Convocation Newsletter
June, 2022
Our Newsletter
for Members and Friends of
The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe
Comments? Submissions?
In this issue:

Clergy Transitions: Christ Church says farewell to Priest-in-Charge
Convocation News: Benefit concert from Emmanuel for Ukrainian refugees; update from Convention Planning Committee, update from Finance Committee
Ministries & Commissions: JAE/YAE registration open now!
O God, by your grace you have called us in this Convocation to a goodly fellowship of faith. Bless our Presiding Bishop Michael, and our Bishop Mark, other clergy, and all our people. Grant that your Word may be truly preached and truly heard, your Sacraments faithfully administered and faithfully received. By your Spirit, fashion our lives according to the example of your Son, and grant that we may show the power of your love to all among whom we live; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A Prayer for the Convocation
Adapted from A Prayer for the Diocese, BCP p. 817
Pray with us in the 2022 Convocation Cycle of Prayer   available here
Clergy Transitions: Rev. Susan Carter Leaves Christ Church
Christ Church in Clermont-Ferrand Says Farewell to The Rev. Susan Carter
On Easter Day, the Rev. Dr. L. Susan Carter celebrated her last service as Priest-in-Charge of Christ Church, Clermont-Ferrand. Susan arrived in January 2021 in the midst of the second wave of the Corona pandemic, and faithfully led the congregation through the time of virtual services and reopening as the pandemic has lessened. 

The Rev. Dr. L. Susan Carter. from East Lansing, Michigan, USA. and her spouse (The Rev. Linda Johnson) arrived in Clermont-Ferrand in January 2021. Dr. Carter was appointed Priest-in-Charge, after a search process that extended over several months. In 2020, she retired as a Professor of Journalism at Michigan State University, and was named Professor emerita. She joined the MSU faculty in 1991 after a career in television news and as press secretary for a Michigan governor. Dr. Carter has degrees in law, history, journalism, and theology. Ordained in 2008, she has worked in bi-vocational ministry and served in various parochial and diocesan ministries in the Diocese of Michigan, including as Rector of St. John's Church in Howell, MI and associate rector at St. Paul's Church in Lansing, MI. She is a single-engine pilot, scuba diver, and skier. In 2001 she led a 12-woman Polar ski trek to the North Pole. Dr. Carter is fluent in French. She has a passion for preaching, and completed a D.Min. in preaching from Seabury-Western Seminary in Evanston, IL. Her spouse, the Rev. Linda Johnson is retired as director of Episcopal Campus Ministry at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN, USA. 

The Convocation will miss Susan, and wish her God’s blessing in the future. Christ Church, Clermont-Ferrand, will be hosting the Convocation Convention this year, from October 27-30. The convocation is working closely with Christ Church on this, and in discerning ministry needs and opportunities in the coming months. 

Convocation News
Benefit Concert for Ukrainian Refugees Hosted by Emmanuel

Emmanuel is excited to offer a Benefit Concert on Saturday, June 4th at 17:00 in the Church. Proceeds will go to aiding Ukrainian refugees through Médicins Sans Frontières.
The program will be made up entirely of works and arrangements by our Director of Music, Shauna Beesley, including the première of her arrangement of Schumann’s Dichterliebe for baritone and string quintet, with Richard Cole and members of the OSR. This will also include the première of her Violin Sonata, with the violinist Julien Lapeyre accompanied by Shauna on the piano.
This concert will take place in person, and will also be live streamed. The suggested donation starts at CHF 20. To watch the live stream of the concert, please make a donation below now. On the day of the concert, a link will be sent to your email that will give you access to the private live stream. This link will be valid for 7 days. 
All the funds that Emmanuel receives will be given directly to Médecins Sans Frontières in Ukraine.
Convocation Convention Planning Commission

Our next Convention will be hybrid! Online meetings will take place on October 15 and November 5, with in-person meetings hosted by Christ Church in Clermont-Ferrand, France October 27-30, 2022.

The Planning Committee met in person May 26-28 at Clermont-Ferrand to look over the facilities available to us there. We are pleased to report the convention facility is a wonderful location for our Convention, and we are excited for the big weekend! This year's program and format will be different from years past, and we will keep you updated as details are settled.
Call to Convention:
The official Call to Convention will be sent to delegates and clergy on June 10, 2022. Please ensure that our Convention Secretary, The Rev. Deacon Richard Cole, has your most current delegate contact information:
By action of the Council of Advice, the bishop and Council convened and commissioned this committee to undertake:

  • A full-scale review of the annual Convention and
  • Make recommendations about the planning, hosting, venue, and content of future Conventions, with specific reference to the 2022 Convention
By joint appointment of the Bishop and Council, the committee members are:
  • ​​Richard Cole, Secretary of Convention
  • Maleah Rios, Digital Ministry Coordinator
  • Sophie Plé, Canon for Administration
  • Walter Baer, Archdeacon
  • Pippa Mahoney, Christ Church, Clermont-Ferrand
  • Audrey Shankles, Communications
  • Lois Stuckenbruck, Liaison from the Council of Advice
  • Vince Racana, impresario adviser
Finance Committee In-Person

The Finance Committee hybridized its annual in-person gathering in Paris on Saturday, May 28th. Their discussion topics for this meeting: the proposed budget for 2023, submitted annual grant applications, and the current financial environment's impacts on our mission capabilities.

From left to right:
The Rt. Rev. Mark D.W. Edington - Bishop
Lisa Colella (St James, Florence)
The Rev. Michael Rusk - Council of Advice representative (Emmanuel Church, Geneva)
Helena Mbele-Mbong - Assistant Treasurer, (Emmanuel Church, Geneva)
Martin Schaeffer (Church of the Ascension, Munich)
Denis Le Moullac - Treasurer (Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Paris) - photographer, not pictured
Ministries & Commissions
Children and Youth Commission Returns to in-person Programming

Registration for JAE/YAE (Juniors Across Europe / Youth Across Europe) is open now! If a youth member of your household would be interested in attending, please see the registration form here.

We look forward to welcoming you to Santa Maria a Ferrano August 23-27, 2022. Our time together will be focused on creation care, the stories of our faith, and delighting in the world God has given us. 

Santa Maria a Ferrano is a retreat center in the beautiful Tuscan hills, east of Florence. It is an affiliated institution of the Convocation. It hosts many spirituality and artists retreats, pilgrims, and school groups from throughout Europe.
Mark Your Calendars.... briefly noted:
General Convention:
Due to the COVID situation in the USA, General Convention has been reduced in participants and programming. For more information, please see the Letter from the Presiding Officers’ General Convention Design Group here.
Convocation Convention:
The official Call to Convention will be sent to delegates and clergy on June 10, 2022. Please ensure that our Convention Secretary, The Rev. Deacon Richard Cole, has your most current delegate contact information:
The Convocation of
Episcopal Churches in Europe
23 avenue George V
75008 Paris, France
+33 (0) 1 53 23 84 06
Let your hope keep you joyful,
be patient in your troubles,
and pray at all times.

- Romans 12:12