Continuing Education Classes - Fall
A COVID Vaccine or negative test is required for In-Person classes.
ABC's of Chinese Medicine - Part A
Sep 26-Nov 28, MO 6-9p, 30CEs, $750, Ward - ONLINE
In Introduction to Chinese medicine we will go on a journey through the vast and deep landscape of Chinese medicine. This class is open to anyone, with no prerequisites. It is part of the Shiatsu Certificate program, but is relevant to anyone with an interest in natural healing. We will explore the essential theories of this tradition, which provide a conduit from ancient healing methods rooted in the rhythms of the natural world, to contemporary practice in the modern world that we inhabit. This is a lecture class, but in each class we will practice some special Qi gong (movement/meditation) exercises to ground the theory in our own kinesthetic experience.
Sep 27-Oct 25, TU 10-1130a, 7.5CEs, $190, Dixon - ONLINE
Foam rolling is an effective way to stretch and even strengthen muscles, soften fascial adhesions and scarred areas or increase ROM. This class is comprised of five hour-long facilitated foam rolling sessions where students learn to place and manipulate foam rollers to address specific pain, hypertonicity, trigger points and other needs.
Sep 27-Nov 29, TU 830-10a, 15CEs, $380, Dixon - ONLINE
Foam rolling is an effective way to stretch and even strengthen muscles, soften fascial adhesions and scarred areas or increase ROM. This class is comprised of five hour-long facilitated foam rolling sessions where students learn to place and manipulate foam rollers to address specific pain, hypertonicity, trigger points and other needs.
PAIN: Moving from Helplessness to Hope
Sep 30, FR 1-4p, 3CEs, $85, Dixon - ONLINE
This course provides an understanding and overview of the inquiry process. It teaches students to access presence, awareness and mindfulness (as opposed to fearful, angry or confused patterns of decision-making) when making crucial decisions about how to touch Patients in Pain.
Oct 7, FR 1-4p, 3CEs, $90, Dixon - ONLINE
The class is designed to strengthen the massage therapist’s ability to use mindful and focused movement to reinforce breathing, awareness, and relaxation in body, mind, emotions, and spirit. These kinesthetic tools directly affect quality of life, time needed to heal and sense of safety and ease for therapist and indirectly for clients.
Oct 8-9, SA-SU 10a-12p, 4CEs, $105, Moore - ONLINE
In the era of Covid, understanding our clients' stress response is more important than ever. In this 4-hour course, you will learn what Polyvagal Theory is, how to identify the three types of threat response, and discover how to recalibrate the nervous system during times of high stress. This class pays particular attention to the relationship between chronic stress and sociological factors like class, race and gender.
Oct 14, FR 1-4p, 3CEs, $85, Dixon - ONLINE
People can be traumatized by any event (internal or external) that they perceive (consciously or unconsciously) to be life-threatening. Pain is a key event that coincides with Trauma either in a causative or correlative manner. Pain can cause trauma or Trauma can cause Pain, or they can co-exist and intermingle. The relationship is complex. Perception of trauma and pain vary with age, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status and culture and life experience.
Oct 17, MO 9-12p, 3CEs, $85, Sinclair - ONLINE
This class will cover causes of injuries, bodywork and other useful therapist, tools for helping clients with emotional concerns that arise with debilitating injury and how to help clients stay motivated while pursuing rehabilitation.
Oct 28, FR 12-4p, 4CEs, $105, Dixon - ONLINE
This Ethics course provides a conceptual and physical foundation for working with the ethics of touch. The class is designed to strengthen the massage therapist’s physical and mental resources, and provide clear strategies to build confidence and capability to deal with confusing and murky issues. It includes an overview and short practice of a variety of skill building techniques plus mindful movement exercises that strengthen practitioner boundaries and protect against harmful social/ environmental influences on massage and bodywork while connecting to one’s inner wisdom.
