1/28!

This was a huge turnout, representing the vast majority of attending residents during the morning session, and had a marked impact on the discussion to follow.
  • Together we waved the “stop jet noise!” signs to show the community voice on the issue.

  • Mayor Scharff recognized our presence in his opening comments.

  • Palo Altans did an excellent job during the open comments section by sharing their noise experiences and urging action such as a seat on the Ad-Hoc committee and forming a Council Representation Committee.

New City Council revs up the engines!

At the conclusion of the open comments portion of the agenda, Mayor Scharff shared several actions the Council will be taking to remediate jet noise. These included some actions urged by Sky Posse in our recent letter to Council and our comments at the Monday, 1/23 Council meeting: 

  • Council member Liz Kniss will reach out to get a meeting with House Representative Anna Eshoo to discuss the process, and next steps to get engaged following the Select Committee report.

  • Several Council members will be in Washington in March and will work to get a meeting with the FAA.

  • The Council Representation Committee is in formation, with the exact structure yet to be determined.

  • "Healthy City, Healthy Community" was voted as a 2017 priority and official note was taken of “jet noise” as a project within Healthy City, although its rank within Healthy City is to be determined at the upcoming follow-on retreat, sometime in March or April.
We thank Mayor Scharff and our new Council for their engagement on this issue. 

Meet with Anna! (per telephone)

Tomorrow, Thursday, February 2nd, 6:45 PST, Rep Eshoo will host a Telephone Town Hall Meeting. An additional call is Tuesday, February 7th at 6:45 PST.

Please sign-up for the call(s). A new feature will be available to submit written questions via live webstream.

  • From Rep Eshoo: “These calls provide an opportunity for you to speak to me directly about issues you care about and ask me questions. Constituents have consistently told me how valuable the Telephone Town Hall Meetings are, and I, too, draw so much from each one.”

  • If you participate and submit a question, please THANK Representative Eshoo for convening the Select Committee and working on our behalf with the FAA on this issue, and, ideally, let's all show solidarity and inclusiveness, by stating "Sky Posse Palo Alto" as we introduce ourselves.

  • Here are: questions to consider asking Rep. Eshoo.
Please Keep Complaining and Recruit New Allies!

It is important to continue submitting complaints through  Stop.JetNoise.Net . Palo Alto has had the most complainants in the last year and the count of complaints AND complainants in any given month is published. This is a critical input for the FAA as Congresswoman Eshoo has shared. 

Filing a single complaint a day and getting your neighbors and friends to report intrusive jet noise can make a difference. 

More Sign-ups to the Sky Posse Mailing List

For interested neighbors who want to sign-up to our expanding email list, all they need to do is text POSSE to 42828.


Sky Posse Palo Alto