The Bright Future

For a long time something's been terribly missing from human consciousness: The Bright Future.

In the 1960s we got the cosmic download All You Need is Love. Little did we know how deep that love would have to go, and how strongly we'd have to claim it i to make it a working factor at times like this, when the Cult of Normalcy has gotten stuck in a thick trance as collective consciousness goes insane.

The planetoid, or trapped comet, Alpha-Omega, a.k.a. Chiron, is working overtime now to send its specialty down to earth where we desperately need it. Alpha-Omega, which means Beginning-End, is sending a mystic bridge to us so that everything dark and difficult that's happening gives way to the Bright Future that wants to happen.

I'll be discussing this and applying it to people's charts in my upcoming six-week class beginning April 2nd. Stay tuned for more info next month.

We're putting out the call we sound every three years to call new students into our 3-year certification program, where I'll teach you how to read charts and live life the magical way from the soul-out, rather than the surface-in. Learn More

This April 2022, we launch the Intro to Soul Level Astrology, taught by Marcella, and then I kick off the training program for a wild ride through time, space, love, sex and reincarnation.

~ Love Your Life Out ~ Mark

Sanctify: Your Medicine in the Making is an 18-month online journey that begins Friday, January 14th at 7 pm when Venus rises as the Morning Star. Learn more