PAIN: Getting Shame Out of Pain
Nov 3, TH 930a-1230p, 3CEs, $85, Dixon - ONLINE
This course provides an introduction to the process of practicing shame resilience and teaches students to access presence, awareness and mindfulness when treating people suffering with Pain. It also helps participants identify appropriate referral sources for patients experiencing Shame associated with Pain.
Nov 10, TH 9:30a-12:30p, 3CEs, $85, Dixon - ONLINE
Qigong means "ENERGY WORK". A moving meditation enriched with breath and imagery, this practice expands the breath, heals the organs and connects students with Nature and their inner Selves. Beginners and Experienced qigong practitioners will benefit from this self care class. Students will learn a series that they can practice on their own to recuperate and rejuvenate from the physical, mental and emotional stresses of bodywork. Movements are easy to follow and individualized for people living with acute or chronic illness or injury.
Franklin Method for Shoulder Girdle
Oct 1, Sat 9am - 12pm, 3CEs, $75, Wesley - ONLINE
How many joints are there in the shoulder? The answer might surprise you, and in this course, we will experience each and every one. This course focuses on experiencing and embodying the functional anatomy of the shoulder to improve its motion. We all know how many people struggle with shoulder issues; having a clearer picture of what’s happening in the body helps make your own movement more efficient and your work with clients more effective.
Franklin Method: Arthrokinematics of the Knee
Oct 22, SA 9a-12p, 3CEs, $75, Wesley - ONLINE
Through touch, anatomical insights and movement, experience the inner workings of the largest joint in the body, the knee. Not only can this help relieve knee pain, but by embodying the function of the knee, the function of the feet and hips can be improved as well.
Franklin Method:Where the Heat Meets the Spine
Oct 29, SA 9-12p, 3CEs, $75, Wesley - ONLINE
A crucial area to understand and embody to release tension, to reduce headaches and to improve posture in daily life. In this class we'll learn to sense the location and function of the joints where the head meets the spine as well as the interaction between the first and second vertebrae. With imagery, touch and very gentle movement, this can help your own posture as well as a doorway to provide imagery to your clients as well.
Franklin Method: Muscles of Healthy Breathing
Nov 12, SA 9-12p, 3CEs, $75, Wesley - ONLINE
With a spotlight on the functional biomotion of the most important breathing muscle, the diaphragm, we will also embody muscles that assist healthy breathing. The results are not only the positive effects that come from good breathing (calm nervous system, better digestion, more energy) but embodying the muscles that support healthy breathing can greatly improve lower back, neck and shoulder tension as well.
PREVENTING EYE STRAIN and Upper Body Tension
Dec 2, FR 9a-12p, 3CEs, $105, Sinclair - ONLINE
Poor habits of using the eyes can create great tension and strain in the eyes, neck, and back. This chronic tension can lead to headaches and discomfort that massage alone relieves for only a short time. Causes include outstanding vision problems or diseases, hunching over cell phones, carrying the head far forward while using a computer, and emotional stress. Learn strategies to alleviate headaches, eyestrain, and tight muscles, including how to relax and relieve the eyes, how to improve work habits including proper ergonomics, and how to use bodywork and hydrotherapy modalities to address the causes of strain.
Shiatsu II - Short Form (Front)
Sep 30-Dec 9, FR 6-9p, 30CEs, $750, Ward - PORTLAND
In Shiatsu II, students learn the kata for the front of the body, review channel locations and TCM theory.  Finally, the students practice the whole "short form" kata with a focus on developing quality of touch. Students continue to do the Dao Yin self-massage exercise. (NCBTMB Approved)
Oct 14, Fri 6:30-8:30pm, 2CEs, $20, Weitzer - PORTLAND
Join us to experience a taste of the Thai Massage Southern-style Kata. With Thai Massage the student will learns to move the client effortlessly and "heal yourself while helping those you touch." This tradition is practiced fully clothed, and this demonstration will share both Thai Massage principles and techniques. This introductory evening is part of the weekend course and space is available for the whole training.
