February 2018

Earlier today we sent an e-mail that contained an important typo. The error has been corrected. We apologize to Leahy IFP for the mistake.
  • Current and upcoming webinars
  • New IDDSI publication available
  • Updates from the UK
  • New Supporters and Sponsors
  • IDDSI on the Move
IDDSI Webinar Series: More Spaces Available!
Our first IDDSI Webinar: Through Thick and Thin: Exploring and Implementing IDDSI at a Pediatric Hospital Facility took place on February 16, 2018 and was very well received with an excellent presentation by:
Danielle Monica and Jennifer Raminick, Speech-Language Pathologists Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), California, USA. 

Danielle and Jennifer shared their experience of implementing IDDSI, including finding solutions for obstacles encountered, facilitating collaboration among multiple departments, providing multifaceted education, and the process to gain hospital-wide support and officially go “live” with IDDSI.

If you were not able to listen in, then you have another opportunity on February 22/23, 2018. Please register below.
Still can’t attend the webinar? Good News– presentations are being recorded and will be made available on our IDDSI website. Watch for the announcement soon!
Upcoming Webinars
Our second webinar is titled: From Framework to Food: Implementing IDDSI in a Long Term Care Facility and is scheduled for March 29, 2018 and April 11, 2018

Presented by: 
Chelsey Robb, Dietitian and Food Services Manager , Campbellton, New Brunswick, Canada

This webinar will lead you through the IDDSI implementation process in a 70 bed nursing home and will provide you with practical tips on how to get started and energize your staff to want to be engaged with the IDDSI. This session will help you break some of the barriers to getting started with your IDDSI journey and bring IDDSI from Framework to Food in your Long Term Care setting.

Webinar is free but you must register. 

Please stay tuned for registration information.
New IDDSI publication available

As mentioned in the January e –bite, Dr. Catriona Steele, along with members of her research team and IDDSI Board of Directors, have recently published the following article, Creation and Initial Validation of the IDDSI Functional Diet Scale (IDDSI-FDS)." As with all our IDDSI publications, this is “open access” and available on our website for easy download.
Updates from United Kingdom

Members of the IDDSI Board were on hand at the UK Swallowing Research Group conference Feb 1,2/2018. The IDDSI Board is very excited to hear that the UK is moving forward with full implementation of the IDDSI framework.

Dr. Ben Hanson, of the IDDSI Board, at UKSRG
Dr Ben Hanson

The following organizations have formally indicated their support for IDDSI:
  • The Canadian Society of Nutrition Management
  • Dietitians of Canada
IDDSI Translations
Don’t forget to check our Translations tab regularly to see a full list of translated documents and several “under review.” Your peer review comments are much appreciated.

If you don’t see a language you are fluent in, consider volunteering to translate the IDDSI descriptors and testing methods. 

You can access 'Completed Translations', 'Available for Review' and 'In Progress' under the different tabs in our Translations page.

Consider reviewing a translated document and providing comments or email us if you are interested in translating documents.    Click here to read instructions on how you can help.
IDDSI on the Move
2018 has been a busy year already for the IDDSI Board of Directors with presentations planned at a number of conferences around the world:
  • February 2018, UK Swallowing Research Group (UKSRG), London UK
  • April 2018. Brazilian Dysphagia Conference, Brazil
  • April 2018 – Ontario AdvantAge Conference – Toronto, ON, Canada
  • May 2018, Dietitians Association of Australia National Conference, Sydney, Australia,
  • May 2018, Speech Pathology Australia National Conference, Adelaide, Australia,
  • May 2018 – Nourishing Knowledge - Optimizing Nutrition in Continuing Care – Red Deer, AB, Canada
  • June 2018 – Canadian Society of Nutrition Management Conference – Moncton, NB, Canada

Please let us know what you are doing in your part of the world. We would be happy to share it with the rest of the world.
New Sponsor: Leahy IFP
Thank you to Leahy IFP for joining the IDDSI movement as a Bronze Sponsor!
Connect with us on Twitter below & let us know your thoughts!