Contact your state representative today

to expand domestic violence protections

January 9, 2024

The Massachusetts House of Representatives will vote on H4115, An Act to prevent abuse and exploitation, on Wednesday, January 10. Please contact your state representative TODAY and urge them to vote YES.

Current Massachusetts law defines domestic violence as physical violence or an imminent threat of physical violence. This limitation adversely affects one’s ability to get a restraining order. All cases of domestic violence include an abusive pattern of behavior known as coercive control. Abusers use coercive tactics to control their partners, isolate them from support, deprive them of independence, and exploit them.

H4115 would expand the definition of domestic violence to include coercive control. Coercive control encompasses technological abuse such as the sharing of explicit images and cyberstalking, economic abuse, and depriving a person of liberty and autonomy. The bill will also create an educational program for minors on sharing explicit images. Read LWVMA testimony in support of the bill here.

Contact your state representative via email or phone in support of this bill using the suggested script below. Find them here.

Suggested script: “Please vote YES on H4115, An Act to prevent abuse and exploitation, when it comes to the floor for a vote on Wednesday. The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts urges you to add coercive control to the definition of domestic violence in order to protect survivors. Thank you.” 

Feel free to personalize your email by adding why this bill is important to you. Remember to include your name and complete street address within your email. 

We encourage all League members to contact their state representatives today and to share the action with their personal networks.

Questions? Email

League of Women Voters of Massachusetts | 857-452-1715|
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