Rapid Resolution is a housing intervention designed to prevent immediate entry into homelessness or to immediately resolve a household’s homelessness once they enter shelter, transitional housing situation, or an unsheltered situation. Rapid Resolution focuses on trying to preserve a current housing situation or assist someone in making alternative arrangements. Rapid Resolution is a system-wide intervention and can be used for all populations.
Program Coordinator Bertha Lopez, in collaboration with Contra Costa's Health, Housing, and Homeless Services, will be offering this training to the Contra Costa Continuum of Care on January 25, 2021. We expect participants will be able to:
· Describe Rapid Resolution, Diversion and Rapid Exit
· Identify resources that can be used to facilitate Rapid Resolution
· Identify Key Components of Problem Solving Conversations
· Identify when to refer to the Hume Center Rapid Resolution Program
This training is recommended for all providers working in the Coordinated Entry system including line staff and project managers. The goal of this training is to ensure that staff have the skills necessary to help a consumer rapidly resolve their homelessness whenever possible.