Oct 14-16, Fri 6:30-8:30pm; Sat-Sun 9am-5pm, 16CEs, $420, Weitzer - PORTLAND
This Level I Southern-style course is extracted from the full Southern-style Kata, and provides the student with a holistic session lasting 40 to 50 minutes. This short form uses all five body positions and focuses primarily on compressions and passive Yoga stretches. The emphasis of this class is on good body mechanics; you will learn to move the client effortlessly and "heal yourself while helping those you touch." This tradition is practiced fully clothed, so please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a pillow and blanket to class. This course is NCBTMB approved, and is certified by the Thai Healing Alliance International.
Oct 22-23, SA-SU 9a-4:30p, 12.5CEs, $345, Moore - PORTLAND
How a body behaves when it is threatened is different than how it behaves when it is secure, and those behavioral patterns are predictable. Side dominance is a key signature to assessing neurological pattern development, providing a pathway to developing efficient, effective protocols including touch and verbal technique.
Nov 19-20, SA-SU 9a-430p, 12.5CEs, $345, Moore - PORTLAND
How a body behaves when it is threatened is different than how it behaves when it is secure, and those behavioral patterns are predictable. Side dominance is a key signature to assessing neurological pattern development, providing a pathway to developing efficient, effective protocols including touch and verbal technique.
Nov 5, Sat 9am-4pm, 6CEs, $140, Davis - PORTLAND
Open your practice to a whole new market by incorporating insurance billing. Contrary to "the word on the street", the process is not as complicated, time consuming, nor as financially compromising as you might think. This class will show you how to easily and effectively make use of this lucrative market. You will learn your rights and restrictions as a medical provider; learn how to submit, keep and maintain insurance claims; and receive the forms you will need to start billing immediately. Information on insurance company contacts are also shared. After this class, you will know the basic information you need to start growing your practice.
Nov 11-13, FR 6-9p & SA-SU 10a-5p, 15CEs, $370, Dixon - PORTLAND
Craniosacral work is a gentle, powerful form of bodywork developed by an osteopathic physician. Craniosacral techniques move the cranial and sacral bones to free restrictions in the connective tissue and central nervous system. Craniosacral bodywork is especially useful for addressing pain and dysfunction in the head, spine and pelvis. The techniques can release physical and emotional trauma throughout the body and can be performed with the client clothed. This introductory course will introduce students to the history and basic concepts of Craniosacral Massage and a basic protocol of preliminary techniques that you can practice alone or integrate into a massage session. (NCBTMB Approved)
Dec 2-4, FR 6-8p; SA-SU 9a-6p, 18CEs, $450, Knorr - PORTLAND
Reiki is a form of natural healing that takes place through gentle, sacred touch and addresses the energy of both the practitioner and the client. It restores health and harmony to the physical body, releases emotional blockages and activates a closer connection to spirit. It is also a wonderful and easy form of self-healing. Reiki works with the vibration of love and compassion. Its recent origins have been traced back to Japan in the late 1800's and the inspired work of Dr. Mikao Usui. The opening to this simple and mysterious universal life energy happens through a series of initiations which activate the deeper energy bodies in subtle and delicate ways. Students will also practice the form through various hand positions. This is a First Degree Reiki class, designed to allow enough time for the awakening of self and client-awareness.
For questions or to register, please contact:
PORTLAND - 503-244-3420 Tue-Fri 10AM-5PM
SALEM - 503-585-8912 Tue-Thu 10AM-5PM
Please consider asking them to call to an
Admissions Coordinator or attend a free Training Preview.
Licensing, training and career opportunities are discussed during the presentation.
Fall Quarter - September 26
Winter Quarter - January 9
Spring Quarter - April 3
Wednesday, September 7th at 6pm
Wednesday, October 5th at 6pm
Wednesday, November 2nd at 6pm