What to Expect at the Clinic, Consuming Information and the Liver, Summer Hours, Donations Options
August 2020

In this email:
What to Expect/Safety Protocols
Consuming Information
Summer Hours

What to Expect When You Come to the Clinic:

*Masks are Required (surgical, disposable masks available if needed or preferred to use at the clinic)

*You are Expected to Wash Hands Upon Arrival

*Stay Home if You are Sick - you will not be charged, please give as much notice as you can

*There will be No More Than Two People at a time in the treatment room most of the time, in addition to the practitioner

*Hand Sanitizers are Available throughout the Clinic

*Please Bring Your Own blanket/eye mask if you need one; you may also bring your own clean sheet if you prefer, in a bag, instead of using the paper sheets

*We are Cleaning and Disinfecting the space regularly

*The clinic is now using an Air Purifier, Dehumidifier, and Fans to circulate air, in addition to the air conditioner, to improve air quality

Still the same relaxing space, Still the same calming effects!!

(for more details, please see this protocols link , which is also posted on our website)

Consuming Information and the Liver
Rachel Condon, Lic. Ac.

Do you experience any of the following:

Inability to focus

Restless or racing thoughts, during the day or at night

Insomnia , especially around the 1-3am hours

Increased anxiety /edginess right before bed or first thing in the morning

If so, you may want to keep reading.

We all are aware that there is a LOT going on these days, and much of it is distressing, unprecedented (or long hidden or ignored), and uncertain regarding the future. This is undeniable.

At the same time, we have unprecedented access to information happening all over the world, 24/7, to keep us all connected and to keep up with what is going on. Never before, at least in our current recorded history of civilization, have we been in this place, and with a population exceeding 8 billion people. That's a LOT of connecting we are doing!! It's amazing and profound and empowering, and at the same time, it's a LOT for our human nervous systems to process.

And too, one could argue, a lot for our Liver to process . When I bring up Liver Qi Stagnation with clients, which is one of the most common TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) patterns there is, and one that is rife in the US with its fast-paced, competitive, consumerist lifestyle, I invariably get a response like, well that's strange because I don't even drink, or well, oops, I guess I shouldn't have had that glass of wine last night. And to be honest, while there are certainly cases where excess alcohol consumption is clearly detrimental and having bad effects on the liver, that is not usually what we are talking about in Chinese Medicine.

The Liver has lots of roles to play in balancing the body , from a TCM standpoint. We've written about them before in other newsletters - check out March/April ones from previous years on our website if you're curious (the time of the year when the Liver energy dominates). But here I want to focus on on specific function, and that is the smooth flow of Qi in the body. And that smooth flow is very easily disrupted by the channels getting clogged with undigested/unprocessed information - that can be food, substances, medicines, but also literally, information, such as news reports, videos, podcasts, social media feeds , etc. You get the idea. And what comes along with that information? Our emotional responses. Especially these days! And our nervous systems can only process so much at one time.

What are common signs of Liver Qi stagnation ?

*Irritability *Depression *Insomnia *Tight neck and shoulders *Headaches *Jaw Clenching *PMS *Constipation *Muscle Cramps

When is the Liver Qi most active during a 24 hour day (according to TCM theory)?

Between 1-3 AM.

So you may see what I'm getting at here... Everything REALLY is connected. And too, I think these days , we are being challenged to master our impulses more and more, with the deceptive ease of technology at our fingertips 24/7, to be Intentional about how much information we are consuming , and the effects it is having on our bodies. This is not a call to put our heads in the sands. Quite the opposite - it's a call to be more nurturing and aware of our own bodies' needs , so that we can truly be present and responsive to the events happening in our lives and the world today.

Taking time each day to intentionally do just one thing at a time, whether it's taking a walk (without your phone!), eating a meal in silence or truly engaging with a loved one, do one task on the computer to completion and then step away from the computer, or to ask yourself, before checking the news - can I take in more information right now, or do I need to go stretch my legs instead? - these small things add up, and can really make a difference in how the energy flows in your body - trust me, your Liver will let you know. I'm working on this too, so I speak to myself here as well, this is not easy to do these days, but important reminders, that help us all to take charge of our health and our own bodies and minds.

Summer Hours thru August:

Mondays 12-5 w/Rachel
Tuesdays 12-5 w/Rachel
Wednesdays 9-3 w/Rachel
Thursdays 2-7 w/Anne Louise
Fridays 9-2 w/Rachel 3-7 w/Anne Louise
Saturdays 9-1 w/Anne Louise

Friday, August 7th Closed in AM; Open 3-7 with Anne Louise

Week of August 10th: Rachel will be off

Saturday August 8th and 15th, hours will be extended to 8-2 with Anne Louise

NOTE ABOUT INITIAL VISITS: special added protocols in place; see this link on the website for more information.

Donations Accepted

Why we are asking for donations...

Increased costs - protective equipment, cleaning/disinfecting supplies, reduced number of available slots to adhere to social distancing, as well as being closed for over three months.

How can you donate?

  1. Cash donations received at the clinic
  2. Paypal - using the email address, rachel@nohocommunityacupuncture.com
  3. Zelle - using the email address, rachelscondon@gmail.com
  4. Donating any of your unused treatments from a package you've purchased

Our Commitment to You:

While we did implement a slight increase in rates last month, we are still committed to making this medicine as affordable and accessible as possible, and we are also committed to adhering to all of the safety guidelines advised by the state.

We are here for you, and we want you to feel safe and supported, as you receive the same level of professional, compassionate care you have come to expect from our clinic.

And if you are unable to donate at this time, no worries! We are grateful to stay connected during these times, whether you are coming to the clinic for treatments, or simply keeping in touch by reading our emails until you're able to return. We're in this together!

If you are experiencing financial hardship yourself , and the increased cost puts a strain on your ability to receive care that you are depending on, please don't hesitate to reach out to me by phone or email, and I am happy to find a way to make it work for you.

Thanks so much for your support, Rachel
And finally, wishing you some moments of
peace of mind,
and feelings of being supported during these challenging times.
Northampton Community Acupuncture 413-586-8251 nohocommunityacupuncture.com