Dear Friends and Partners of CRC:

To write that our community has seldom seen days like this is an understatement. But here we are!

CRC was started by our community for such a time as this. The coronavirus is already hurting families and seniors who are vulnerable. People are facing the reality of hunger and homelessness because their income is being devastated, because their access to healthy food is limited – both of which are compounded by social isolation.

I just spoke with Ken, a disabled adult who relies on CRC’s food pantry for his weekly groceries. When I told him we were open, he sighed relief while he said, “Thank God. You have no idea what this means to me.”

In addition to Ken, CRC is the grocery store for more than 500 households every week. CRC is home to our community’s most vulnerable people.

The need is urgent, the time to act is now.

It is not an understatement to say we need your support as much now as we ever have. In addition to taking care of our personal needs, we are a community where neighbors take care of neighbors.

  • We are already experiencing an increase in requests for service
  • Like any business, we are forecasting a loss of more than $125,000 from our resale stores over the next three months
  • We had to cancel our 25th Annual English Tea that raises almost $100,000
  • Beyond COVID-19, we heading toward the summer months when we normally see increased requests for service
Our goal is to raise $500,000 over the next five weeks:

  • Today, CRC is launching the Community Cares Campaign: Taking care of our families, taking care of our neighbors.
  • We’ve received an impact/leadership gift of $100,000 from Helmut Kiffmann & Pat Moore – big enough to inspire others and make a difference.
  • The 25th Annual Tea is going virtual with a goal $100,000 – with silent action items that will support CRC now and community businesses when life returns to normal

We are grateful for your support. We are grateful to be a part of a caring community.

John Van Cleef
Chief Executive Officer