August 6, 2024

Brothers & Sisters, 

This August in worship we are studying what it means to "Live ON Mission" as the Church beyond the walls. Without exception, the impact God wants to make through you and me will not take place simply by us coming to a building for worship one hour per week - as essential as that is in the Christian life. Rather, if we view our lives “mission-ally”, we will seek to be used by God’s Holy Spirit to bless, encourage, comfort and serve others outside of church that they may see Christ in us.

And during August we are seeing our church’s mission coming to life around us! 

This week, our site work for Phase 1a site-work has begun! Our contractor is clearing enough room to install silt-fencing for erosion control measures, and will follow with major timber clearing and dirt movement. Our congregation has waited years for this visible progress - Praise the Lord! You can follow progress on Phase 1a by visiting

Simultaneously, our sanctuary expansion project has begun! This will allow us to add 50 seats to our current services and allow us to grow as we build for the future. 

Additionally, we recently received updates from Church of the New Seed with pictures and video of their congregation holding a work day on their new building (see Pastor Alejandro in red, below)!

This month, our “One Roof + One Wall” Offering on Sunday, August 25 will go to support the materials for the roof at Church of the New Seed and the wall relocation in our sanctuary >>>>>>>>>>>>

If you would like to support this offering, please follow the instructions below: 

  • By Check: Write "One Roof + One Wall" in the memo line 
  • Online: Select "One Roof + One Wall" Fund (click image above)

Thank you for your ongoing generous support of God’s ministry in and through our church!

Thanks be to God for these exciting developments - in God’s hands our best days are still ahead of us!

With hope and wearing a hard hat,

Pastor Nathan

#ALLINterested Luncheon THIS Sunday!

If you have been visiting CARB and would like to learn more about the vision God has given our Church, please join us for a luncheon THIS Sunday, August 11th, at 11:45a. Our pastors and staff will be present to provide information and answer your questions. Let us know to prepare for you by registering at

Church App 2.0

We have recently rebuilt our

church app for your mobile device!

You will be able to access an up-to-date church calendar, volunteer to serve, check-in children and students at events, donate, access sermons and communicate with other church members in volunteer groups.

To access My Church App:

1) Download “My Church” App in App Store or Google Play

2) Locate Church at Ross Bridge in “Find my Church by Name”

3) Once connected, go to the “Connect” tab. Select “Serving” >>>“Serving Dates”>>>“Sign In to Access your Serving Dates”. Enter your mobile phone number to register.

4) Sign-up, communicate & schedule your serving!

Welcome New Members

We welcome Beth Staula into the Church at Ross Bridge fellowship! Beth has been an active member of our Transitions Women’s Life Group for a number of years, and has participated in our Take A Hike Women’s Outdoor Adventure group as well. Beth is co-owner of Alabama Goods, loves the outdoors, and is looking forward to serving in a variety of missions and outreach ministries here. Beth, we are so thrilled you are #ALLIN here at CARB!

We welcome Michael Betts in the Church at Ross Bridge fellowship! Michael is one of our members whose family has been involved since our church was Aldersgate UMC. He has been involved in small group studies and men’s groups here for years, as well as serving during worship with spoken roles. Michael, we are so thrilled you are #ALLIN here at CARB!

Bridge Student Eagle Scout Project

Bridge Student Lincoln Anderson (Junior at Hoover High School) is completing his Eagle Scout project for our church by building a sign for our Outdoor Chapel. To support Lincoln in his fundraising to cover the cost of project materials, he will be providing our hospitality food items on Sunday, August 11 for all worship services. If ever person in worship were to donate $2-$3, all materials would be covered. Please drop by to greet Lincoln, see renderings of the sign he is building, and support him with a donation!

Atlanta Braves Outing

We are taking our church bus over to watch the Atlanta Braves on

Saturday, August 24th, departing at 2p for the game at 7:20p (EST).

This events is open to any church member or household -


~ First come, first served ~

Register by clicking the image above or here!

August Volunteers Needed!


Come and volunteer your time on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30a in the Rainbow Room!

The Rainbow Room is our special needs ministry at CARB!

To volunteer, click the link below!

Rainbow Room Volunteers

A letter of thanks from Julie!

Dear volunteers and church family,

I cannot begin to express how thankful I am for your support during VBS! Our church was buzzing with excitement for 4 days as children learned about our Savior!

Our volunteers took time from their busy schedules to participate in a ministry opportunity that left a mark on these young lives.

I am thankful for you.

God is at work and I can't wait to see what HE continues to do through our Bridge Kids Ministry!

To GOD be the glory,

Ms. JuJu

VBS 2024 Recap!

Bridge Kids News

Attention Bridge Kids!!!

Bring your backpacks THIS Sunday, August 11th!

We will have scripture tags for every child's backpack!

See you Sunday!


Bridge Students Welcome Esther Gachungi!

Esther will be serving part-time in Bridge Students this fall. She will be helping with our ladies as well as helping lead the Middle Schoolers on Sunday night!!! 

We can't wait to see God use her in the lives of our youth!

Upcoming Events

An Olympic Kickoff Party!!!!

This Sunday night (11th) from 5-7pm Bridge Students will have Kickoff party! 

Each grade will represent a country (check group me or below):

Seniors: United States of America 

Juniors: Jamaica

Sophomores: Germany

Freshmen: Kazakhstan

Eighth Grade: Italy

Seventh Grade: Australia

Sixth Grade: France

Wear a color that represents your grades country!

Students will have olympic style games they will compete in. 

There will be at least one representative from each grade representing your country! 

Games are: 

  1. Hot dog eating competition
  2. 30 second Gymnastics demonstration
  3. Paper Airplane Competition
  4. Race
  5. Ancient Leg Wrestling
  6. Knockout

It is going to be an awesome time! Bring your Closest friends and go for Gold this Sunday night! 

Any questions or concerns please email:

Save the Date

Harvest Retreat

This years Harvest Retreat will be October 11-14th! 

It will be a joint weekend with Mountaintop Church where both Youth Ministries will unite together in an awesome weekend worshiping the Lord! Keep your eyes out for more information! This is a weekend your student will not want to miss!

Be on the lookout for updates and for any pop up events!

To start receiving these updates email:

Ministry Engagement

What a tremendous day of partnering once again with Allen Temple A.M.E. Church to serve the Bessemer community with a Neighborhood Back to School BASH for the students of Abrams Elementary!

There will be: embarrassing photos, hilarious stories, superlative awards, laughter aplenty. We will have a collective sneak peek at our Take A Hike Fall Events Schedule, AND we will roll out our First Annual Take A Hike Winter Outdoor Adventure RETREAT plans!!! You do NOT want to miss this fun evening together, so please RSVP and let's get this party STARTED!!

Healthy, vibrant, thriving plants don't just HAPPEN around here! Resident Plant Lady - Peggy Scillia - has been pouring her heart into keeping our church beautiful inside and out for a while now. Fellow Green Thumb - Belle Walker - has recently joined Peggy in this area, and we are grateful for our Plant Whisperer Servant Leaders!

Bridge Student - Ivey Lane - helped assemble the One Roof One Wall offering boxes for our Bridge Kids. There are ALWAYS projects of this nature to be done here at CARB, so if your Student needs Community Service hours, contact Administrative Assistant, Beth Butler, to find out what needs doing!