Our Mission

Created by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, our Mission is to represent Cook Inlet citizens in promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet.

Oil prices should not dictate Alaska's spill response efforts
  by Michael Munger 
Mike Munger
It isn't often that I invoke the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The devastating spill into Prince William Sound happened a relatively long time ago. Alaska has made a lot of progress to improve oil navigation and production in Cook Inlet since then.  And I tend to look ahead to what needs to be done now and into the future. But I haven't forgotten the lessons of 1989.

I believe we are being lulled back into the same complacency which contributed to the Exxon Valdez, by allowing low oil prices to influence our spill response efforts. Because we all have a stake in keeping our waters safe and citizen participation is more important than ever, I've submitted an opinion piece to draw attention to red flags I'm seeing in Cook Inlet. If you haven't had the chance to read it in one of the local and online papers, I invite you to do so here.

August 2016 Cook Inlet Navigator e-Newsletter
City of Seldovia Representative
Meet Walt Sonen, representing the City of Seldovia
Walt Sonen has represented the City of Seldovia on CIRCAC's Board of Directors since 2012. Originally from Arlington, VA, he made his way to Seldovia in 1976 to go fishing.  
CIRCAC's Board of Directors to meet in Seldovia
Our next Board of Directors meeting will be in Seldovia on Friday, September 9. Among the invited guests are Commissioner Cathy Foerster and Commissioner Hollis French, of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, who will provide updates on fracking; and  Kristin Ryan, Director of the Division of Spill Prevention and Response for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, who will brief the board on the department's progress to address recent spills at the Drift River Oil Terminal.

The full agenda and Board Packet will be posted on our website prior to the meeting. 
The U.S. Coast Guard has recertified CIRCAC to August 2017.
CIRCAC Scholarships Update: Since launching our first ever Scholarship Program honoring Captain Barry Eldridge and James Carter, CIRCAC has awarded four $2500 scholarships to help Alaska students.   
Coming up: 
September 9, Board of Directors Meeting, Seldovia 
September 13-15, National Harbor Safety Conference, Portland, OR 
September 28, Alaska Regional Response Team Meeting, Nome
November 1, Clean Gulf Conference, Tampa, FL
Cook Inlet Regional
Citizens Advisory Council