News - Stories - Events

May 2024

In this Issue

  • Meet Our Most Recent Grads
  • Spring Clothing Swap Results
  • Summer Climate Action Workshops
  • Report from the Board of Supervisors Event
  • News from our Partners
  • Community Event Calendar

Meet our Recent Graduates

"The Carbon Corrallers," our 125th climate action team, have successfully graduated from the program and we couldn't be more proud of them! This team of 20 people from Corte Madera, Mill Valley, Ross, San Anselmo, Sausalito, and Tiburon managed to corral 85,540 pounds of carbon emissions and earn 93,900 resilience points!

Each member of the team did an amazing job and here are a few highlights: Jeanne is reaching out to businesses to help them make eco-friendly changes; Rachel is making a habit of taking 2-minute showers; and Ali is getting a bike and opting for local camping trips to avoid air travel. Susan is even going to start planting some of her food.

Chuck is shifting his family to a more plant-based diet and is using QuitCarbon to help him prepare for an electric heat pump water heater.

Deborah took steps to reduce junk mail and is having more vegetarian meals. Ellen is inspiring others to enroll in MCE Deep Green, and will use the workshop toolkit to help her get a heat pump heating & cooling system.

Reena learned the impact of our clothing purchases on the environment and is going to try to avoid buying any new clothes for at least a year (or only buy natural fibers!). She's also organizing a monthly mending circle at her daughter's school. And given the high emissions caused by air travel, she was inspired to look into taking the train rather than flying to Colorado.

We enjoyed working with this team and seeing their enthusiasm and dedication towards protecting the environment. Great job, Carbon Corrallers!

Testimonials from the Team

Great tips, tools and resources for Marin residents to take actions -- big and small, easy or more ambitious -- that make a real difference for our environment and climate! Thank you!

-- Ellen Leung, Carbon Corrallers Team Member 

The program was a great motivator to make large and small changes and to get others involved to help the climate movement.

-- Jeanne Imai, Carbon Corrallers Team Member 

Whether you are new to sustainability or have been at it for years, RN is a digestible program to help us all become a more sustainable and resilient community!

-- Chuck Hornbrook , Carbon Corrallers Team Member

Spring Clothing Swap- Another Success!

Spring 2024 Clothing Swap

On a beautiful sunny day, attendees of the swap event discovered some amazing treasures as they went through the donated clothes on display.

Swapgoer and volunteer Reva said "we had a blast! We came with the idea of just donating a few items...but ended up taking home a few whole bags of stuff for family and ourselves!"

And reflecting on the event, Adi commented "I so look forward to each one! Great community!"

Sixty-seven people attended and donated to the swap. We raised $1,950 from the event and kept over 25 bags of clothes out of the landfill. Even if you missed it, it's not too late to Support the Swap!

Thanks as always to our amazing hostess Amy Sinclair, a Resilient Neighborhoods Ambassador. We can't wait for the next one!

Sign up for our

Free Online Climate Action Workshop

Graduates- Please spread the word

Join a Climate Action Workshop and become part of the solution to create a greener, more sustainable future.

Summer Workshop Schedule:

Thursday Workshop

Five Thursdays starting

June 136:30-8:00pm

Sign Up Here

Tuesday Workshop

Five Tuesdays starting

June 18 | 4:00-5:30pm

Sign Up Here

Free for Marin Residents

Sign Up Today

Board of Supervisors Honors Tamra Peters

A heart-warming celebration

On April 16, friends and family of Resilient Neighborhoods gathered as Tamra, our founder and former executive director, was honored by the Marin Board of Supervisors with a special Resolution to commemorate her lifetime of service to the living world.  

It was moving to witness this moment of appreciation for Tamra's tireless efforts on behalf of the Earth and the significant impact her program has had in Marin County and beyond.

Supervisor Mary Sackett, also an RN program graduate, highlighted the importance of the workshop's emphasis on individual action and expressed gratitude for the hope our program instills.

Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating this momentous occasion! And thank you, Tamra, for your dedicated work to bring us together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create more connected, resilient communities.

>>Read the Board of Supervisor's Resolution

News from our Partners

Transportation Authority of Marin & Marin Commutes

May is Bike Month

Celebrate Bike Month by leaving your car at home and discovering the joys of biking to work, school, and for everyday errands. Bike to Wherever Day 2024 is Thursday, May 16th- be sure to visit Marin County Bicycle Coalition's energizer stations at key locations throughout the county. (Pick up a free canvas "Bike to Wherever Day" bag with some cycling goodies) 

>>Learn More about Bike Month

Spring Commute Challenge:

Earn $Rewards$ for Taking "Green" Trips!

Join Marin Commutes from now until May 31st for the Spring Commute Challenge. It's more than just getting to work—it's about earning rewards and making a difference with each step you take and each pedal you push. Don’t forget, walking and biking to transit, the grocery store, and dinner count too!

Zero Waste Waste Marin

Prevent Food Waste

Did you know that 30 – 40% of the food we produce globally never gets eaten by anyone? Wasting this food also means wasting the energy, water, resources, and emissions that went into producing that food. Wasting food at the household level also means wasting money – the average American family of four wastes $1,600 per year on wasted food. Get tips on Preventing Food Waste from Zero Waste Marin

If you live in Marin and have a Facebook account, you can participate in the "Zero Waste Giveaway" Here's how:

Fairfax Repair Fair

Saturday, May 18, 1:00pm - 4:00 pm

Fairfax Library, 2097 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.

Do you have a lamp, small appliance, textile, or bike needing repair? Bring it to the Repair Fair! This is a free public event. Hosted by Fairfax Library and Reuse Alliance.>>Advance registration for your item is encouraged

>>Learn More

Community Event Calendar


Master the Potential of Induction Cooking- FREE!

Thursday, May 16 | 4:00 - 6:00pm

San Rafael

Tuesday, May 14 | 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Marin Green Drinks. Meet Kate Shilvock, the new ED for Marin Conservation League (MCL). Lotus Cuisine of India, 812 4th St., San Rafael. Free to Attend.

Wednesday, May 15 | 10am - 12pm. MCL Climate Action Working Group Meeting. Learn about the efforts of local climate commissions. >>Zoom Registration.

Saturday, May 18 | 10:00am - 4:00pm. Eco-Friendly Garden Tour 2024. The Tour promotes sustainable landscaping practices by showcasing inspiring gardens throughout Sonoma and Marin counties. It highlights Russian River-Friendly and Bay-Friendly landscaping best practices. >>Register Here

Saturday, May 18 | 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Repair Fair. Fairfax Library is partnering with Reuse Alliance to host this Repair Fair. Free public event. >>Advance registration for your item is encouraged.

Sunday, May 19 | 10:00am - 1pm. Electrify Your Ride- EV & E-Bike Show- Fairfax. See a variety of EVs and Ebikes all in one place! Check out exciting new models, get the scoop from EV drivers, and find the EV or Ebike that’s right for you. EV experts will be available at the “Ask Me Anything EV” table to answer questions about incentives, charging, powering your EV with clean energy, and more.

Tuesday, May 21 | 11:30am - 1:00pm. Backyard Composting. Marin Master Gardeners. Tiburon Library. Learn how to compost using kitchen and table scraps, dry and moist plant material to create nutrient-rich organic matter. Compost will improve your soil and plants, while at the same time reducing the waste in our landfills. Free Event.

>>Watch Senator McGuire Virtual Town Hall on Wildfire Preparedness & Prevention

Support Resilient Neighborhoods

Your donation to Resilient Neighborhoods helps keep our program free and accessible to all, and is fully tax-deductible.  

Resilient Neighborhoods is a fiscally sponsored project of 

Sustainable Marin, a 501c3 nonprofit, EIN 94-3308034.


Thank you!

Thank you to our Partners


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