8195 Kenai Spur Highway
Kenai, Alaska 99611
Phone: 907-283-7222
APRIL 2019 Cook Inlet Navigator e-News
Message from the Executive Director
We had a very productive gathering in Kenai on April 5, when the Board of Directors met for our Regular and Annual meetings. In addition to appointments and elections (see next article), we heard from the new Director of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Division of Spill Prevention and Response, Denise Koch (above right). Tim Robertson with Nuka Research provided an update on our pipeline infrastructure risk assessment, which has nearly completed the inventory. Our panel of experts meets in May. CIRCAC's Director of Science and Research, Sue Saupe, provided a detailed overview of our environmental field research. Rich Novcaski with Harvest Alaska reported on progress being made to dismantle Drift River Oil Terminal.

The Board appreciated hearing from Ms. Koch regarding ADEC's priorities; however, Commissioner Brune’s plans to significantly revise ADEC’s contingency plan regulations are very concerning. C-Plan review and comment is CIRCAC’s strongest avenue to influence how industry does their business and conducts their operations. C-Plan regulations have gone through numerous revisions since inception. CIRCAC supports clarification of existing regulations and additional regulations if they result in safer operations and environmental protection. But CIRCAC will oppose efforts to diminish what we consider some of the most robust oil spill contingency plan regulations in the United States.

I'm also pleased to report that we are putting the finishing touches on a scholarship program with Marathon Petroleum and AVTEC to address a shortage of professional licensed mariners. Finally, I will be meeting with Alaska’s congressional delegation and the Governor's Director of State and Federal Relations to advocate for passage of Senator Sullivan’s Spill Response and Prevention Surety Act, as well as other priorities.

Board packets and presentations from all our meetings can be found online .
The Council held our regular and annual meeting in Kenai on April 5 and made the following Appointments and Reappointments, election of officers, and seats on committees:
Bob Flint (reelected for 3 years by Recreation Interest groups)
Robert Peterkin, II (reelected for 3 years by Tourism interest groups)
Molly McCammon (reappointed for 3 years by the Municipality of Anchorage)
Walt Sonen (reappointed for 3 years by the City of Seldovia)
Election of Officers
President: John Williams; V. President: Robert Peterkin, II; Secretary Treasurer: Gary Fandrei
Executive Committee
John Williams, Robert Peterkin, II, Gary Fandrei, Deric Marcorelle and Bob Flint
Audit Committee
Gary Fandrei, Molly McCammon, Grace Merkes
Credentials Committee
Robert Peterkin, II, Grace Merkes, Gary Fandrei
Protocol Control Committee
Robert Peterkin, Bob Flint, Deric Marcorelle, Paul Shadura, and Rob Lindsey
PROPS Committee
Rob Lindsey, Deric Marcorelle, Bob Flint, Michael Opheim, Carla Stanley and Walt Sonen
Public Members Reappointed for 3 years: Robert Reges, Scott Hamann, and Ted Moore
Environmental Monitoring Committee
Michael Opheim, Molly McCammon, Carla Stanley, Deric Marcorelle
Appointed: Kyle Crow
Public Members Reappointed for 3 years: Robert Reges, Rick Frederic and Bruce Magyar

Staff: Maddie Jamora has transitioned to full-time.
Two outstanding students were selected to receive our 2019 CIRCAC Scholarships in maritime studies and environmental sciences. Graduating seniors Christopher Knox from Anchorage's King Career Technical School and Alie Minium from Nikiski High School distinguished themselves during their personal interviews to our Scholarship Panel with their accomplishments, ambitious goals and for making a difference in their respective communities. Read more.
This year's highlights include progress on the Cook Inlet Pipeline Infrastructure Risk Assessment and supporting marine snow research to help predict the potential fate of oil spilled in lower Cook Inlet if transported through physical or chemical dispersion. Click on the photo at left to download the entire report.