Dear English,

Happy Spring!

With all this rain, a burst of spring flowers can't be far away.

Spring is a time of renewal and we are looking forward to welcoming new people to English at Large!

We are pleased to welcome 3 new members to our volunteer Board of Directors! Our Board sets the strategic direction of the organization, and members contribute to projects that help support current programs and future growth.

We are hiring! Do you know someone who is highly organized, people and tech savvy, and is passionate about the mission of English At Large? Or is this you? We are looking for our next Programs & Database Manager!

A special opportunity for local college students: We are currently recruiting for our Summer Internship Program!

Finally, we are looking forward to this year's Tutoring Learner Graduation. This event celebrates everything our learners have achieved with the help and support of their volunteer tutors. Sponsorship opportunities are available - and your support will help us produce a wonderful celebration for our learners, tutors and their families!

Read on to learn more!

The weather may be wet and dreary, but brighter days are sure to follow. Your support makes the world brighter for all of us at English At Large.

Thank you for your continued interest and support!

Best regards,


Maureen Willis, Executive Director

Welcome New Board Members

Gol Zaheri

Ronn Faigen

Sumita Palanisamy

Now Hiring: Join the EAL Team!

Programs & Database Manager

This is a part-time, in-person position at

our Woburn office.

Learn more about the role and how to apply here!

2024 Summer Interns

Local College Students are invited to apply!

Our summer interns co-facilitate a Conversation Group and contribute to projects that support our learners!

Learn more about the role and how to apply here

Join Us to Support CAL Learners

Career Access Lab

Networking Event

May 2, 2024

6:00 pm

Winchester Public Library

Meet our CAL Learners

EAL Staff and Volunteers


Questions? Email Neha at

Sponsorship Opportunity:

2024 Learner Graduation

Our Tutoring Learner Graduation

celebrates the achievements of the learners who have completed the program this past year!

Your Sponsorship will help us produce a wonderful celebration for our learners, tutors and their families!

Learn more about Sponsorship here

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