May 31, 2024
CONTACT: Mike North
209-617-1596 or
Cooling Zones Available
MERCED—As the weather begins to warm up now and into the summer months, Merced County and its cities are making cooling zones available to help residents cope with the heat.
The locations listed on the attached flier will be available during the specified days/times to be used as cooling zones if needed. These cooling zones will be active June 1 through October 31, 2024.
During approved cooling zone activations, The Bus provides complimentary rides on all existing fixed-routes, and passengers can get off at any designated stop near a Cooling Zone. The public can also take the fixed-route bus back along the route to get home, as service is available. Check the fixed-route schedules on for exact times of availability. Transfers may be required. If you have a disability that you think might require transportation on paratransit bus service, passengers may also ride to Cooling Zones at no cost upon approval. To apply for paratransit service, please call: 1-877-232-7433.
Residents are advised to drink plenty of fluids, dress in lightweight, loose-fitting clothes and keep physical activities to a minimum during the hottest parts of the day. Never leave children, pets or the elderly unattended in a parked vehicle. Keep in contact with friends and family that may be at higher risk of heat illness, including infants and young children as well as older, sick and frail people. Common symptoms of heat-related conditions include profuse sweating, weakness, dizziness, headache, dimmed or blurred vision, cold damp skin, extreme tiredness, nausea and hot dry skin.
Water is provided at cooling zones/cooling centers courtesy of PG&E and in partnership with the Merced County Office of Emergency Services.
This news release will be updated as necessary. To hear the latest updates from the Merced County Office of Emergency Services, please call 209-385-7379.