Text reads: ConsortiaManager Tip of the month

October's Tip


Did you know that your current subscriptions auto-renew in ConsortiaManager on the response deadline?

That means no action is required if you would like to renew a current subscription! This is the same process BC ELN and eHLbc used before ConsortiaManager.

Action is only required if you would like to:

  1. JOIN an agreement to which you are not currently subscribed,
  2. CANCEL an agreement to which you currently subscribe, or
  3. CHANGE OPTIONS on an agreement to which you currently subscribe

In your Product Catalog, renewal offers (products you are currently subscribed to) are indicated by an R in the Type field, while new offers (products you are not subscribed to) are indicated by an N.

Testing and Support

Take a moment to review new offers and pending renewals through your ConsortiaManager dashboard – is any action required?

For questions and implementation support, contact Reba Ouimet, Licensing Coordinator.

Additional tips and documentation are available in the ConsortiaManager Help Section, accessed through the question mark icon in the top menu.

BC ELN and eHLbc logos

ConsortiaManager is a tool supported by the BC Electronic Library Network

and the Electronic Library Network of British Columbia.