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2023-24 Student Leadership Opportunities

We are excited to open the application process for the 2023-24 Student Leadership Team. We invite upcoming 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students to apply to be a part of the team of students who run events and programs, and make Cicero a better community for all students.

Applications due Friday, May 19th

Please read the description and commitment information below before filling out the Google Form application.

Corrected Link: 2023-24 Student Leadership Application

2023-24 Student Leadership Team Opportunities:

Descriptions and Commitment Information


9th-12th Grade Roles 

House Senate - Faculty Advisor, Mr. Raum

(up to 16 applicants/per house selected)

House senators commit to attend bi-weekly house meetings, to volunteer to help Proconsuls/Consuls with house and school events, to attend field days and lead pods, and to help build house identity and spirit; involvement in senatorial duties are the best sign of readiness for the position of Consul and Proconsul in future years. 

$30 Participation Fee due within one week of acceptance letter.*

Mentor Program - Faculty Advisor, Ms. Brown

(maximum of 25)

Working with 6th graders and archway to help them feel at home at Cicero Prep and to meet the challenges that accompany excellence

Mentors commit to attend mentor planning day (Aug 7), New Student Orientation (Aug 8), and 2 Fiesta Fridays.  In addition, commit to mentor meetings - 1st quarter every Tuesday at lyceum, 2nd quarter every other Tuesday, and 2nd semester once a month.

$75 Participation Fee due within one week of acceptance letter.*



10th-12th Grade Leadership Roles

Centurion Spirit Leaders - Athletics, Coach Kish

For students who want to take initiative in planning and promoting spirit events. This includes regular meetings with the athletic department and team captains to promote attendance at athletic events, celebrate accomplishments, and to increase overall involvement in sports programs. 

$75 Participation Fee due within one week of acceptance letter.*


Peer Tutor Coordinators - Faculty Advisor TBA

(4 positions available)

For students who see their gifts and accomplishments as a responsibility to serve others by tutoring them, fostering a love of learning through relationships and support. Leaders commit to attend a peer tutoring planning meeting in Aug, assist in planning and coordinating peer tutors for lyceum, build a positive tutoring environment, check in monthly, and promote peer tutoring to middle school students.

$75 Participation Fee due within one week of acceptance letter.*


Yearbook Coordinators - Faculty Advisor, Mr. Smith

(2 positions available)

Yearbook coordinators will start collaborating on design, content, and planning for the 2023-24 yearbook beginning immediately - working alongside the faculty yearbook advisors.

$35 Participation Fee due within one week of acceptance letter.*


11th-12th Grade Leadership Roles


House Proconsul

(1 per house)

Executes house and school events, organizes field days and leads pods, helps to build house identity and spirit.

Proconsuls commit to attend quarterly meetings with administration and weekly house meetings, execution of opening ceremonies, two field days, closing ceremonies, and at least one other event or committee. 

$75 Participation Fee due within one week of acceptance letter.*

House Consul

(1 per house)

Executes house and school events, organizes field days and leads pods, helps to build house identity and spirit.

Consuls commit to attend quarterly meetings with administration and weekly house meetings, execution of opening ceremonies, two field days, closing ceremonies, and at least one other event or committee. 

Consuls share the duties of the proconsul and as well as setting agendas for house meetings and to publicly representing their house at events; this can include speeches, skits, etc.

$75 Participation Fee due within one week of acceptance letter.*

*Why a Participation Fee?

Participation fees support this program and indicates students are ready to make a year-long commitment to serve in their role. 
Pay Fee Here
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