Seed Libraries Newsletter                 
Cool Beans!
Up Beet! Community
January 2020 - Issue #20
In this Issue
Open Source Resources                                                                                                   

All of the articles and resources in this newsletter and on are open source., except where noted. They may be freely used. We encourage you to use these articles and resources and share them in your community. You may repost articles in your own community newsletters or emails. Attributions to are appreciated, but not required. If there is a specific author mentioned, please include the name as a courtesy.  If you have articles that you have written that you feel would be of benefit to the seed library community, email them to .
UpbeetUp Beet! Forum
We are launching Up Beet!, a seed libraries forum.  This is your place to ask questions, share ideas and challenges, and support each other. 

Before signing up here are a few things to know:

1.  Create settings that work for you.
Go to "Default sub settings"  and choose one of the following:
  • Full Featured Digest - shows images and bundles 12 conversations together
  • Plain Digest - not text rich and bundles 12 conversations
  • Daily digest - gives a summary of the previous day's post
  • Special Notices -  messages from the moderator only; this will remind you periodically that this resource exists and will inform you important new resources

    Setting up email preferences for Up Beet! Seed Libraries Forum
    Setting up email preferences for Up Beet! Seed Libraries Forum

2.  Abide by the guidelines. 
  • Post topics that are relevant to seed libraries and exchanges. Do not ask general gardening questions. Please find a local gardening group or in the United States, contact your local master gardeners.  Asking questions about seed saving is appropriate.
  • We have very limited storage capacity. Do not post lots of photos. The maximum size is limited. If we hit our limit, older posts will automatically be deleted. 
  • We are committed to inclusion and creating a compassionate world. Please be thoughtful in writing your posts. We also reserve our right to suspend you from our network in case we find you are in violation of our guidelines (after communicating and doing our best to settle the issue with you first).
3.  Use hashtags when posting.
  • All posts must use hashtags.
  • You may follow hashtags that are of interest or mute hashtags that you don't want to receive emails about. 
  • If you don't find a hashtag that fits, use #Other or create your own. If you think we need to add a new hashtag, email us
4.  Follow a hashtag: 
  • If you are interested in a particular topic and want to limit the amount of emails, follow a hashtag.
  • You can also mute a hashtag (topic) to reduce email traffic. In the sidebar, click on "Hashtag" and "mute" topics you don't want to receive posts about.

5.  Create a subgroup. 
Do you have a special topic you want to discuss or want to connect with folks in your region? Create a subgroup. If there is a topic that is relevant to a group of people, such as Michigan Seed Libraries or School Seed Libraries, then create a subgroup. You can invite other members to join the group.
Click on the "Subgroups" tab on the left sidebar to create a subgroup. 

Let's be Up Beet!
Join the online seed library community. 

1. Subscribe:  Click on the  blue "+Join This Group"  bu tton at the bottom of the page. 

2. Confirm Account: Check your email to confirm the subscription.  Hit the  Confirm Account   button. You will be prompted to set up your password and email preferences. 

3.  Add Contact: Add to your contact to make sure you receive emails.

4.  Having issues? So sorry. You can put fill in this form, but it may be a delay of 1-2 weeks before we enter your name manually. We need help with this. You can be part of the Up Beet! Team

It's free.  We don't share your information with others. 

NOTE: This is a dynamic platform and we are figuring it out as we go. If there is a hashtag, that you think we should add or you have other suggestions on how to make this online platform more valuable, email us. 
Graphic Design Work NGraphicseeded
Do you have some graphic design talent? Willing to donate a few hours of your awesomeness to the seed library community?

We need logos for our new Up Beets! Seed Libraries Forum and for Plot Twist Book Club. If you are available to help us out, email us
One Millions Seed SaversOneMillion
It's time to dream big and turn those dreams into practical solutions on the planet. Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance has created a One Million Seed Savers campaign to help us preserve our biodiversity and increase food security. We need all hands in the soil and all hearts on the job. Become one of the One Million Seed Savers and let's grow the community. 

Here are some videos by 6th graders in Northern California about the campaign to inspire you!
One Million Seed Savers PSA
One Million Seed Savers PSA

One Million Seed Savers Campaign KS & JJO
One Million Seed Savers Campaign KS & JJO

We are excited to be expanding the offerings to the seed library community. 
  • Plot Twist Book Club
  • On-line Classes
  • Up Beet! Seed Libraries Forum 
We are a low budget, high impact group, so every dollar donated makes a big difference in our community and the larger world.
Consider becoming a sustaining  at $5 a month.  

Contributions are tax-deductible through Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library's fiscal agent, Urban Tilth. 
Seed Library Organizing Group - Join Us!organizinggroup
SSE Seed Library Meeting 2016
Seed Libraries Working Group at Seed Savers Exchange Conference and Campout, 2015.
It has been a several years since we had an organizing group. We are restarting that in 2020! The direction of the group will be  decided by the folks want to be involved. We are starting several initiatives, the Plot Twist Book Club, Up Beets! Seed Libraries Forum, and online classes. This organizing group can support these efforts or vision other things such as how can we leverage seed libraries and local plant breeding to respond to climate change or how can we increase food access in our communities. If you are interested in joining our Organizing Group, email usWe tend to have a 1.5 h conference call a month. 

It's great to have a mix of newer and established seed librarians and people from various regions and backgrounds. We hope you can join us! 

Let's grow this community and seed together!
Seed Saving Courses
Seed & Grain Experience
Buhl, ID
May 3 - 8, 2020
Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance 

Seed School Online
Self-paced, online course
Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance and Urban Farm

Offering a day long seed saving class?
Let us know and we'll include it in 
Cool Beans! and our Facebook page. You can also upload classes to Up Beets! Seed Libraries Forum.  You must be a member to post. 
Seedy Events
Midland, MI, USA
Feb. 23, 11 AM - 4 PM

Offering a day long  seed celebration or meeting?
We can also post it in Cool Beans! Email us.

750+ Open!
Sister Seed Libraries
- Have you opened?  
- Added branches?  
- Created a website?

Check the Sister Libraries List to see if your information is accurate and to find other libraries near you. Fill in this survey to help us keep the list accurate.

Seed Libraries Association
-  Resources on how to start & manage a seed library
-  Sister Seed Libraries pages
-  Inspirational projects associated with seed libraries
Banner Photo
Corn Display National Heirloom Expo,
Rebecca Newburn,
Richmond Grows,
Richmond, California

Do you have a banner bean photo you'd like included? Email us.  Let us know the variety, your name, location, and if you are associated with a seed project.